Vicente Valtiere, Dark Brotherhood, OblivionSpill some blood for me dear brother
CreamedPieYum wrote: »I don't know how to survive after getting out of BwB for being lvl 50. I joined Haderus and EVERY TIME I get to an enemy base, there's some level 600+ moron (With no life and who has way too much time on their hands) who's been playing this non-stop since launch that kills me in a single hit.
The guy in question actually had the nerve to message me after he one-hit/teabagged me. "Get rekd U nub and out of pvp cuz no skills", was the exact message.
Right. I have skills in carpentry, masonry, plumbing and being an auto mechanic, while his skills were quick finger workIt amazes me.
Nyghthowler wrote: »I don't like PvP because I have M.S. .My reaction times are too slow, and my fingers don't always hit the buttons I tell them to.
I play games to relax and have fun. PvP mixed with M.S. is not fun to me. Playing story line quests and not worrying about letting others down is my speed any more.
Hope this answers your question.
I have the same problem, although not from MS. I find PvP easier on my hands than end game and harder content PvE because of the higher duration and intensity involved in PvE. In PvP there are lots of mini breaks, or I can just take one. And in PvP if I mess up and die or my fingers decide to just not work, I rez up and go back instead of maybe having blown a speed run or a no death.
I was one of those people who originally was NEVER going to PvP. Ever. Stories and questing for me, thanks.
danielpatrickkeaneub17_ESO wrote: »MissKiwiana wrote: »I've not yet tried PVP in this game but did in WoW and reason I don't like it is my reaction is slow and it is also gang up style tactics that make it extremely unfair and wrong.
People need to cheat to be good at PVP ie: Bot
I've tried DPS and heals at PVP I last a little longer with a dps char but my healers were dead in mere secs.
Who loves dying ? and dying a bucket load to players who get their kicks out of beating up another player.
My experience with PVP is that's its bullying.
PVP for me does not = fun and good times but misery and loathing.
You get an over dramatic lol.
It's not bullying unless you are seriously talking about people hate messaging you or ... I guess ... relentlessly tea bagging you. Conversely every opponent is a walking sachel of alliance points. If I'm riding solo or with 23 others and I see you, I'm going to attack. It's nothing personal. You're just PVPing and in the way.
Also if there is a fight where there is a 561 and a level 14, I'm killing the lowbie first every time. It's just easier to deal with less opponents, so knocking off the easier one just makes sense. Furthermore if I'm in a Zerg battle it's easier to proc Vicious Death on a low CP player. A lot goes into it other than just, "I'm gonna ruin that guy's day! Muhuhaha!"
Anyway, it's really not alll that scary and just takes some practice. Don't take it so personally. 99% of people aren't trying to bully you, they just want more AP.
lnxrwb17_ESO wrote: »I'm just not a PVP player - every time I do something PVP in MMORPGs I'll fall into a constant nervous/adrenaline rush/whatever it is called state.
It feels just like when you play CS:GO and you're the last man standing fighting a 1 on 1 fight, teammates shouting at you through mics, you're low on health and don't want to lose. Heartbeat is speedy, hands are shaky, palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, bomb dropped on the ground already, mom's spaghetti
DannyLV702 wrote: »NewBlacksmurf wrote: »Honestly it's pointless.
It's literally pointless.
Let's look at what PvP provides that's useful if you don't PvP........
I'll wait.....
.......and I'm not saying entering Cyrodil or IC for shards
The only thing I can see are skill points but if you don't use any PvP skill's literally pointless
So my whole argument has been since day one.....because it's pointless just create PvE campaigns or expect ppl to always stay out.
How is it pointless? It's about competing with other real players and not repetitive npcs who swing their sword the same way every time. If anything, pvp is the real end game content. People grind pve to be ready for pvp, not the other way around. Other than maybe getting vigor and war horn.
This is going to be good, I hope.
This is the most important. why is pve armor and weapons the best for PvP?
Take a second to take that in.
pve content offers the best and honestly the only good armor in this game.
Wrecking_Blow_Spam wrote: »lnxrwb17_ESO wrote: »I'm just not a PVP player - every time I do something PVP in MMORPGs I'll fall into a constant nervous/adrenaline rush/whatever it is called state.
It feels just like when you play CS:GO and you're the last man standing fighting a 1 on 1 fight, teammates shouting at you through mics, you're low on health and don't want to lose. Heartbeat is speedy, hands are shaky, palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, bomb dropped on the ground already, mom's spaghetti
Haha didn't see that coming.
Have an awesome
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »DannyLV702 wrote: »NewBlacksmurf wrote: »Honestly it's pointless.
It's literally pointless.
Let's look at what PvP provides that's useful if you don't PvP........
I'll wait.....
.......and I'm not saying entering Cyrodil or IC for shards
The only thing I can see are skill points but if you don't use any PvP skill's literally pointless
So my whole argument has been since day one.....because it's pointless just create PvE campaigns or expect ppl to always stay out.
How is it pointless? It's about competing with other real players and not repetitive npcs who swing their sword the same way every time. If anything, pvp is the real end game content. People grind pve to be ready for pvp, not the other way around. Other than maybe getting vigor and war horn.
I don't consider killing ppl over and over "fun" or competitive. If I wanted that, I'd go back to battefield
I consider fun and competitive...working and organizing a group to progress through a 12 man trial or a hard dungeon
I'd consider even a PvE version of Cyrodil which requires strategic co-op amongst multiple 24 man groups fun
This games PvP to me is very boring and if it didn't have siege and keep caps, I'd never have gone there