Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
Im sat on a CP 283 Tank, I ran the CoH pledge today on vet with a Cp 83 and Cp 113 (both our damage) Both were running a bow, haven't a clue what else they were running because neither swapped ONCE. The cp 83 was the better of the two but only slightly, the cp 113 only light attacked, used scatter arrow rarely and used the new bow ulti.... The 1st healer left after the 1st boss which took an age and a ton of his soul gems picking them up (they died 3 times to mobs) the second healer and myself left after the second boss.
I tried giving advice, I tried helping but I was met with a simple 'shut up'. The 1st healer was flaming as it was plain to see they were struggling big time but in a very, very simple way. It wasn't mechicanics of the boss, it wasn't even the skills selected both spent there time light attacking over n over again.
I'm low Cp, I'll sit and help anyone without flaming. I'll run any dungeon with any level and run through mechicanics after a death. Me being a noob or a lowbie doesn't stop my ability to judge a bad, bad player and the simplest of tasks. Yeah I never kicked them but for the 1st since I started running dungeons.... I really wanted to
OrphanHelgen wrote: »Needed the selene set, and queued for Selene's Web.
They was already on the last boss, I just needed to use the portal.
I asked: what happend to the previous DD?
They said: Low dps.
We did the boss, and I saw I had 80% of the group dps in combat metrics. I told them to not blame the DD they kicked for low dps, since clearly the other dd was low as well. Then I saw no buffs at all. Combat prayer, aether, warhorns, crusher.. It was nothing. The boss I had to kill completely self buffed. After I told this, they was still negative and told me it was my champion points only that made me have this dps. My cp has a very well setup yes, but I also have 162 days played on my character, and raid vmol 5 times a week usually, so the dps is not coming automaticly from cp. I also know what I am doing.
So I would like to comment on this:
I have seen DD's with cp 200, who have 30k+ dps, and I have seen DD's with over 750 cp who hardcast crystal frag, cast liquid lightning 4 times in a row, and light attack spamming, and end up with 6k dps.. yes im not joking, and I have seen several of those.
To sum up, and this is for all the community who are not aware of this: Do not judge a player based on his cp, and do not rage in a group and blame others when you don't do anything for the group yourself.
biovitalb16_ESO wrote: »No screenshots..
Cool story bro.
OrphanHelgen wrote: »I have seen DD's with cp 200, who have 30k+ dps, and I have seen DD's with over 750 cp who hardcast crystal frag, cast liquid lightning 4 times in a row, and light attack spamming, and end up with 6k dps.. yes im not joking, and I have seen several of those.
Uhm I'm with you on never kicking lowbees, but selene is in fact a soft dps race. I had to learn this the hard way on my tank. I was able to tank her for minutes, but eventually the low cp destro/bow dps players in my group couldn't bring her nor the adds down in time and died.HeroOfNone wrote: »Even if the DPS was low that fight doesn't have much of a burn requirement, just need to stay out if the red and avoid the slam. As long as the boss ends up dead, that's the key. I'd ask why were they not able to sustain with even low DPS.
I basically got kicked from a group because I was ''getting carried'' even though I was the one who is carrying others . What a joke ..
After running ahead, pulling everything in VFG II to the first boss and dying two times he rage quitted. The healer wasn't even in, when he started his madness