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Pve players, why don't you like PvP?

  • shadowwraith666
    Because PVP is boring, plus the TES series except ESO has been purely PvE from the very beginning.
    • Vicktor Bloodtail - L42 Argonian Magblade, Werewolf - EP
    • Xarxes - L31 Dunmer Sorc, Vampire - EP
    • Lichtspear - L21 Argonian Temp - EP
    • Rajka Fireclaw - L21 Khajit DK - AD

    PS4 EU
    Spill some blood for me dear brother
    Vicente Valtiere, Dark Brotherhood, Oblivion
  • RavenSworn
    For me, I do PvP only in certain games. I play dota2 and battlefront and division but I honestly didn't like what I was becoming when I play those. Games like eso or mmos in general don't appeal to the PvP side of me. Although if there were smaller scale battles like arenas or battlegrounds I would gladly play it but in Eso.. It just doesn't work it out for me.

    I prefer fighting a greater evil, when factions band together to ward off a threat. I like the fact that I'm fighting for a cause for the betterment of the whole world, not fighting each other for a throne that you might not even keep for the next week.

    It's personal but I guess it's why I was a firefighter and not a soldier before my current job. There is nothing compared to seeing a group of people, with nothing related among them and working together against a common threat that will literally end lives if left unchecked. And this threat doesn't pick and choose on whom it might consume.
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
  • thisisScoMan
    I like building my character the way I want to build them. To have complete control over armour I think will be fun to wear and assign CP in ways I think will be fun to play, not follow along from something I read on the Internet.

    I don't care about min maxing or metas or whatever else happens over there in PVP.

    I want to play for fun. And if that means building characters that aren't competitive in PVP then I won't do PVP. And it won't phase me at all. There are plenty of other fun things to do.
    Xbox One. NA Server
    600+ CP
    DC - 3 x Level 50
    AD - 2 x Level 50
    EP - 3 x Level 50
  • nagarjunna
    I PvP and I PvE. I know a lot of people who do both and enjoy both.

    If you don't like PvP fair enough. It's not an easy thing and there are guilds and people who PvP who will show you the ropes and help you through what is a considerable learning curve. And, yes, I'm still learning and dying. Most importantly I'm having fun. Taking people who have never PvPed through the learning curve is fun, satisfying and rewarding

    On the other hand I agree with @DigitalShibby, taking people through PvE trials, dungeons, pledges, and quests is satisfying and rewarding both socially and in-game. It's fun, too!

    Whichever version you like, PvE or PvP, try not to be superior... reach out and try and make the game a better place for everyone!

    If you are not afraid to learn and would like to try PvP, contact me in game and I'll invite you to my guild.
    @nagarjunna- PC / NA / AD / DC
    Zazarakel - Max CP Magicka Templar
    Tartys - Max CP Stamina Nightblade
    Temelechus - Max CP Magicka Sorcerer
    Assaku - Max CP Stamina DragonKnight
    Truthforge - Sub 50 Stamina Templar
    Yang Wudi Sub 50 Stamina Sorceror [DC]
    Shou Chung Sub 50 Magicka DragonKnight
    Chen Tuan Sun 50 Magicka Nightblade
  • SolarCat02
    I prefer to play with other players and strive to improve the group, rather than competing directly against others. I know you have teamwork in PvP as well, but there is always the part about how there are people playing the characters on the other side, too.

    I also prefer healing, and that's not good for my longevity in PvP. I have more fun in PvP if I am on a Damage character, but I have more fun playing the game if I am on my healer .

    I am highly competitive of course - against myself. I have a mind for mechanics and problem solving, and PvE lets me figure things out in my own time. If I fail I can try the puzzle again. PvP is something different all the time, which many people love (and I understand that!) but I play to relax and I enjoy the sameness of the dungeons from one run to the next. It helps me relax after a long day at work trying to solve other people's problems.

    Ran Veteran Crypt of Hearts II for the first time since One Tamriel tonight to help guildmates farm for Leviathan and Ebony. The dungeon was very stable, a nice improvement over prior updates with its extra loading screens and invisible enemies. We three manned the first half until another friend joined us, got the speed run without even trying and the no death at my request, achievements I had been unable to obtain just three months prior. We have all been improving, and it shows, especially since we were just casually chatting about nothing in particular the whole time and only mentioned the dungeon when trading gear or calling out chests.

    That is what I love about PvE. I know where the nightblades are hiding in wait for me, and what to expect from the next fight. I can change my difficulty by picking l who I run with and what we are running, and I can relax and enjoy the game itself as a game or a challenge at my leisure.

    PvE can be played at my own pace. :)
    Why be normal when you can be better?

    Elissandra Ravenwing, Magicka Dragonknight Healer
    Lady Kalila, Stamina Templar DPS
    Stands-in-Danger, Nightblade Saptank
    Zalarah, Stamina Dragonknight DPS
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    Because theres no point or story... I like the game, feela like theres a story and progreasion in PvE. PvP is just zerg this zerg that, oh no they have the elder scroll, now we do, oh joy another emperor for 20 minutes. Goody
  • Glurin
    Why don't I like PvP? I'll tell you why. And please, don't take this personally.

    The PvP community.

    If I said anything more, the mods would have to edit for profanity.
    Edited by Glurin on December 20, 2016 5:56AM
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
  • Majic
    I don't like PvP because it's too much like my day job.
    Epopt Of The Everspinning Logo, Church Of The Eternal Loading Screen
    And verily, verily, spaketh the Lord: "Error <<1>>"
  • trostel30
    Soul Shriven
    Honestly the biggest problem in pvp is the huge learning curve for new players. It kinda brakes your spirits getting ganked over and over again.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    PvE players seem to have lower blood pressure and better hairlines . Less indigestion and swear words too . I TOTALLY get why PVE players don't like PvP . It was interesting to read though .
  • Riejael
    I don't PVP because under my own standards, PVP doesn't exist in this game. Look at Cyrodil. Skyshards, Delves, NPCs, quests? That's PVE content. Why is all of that even there?

    Three factions, good little scrap you can have. But what if one of your alliance members is being dumb, annoying, or even causing you a hardship? Can you gank him? Nope. No FFA-PVP.

    Make a new character, can you go PVP? Newp. You've got to get to what? Level 10 in PVE? Some builds call on using Mage's Guild, Fighter's Guild, Undaunted and Legergemain. All PVE skill lines. Can't even work those up in PVP.

    Make PVP actually PVP. Take out the PVE content in the PVP areas. No bosses, no delves, no quests, no NPCs (guards included, let players pick up the slack). Just players killing players.

    Let us have the option to engage and kill our own alliances' members if they get out of line. Let it accrue bounty or some other penalty, but let us be able to put EVERY player in their place if we so choose to.

    Reduce the impact of PVE skill lines or change/remove their functionality in PVP. Replace them with PVP oriented ones. Or allow them to be worked on through PVP methods (not quests, unless the quest involves PVP action).

    For PVP to BE PVP, it needs to have consequences for every choice, for every action, for everything said. And no means of hiding behind mechanics.
  • menedhyn
    For me, the Elder Scrolls series has always been about the journey. A journey taken at a leisurely, relaxed pace, with a character carefully planned at the start to act and react in a certain way as the story or game unfolds. Completing content is one aspect of the game, but having your character fulfil a role, meet new people, find new things and experience new events are just as appealing. Maybe i'm just an old romantic at heart, but the story, the lore and the world in which we play are the reasons why I am here.

    I have dabbled in PvP, and I will probably dabble again, but it has never really captured my interest in the same way as PvE. I have nothing against PvP or the folk who speak enthusiastically or passionately about it. My passions lie elsewhere, that is all.
    Suvis Bek - DC Colovian Templar
  • Vaoh
    I don't know how to survive after getting out of BwB for being lvl 50. I joined Haderus and EVERY TIME I get to an enemy base, there's some level 600+ moron (With no life and who has way too much time on their hands) who's been playing this non-stop since launch that kills me in a single hit.

    The guy in question actually had the nerve to message me after he one-hit/teabagged me. "Get rekd U nub and out of pvp cuz no skills", was the exact message.

    Right. I have skills in carpentry, masonry, plumbing and being an auto mechanic, while his skills were quick finger work :D It amazes me.

    Of all the people to make this comment..... your Forum name makes this last part so much better XD
    Edited by Vaoh on December 20, 2016 6:08AM
  • Grunim
    NBrookus wrote: »
    I don't like PvP because I have M.S. .My reaction times are too slow, and my fingers don't always hit the buttons I tell them to.
    I play games to relax and have fun. PvP mixed with M.S. is not fun to me. Playing story line quests and not worrying about letting others down is my speed any more.
    Hope this answers your question.

    I have the same problem, although not from MS. I find PvP easier on my hands than end game and harder content PvE because of the higher duration and intensity involved in PvE. In PvP there are lots of mini breaks, or I can just take one. And in PvP if I mess up and die or my fingers decide to just not work, I rez up and go back instead of maybe having blown a speed run or a no death.

    I was one of those people who originally was NEVER going to PvP. Ever. Stories and questing for me, thanks.


    I too find PvP so much easier on my hands plus despite the stereotypes about PvPers to be toxic, there are just as many friendly folks who PvP who don't expect perfection from team mates. So I either do stories/questing or I do PvP with kind-hearted people who understand I'll never be a pro gamer. I get nervous whenever I do many of the dungeons and I find the end game PvE scene to be very scary.
    Am a whimsical Generation Jones gamer. Online RPGs hooked me since '94 and no sign of stopping soon...

  • MissKiwiana
    I've not yet tried PVP in this game but did in WoW and reason I don't like it is my reaction is slow and it is also gang up style tactics that make it extremely unfair and wrong.

    People need to cheat to be good at PVP ie: Bot

    I've tried DPS and heals at PVP I last a little longer with a dps char but my healers were dead in mere secs.

    Who loves dying ? and dying a bucket load to players who get their kicks out of beating up another player.

    My experience with PVP is that's its bullying.

    PVP for me does not = fun and good times but misery and loathing.

    You get an over dramatic lol.

    It's not bullying unless you are seriously talking about people hate messaging you or ... I guess ... relentlessly tea bagging you. Conversely every opponent is a walking sachel of alliance points. If I'm riding solo or with 23 others and I see you, I'm going to attack. It's nothing personal. You're just PVPing and in the way.

    Also if there is a fight where there is a 561 and a level 14, I'm killing the lowbie first every time. It's just easier to deal with less opponents, so knocking off the easier one just makes sense. Furthermore if I'm in a Zerg battle it's easier to proc Vicious Death on a low CP player. A lot goes into it other than just, "I'm gonna ruin that guy's day! Muhuhaha!"

    Anyway, it's really not alll that scary and just takes some practice. Don't take it so personally. 99% of people aren't trying to bully you, they just want more AP.

    I think your just trying to justify your actions to me and I won't buy it. Your a bully. You don't have to message someone to be a bully, smacking the crap out of someone over and over again is bullying. That is unless that other person is a Bot then by all means take that rubbish out.

    I just don't enjoy PVP period because I know what its like to be killed over and over and over again by those that like to muscle over another player.
    PC Platform all the way! Windows 10.
    Guilds I belong to: Lone Wolf Help & The Conclave of Shadows.
  • Vaoh
    I'm used to be about 60% PvP/40% PvE.

    Since a few days ago, I'm 100% PvE. The state of PvP is gross atm.

    No skill. No campaign choice. No respect from the people you 1vX even when using a non-meta build (more t-bags than ever before). No fun.
    Tons of exploits. Tons of lag. Tons of procs. Tons of VIPER.

    No care form ZOS.

    I'll stick to PvE until half of Cyrodiil's problems are addressed. In other words, I doubt I'll ever return for more than a few days per patch to PvP. The only exception is if a friend direly needs me for some reason, but other than that I have zero interest left for PvP.
  • Weasel_Tunneler
    PvP in this game is a completly mess, the "pseudo action combat" in this game destroy it. There is no actual aim or dodge, all you have to do is put the crosshair in the enemy and press the button, if he moves the attack will follow him (wtf) to dodge? you have to spend tons of stamina to roll (GG magicka builds)

    Some builds are stupid OP, heals in PVP are OP and if you dont have it, good luck surviving.

    I came from TERA and when I figured out the "action combat" of ESO I felt it was too clunky for me, but the game atmosphere, gameplay, scenario, role play was just too good to ignore, and also the PVE is pretty good.

    In TERA it was pretty easy to balance the pvp in the battleground, what they did was to give every class a special set with special attributes to balance the pvp. No players armor/weapons are allowed, the player gear will be put in a special temp inventory and the special pvp gear will take it places. That way everyone was equal and to be good in TERA's pvp you must have A LOT of reflex, since TERA's action combat is a pure Aim combat, if the player moves 5cm of your crosshair, you will miss your attack, if you jump while someone hits you, you will be throw to the ground and get CCd (basic physic things that many games ignore).
    Edited by Weasel_Tunneler on December 20, 2016 6:23AM
  • Wrecking_Blow_Spam
    I'm just not a PVP player - every time I do something PVP in MMORPGs I'll fall into a constant nervous/adrenaline rush/whatever it is called state.
    It feels just like when you play CS:GO and you're the last man standing fighting a 1 on 1 fight, teammates shouting at you through mics, you're low on health and don't want to lose. Heartbeat is speedy, hands are shaky, palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, bomb dropped on the ground already, mom's spaghetti

    Haha didn't see that coming.
    Have an awesome :smile:
    Xbox one EU
    8 Flawless conquerors on all class specs (4 stam, 4 magicka)
    Doesn't stand in red
  • Ourorboros
    I do both. I think PVErs either haven't tried PVP out of misconceptions or perhaps have unrealistic expectations about dying. I rarely ventured into Cyrodiil for the first 18 months. Finally, I needed the PVP skill points so I jumped in. Fortunately, I fell in with a PVP guild where I learned a lot, as well as always having a group (zerg :D ). I never cared if I got my butt stomped, as long as I had fun. And the back and forth in Cyrodiil, along with the group camaraderie, got me hooked on PVP. I guess if your feelings will be hurt by the occasional idiot or dying a lot, stay out of Cyrodiil, but if you have an open attitude, Cyrodiil is a blast and you are missing out on a fun part of the game, as well as skill points and achievements. Just dive in!
    Breton Sorcerer Maester.White - BB meets GoT >Master Crafter< { 9 Traits completed 4/23/15 }
    TANSTAAFL--->There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.....Robert Heinlein
    Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea....Heinlein
    All those moments will be lost in time, like Time to die. "Blade Runner"
    ESO: the game you hate to love and love to hate....( >_<) May RNG be with you (*,_,*)
  • NewBlacksmurf
    DannyLV702 wrote: »
    Honestly it's pointless.

    It's literally pointless.
    Let's look at what PvP provides that's useful if you don't PvP........

    I'll wait.....

    .......and I'm not saying entering Cyrodil or IC for shards
    The only thing I can see are skill points but if you don't use any PvP skill's literally pointless

    So my whole argument has been since day one.....because it's pointless just create PvE campaigns or expect ppl to always stay out.

    How is it pointless? It's about competing with other real players and not repetitive npcs who swing their sword the same way every time. If anything, pvp is the real end game content. People grind pve to be ready for pvp, not the other way around. Other than maybe getting vigor and war horn.

    I don't consider killing ppl over and over "fun" or competitive. If I wanted that, I'd go back to battefield

    I consider fun and competitive...working and organizing a group to progress through a 12 man trial or a hard dungeon

    I'd consider even a PvE version of Cyrodil which requires strategic co-op amongst multiple 24 man groups fun

    This games PvP to me is very boring and if it didn't have siege and keep caps, I'd never have gone there
    Edited by NewBlacksmurf on December 20, 2016 6:47AM
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Phica_Lovic
    attackjet wrote: »
    This is going to be good, I hope.

    This is the most important. why is pve armor and weapons the best for PvP?

    Take a second to take that in.

    pve content offers the best and honestly the only good armor in this game.

    I literally eye-rolled at this. Do you know how many PVE'ers have to PVP so that they can use barrier, warhorn, caltrops, or for stam PVE'er to have a self heal (vigor)? Some (most) of them don't want to.

    I enjoy the topic and your post, but this is straight dumb. We both have to dip our hands in each other's pots to get all the benefits. Some of us (ahem) actually used to go for emp so that we could have the passive bonuses in PVE. So please, please - don't tell me the little bit of RNG PVE (for extremely good gear - most of which sucks in PVE) is too much.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    Phica -Max CP - Lvl 50 Argonian Sorc Healer since launch

  • Riejael
    I'm just not a PVP player - every time I do something PVP in MMORPGs I'll fall into a constant nervous/adrenaline rush/whatever it is called state.
    It feels just like when you play CS:GO and you're the last man standing fighting a 1 on 1 fight, teammates shouting at you through mics, you're low on health and don't want to lose. Heartbeat is speedy, hands are shaky, palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, bomb dropped on the ground already, mom's spaghetti

    Haha didn't see that coming.
    Have an awesome :smile:

    You do got to give them credit for having the gall to admit it.

    PVPers have to be able to THRIVE on stress. If the idea of getting anxious with adrenaline running does not appeal or actually physically makes one sick. Don't go anywhere near PVP. Thankfully in a game like ESO they can avoid it. I've played other games where PVP is the norm and sometimes such players try to make the game.. easier for them. Like reducing ganking in a FPS... yeah they actually try that.

    But kudos to that one for understanding their limitations and not trying to impose it on those who do enjoy the rush.
  • DPShiro
    I don't like it because it's insanely boring, doesn't require any tactics or teamwork and all the whining from PVPers affects the PVE part.

    And no, a team of people spamming stuff like steel tornado doesn't require the same skill as a team that can complete vMoL HM.

    If I feel the need to PVP I go on Titanfall or something.
    ~ Gryphon Heart ~
    ~ Immortal Redeemer ~
    ~ Grand Master Crafter ~
    ~ Master Angler ~
    ~ Former Emperor ~
  • greylox
    I like to relax when playing games, I rarely pvp. I also don't want to have to learn other classes skills so I know what's coming and constantly have to be aware in case I get jumped. I want to be able to fight stuff and stop and roll a smoke or get a drink or take a screenshot or read an in game book without fear of death.

    Basically PvP is too hectic and too much effort, not to mention the seemingly endless riding across the map in cyrodiil or the sheer amount of pointless pve mobs getting in the way in imperial city.
    PC EU

    House of the Black Lotus
    *{Smokes-in-the-Shade }* (Mag pet Sorc Argonian, prolific thief, willing participant of the dark arts, gardener of exotic...herbs)
    {Lugdum The Mechanist} (Hybrid Orc Templar, collector of ancient Ayleid smoking pipes)
    {Rantoul} (Dark Elf Magknight, likes an ale between boss fights, has been known to offer daedric princes out in a fist fight)
    {Red, The Wanderer} (Bosmer stam sorc and hunter extraordinaire)
    {Shoots-For-Stars} (Argonian Mag pet Sorc Ice mage Healer)
    *{Jinny the spark }* (Sassy Imperial Stamplar)
    {Crezzi the Drifter} (Magblade khajiit burglar, available for questionable operations)
    {Grif the Despised} (StamKnight Tank Nord, Eastmarch Master Drinker and spinner of tall yarns)
    {Geraldine Stone-Heart} (High Elf MagSorc Ice Tank, Mystic, practitioner of the ancient arts)
    *{Anawinn}* (Stam pet Ward Redguard, Mother to a bear and an unruly Hunger,Librarian, field medic and natures fist)

    { CP 900+ }

    Caretaker of Battle Island (Grand Topal), the holiday destination for the discerning warrior
    Residing in Stay-Moist Mansion-Shadowfen - The Smoking Den (as of 6th feb 2017)

  • Bryanonymous
    Macro min/max zerg meta gank elitist meh... I play games to relax, not to throw my laptop at the wall.
  • DannyLV702
    DannyLV702 wrote: »
    Honestly it's pointless.

    It's literally pointless.
    Let's look at what PvP provides that's useful if you don't PvP........

    I'll wait.....

    .......and I'm not saying entering Cyrodil or IC for shards
    The only thing I can see are skill points but if you don't use any PvP skill's literally pointless

    So my whole argument has been since day one.....because it's pointless just create PvE campaigns or expect ppl to always stay out.

    How is it pointless? It's about competing with other real players and not repetitive npcs who swing their sword the same way every time. If anything, pvp is the real end game content. People grind pve to be ready for pvp, not the other way around. Other than maybe getting vigor and war horn.

    I don't consider killing ppl over and over "fun" or competitive. If I wanted that, I'd go back to battefield

    I consider fun and competitive...working and organizing a group to progress through a 12 man trial or a hard dungeon

    I'd consider even a PvE version of Cyrodil which requires strategic co-op amongst multiple 24 man groups fun

    This games PvP to me is very boring and if it didn't have siege and keep caps, I'd never have gone there

    The only actual pve content that is hard is vMoL. Everything else can be completed in crappy gear because it's all repetitive and doesn't require you to adapt or think differently each time. If I had to pvp for 15 hours straight and you had to do a trial for 15 hours straight, I can guarantee you I'll still be having fun at the end of those 15 hours. Can you say the same?
  • FoolishHuman
    The problem with PvP in this game is that you can take your gear and cp into the campaign, which means there is no equal ground. It also means new players have it very hard getting into PvP now.
    And in general, PvP communities are always overly hostile, juvenile and aggressive.
  • Armes
    I do not see anything funny about the killing another player and don´t understand what is so satisfying for people who love it. I don´t need show to another how big.... I have.
    And as someone write, in most of games, PvPers are the most noisy group with their requirement to all people equal with their skills and try to nerf all whats to strong in their opinion ----bee, bee, he kiled me with this OP skill, nerf him!!!--- and people in PvE are nerfed too---and there is not any reason to do it.
  • AuldWolf
    The opening poster is clearly a competitive person and thus doesn't find anything that doesn't involve competitive play fun. A lot of ESO's PvE doesn't involve competitive play. Yes, you can absolutely have competitive PvE, with leader boards, rankings, and so on. ESO doesn't do a whole lot of that (thankfully). I think it must be hard, too, for a competitive person to be able to empathise with the position of a person who isn't competitive -- hence this thread. Empathy of abstract concepts can be quite difficult, depending on the topic and the person.

    This is why casual players end up labelled 'carebear' and 'casual' by PvPers and Skinner box grinders, as they can't comprehend the lack of a competitive drive, and the lack of addictions, respectively. I think casual people can (and regularly do) empathise with their desires, even if they're a much smaller group of people. Usually the hostility toward casual players tends to leave us feeling cold, though. It's difficult to be hospitable to people who hate you, you know? And that's really commonplace for toxicity to take hold amongst both grinders and PvPers. And it just drives the wedges deeper.

    Why don't I PvP? I'm not competitive. Simple as. And even if I were, I don't think I'd be able to stomach the toxicity that's part and parcel of PvP. It's just not the kind of scene for me. I'd rather be roleplaying and cooperating, handing out rounds of Betnikh Twice-Spiked Ale (on the house!) rather than engage in any of that noise. So to speak.

    Toxicity and hostility aren't fun for me. That's the primary reason why I don't do PvP or grinding. And these addictions don't work on me, either, which is another reason why I'm not interested in grinding in particular. It's just a matter of different personalities. Some get addicted to everything, really easily, and they can throw every living moment into something. I can't do that unless it's really important to me, and I do it on my own terms. Same as how some people can revel and thrive in noxious, terrible environments that just aren't suited for anyone else.

    Like I said, though. I imagine even the very notion of 'not competitive' will be almost impossible to comprehend and empathise with. That's how it's been with every PvP group I've interacted with (most recently the duellers).
  • Malmai
    PVP real problem is lag and performance... Unplayable...
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