Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Is PvP fun?

  • WarLord2905
    If I played PvP, I'd want to be a Magicka character... I hear Magicka is awful in PvP though?

    Not true at all. Magic players can be super strong. They are not as easy to set up as a stambuild in regards to gear and are less forgiving but IMO are way more fun than stamina. I main a sorc, but also run a healer and magblade. I have tried Stam and although they hit hard with very little work they just aren't for me. You have to very specific with champ points on a magicka build because they will make a huge difference to power output. I run Julianos, Magnus, 1x kena and willpower - all impen - 2 heavy, 5 light and do not have any issues. Although if you ask anyone on these forums they will probably tell you that gear set up is garbage but it simply isn't true. Get in there and try it out.
    NA Server XBOX 1
    BAWS Order Of Wolves
  • TheBonesXXX
    Killed my style of play with unnecessary sets and misuses of base mechanics of the game. I liked it better towards launch then I do now.
  • ScooberSteve
    To unbalanced and too many tankturds and proctards atm. Not much fun
  • SilentBoomstick
    I am yet to explore the PvP aspect of ESO. Can anyone tell me if it's worth doing, is it fun? I play Magblade / Templar Healer in PvE. I like honest answers :#

    Don't do PvP. Just run trials do dedicate yourself to PvE. I don't care how skilled you think you are it's no fun getting zerged down by 30 people every time you step foot outside a keep.
  • FixedBlade123
    I am yet to explore the PvP aspect of ESO. Can anyone tell me if it's worth doing, is it fun? I play Magblade / Templar Healer in PvE. I like honest answers :#

    PvP is super fun if you enjoy being left behind by your "friends" while being massacred by enemy mobs. So -- for me -- not fun at all. Everyone else seems to have the powerful magic, weapons, and armor. I'm a champ 445 (currently) and I hardly put a dent in the enemy. I guess I'll stick to PvE.
  • Vapirko
    Yeah it can be super fun if you have a good rig and the servers aren't lagging out. Be prepared for a super steep learning curve. Best played with a friend or a few friends over discord/ts. That way you can joke about all the bs that happens inevitably.
  • FearlessOne_2014
    Unless you run heavy impen then no and even then too much proc sets in there it can be fun sometimes but other times it's just horrible

    Getting ganked by the likes of these SMZuWKL.png just builds character. It also makes you a stronger PvPer. Just saying. :smile:
  • bg22
    Hmm.. It all sounds so wonderful! :D I think I will give it a miss on that note.

    Thanks anyway! <3

    I love PvP. It's the most thrilling part of the game. Especially when you learn to 1vX or 2-3vX. Most ppl that say it's awful or not enjoyable... usually haven't done it enough to learn how to win, tbh.

    The hard part is sticking around, getting your butt kicked enough times to learn how to not get your butt kicked anymore.
  • bg22
    nine9six wrote: »
    It can be, but everyone running around wearing Proc Sets takes some of the fun out of it. Funny how we all agree they are cancer but keep running them anyway...

    Speak for yourself partner. I refuse to run that crap.
  • Drakkdjinn
    PvP is the only real dynamic and competitive endgame content in ESO - PvE past CP 600 is RNG farming the same dull content over and over for rare and marginally better gear, or for decorating your house. Not my definition of Fun. PvP is competitive and moreover introduces you to the most robust community of skilled players in the game who you can engage with and learn lots of new things from - whether they be enemies or friends or frenemies; there are personalities and all of the biggest names/streamers/icons in ESO PvP to a large extent, that says something. Players think & make choices, mobs do not, which means there is potential for incredible variety in the gameplay for PvP that cannot exist in PvE even if the developers have only really given us a couple of neglected formats for the latter vs. the former.

    That said, you better do as much research and put in as much practice as you did in PvE before you give PvP any serious judgement on its merits, otherwise you get threads like this where its PvE'ers harping on PvP who make no effort at understanding just how much of a different beast it is than PvE. "Omg I have teh 1337 gold vMA weaps and moondancer set and I still get wrecked before finishing my rotation on a player (lol) after only 2 hours of trying this PvP thing - is so lame! Time to go back to PvE where there's no surprises and I can feel powerful spamming the same skills on the same monsters for the same gear over and over!" The only thing PvE and PvP really have in common at the end of the day is a distinct but large plethora of gameplay bugs.

    Shade aside, I would highly recommend new PvP'ers avoid CP campaigns like the plague. Me and my friends run a trial guild and when we decided to give PvP a go we went into Trueflame for a cycle and hated it and did not PvP again until the distaste wore off. Then we tried Azura's, and good lord did we see the light - its all we do and we PvP more than we ever PvE'd with much more exciting game sessions. You can't judge PvP by the CP campaigns; its hardly PvP at all - CP erases 90% of the already limited strategy/interesting choices and playstyles available in ESO by putting training wheels on all players until it just becomes a brainless zerg v zerg spamfest & gankfest & tankfest with little reward or punishment to players who do not understand or appreciate what little gameplay complexity is left in this title.

    TLDR; treat PvP like PvE of a different color - do your research - put your time in the most challenging format (No CP) - get wrecked for a while - adjust - wreck people - adjust - profit - adjust - have fun - keep adjusting.
    Edited by Drakkdjinn on April 25, 2017 6:48PM
  • Hammy01
    PvP can be a lot of fun most days... you just need to expect to die a lot (don't worry though deaths cost you noting other than a little damage to your pride :)). If you are new then you would be better off getting into groups for the extra support and help. You will most likely encounter players who seem like gods on the battle field and unless you really want to test your skill you might just learn their names and avoid them.

    Other than extremely talented players who are beyond OP the only negative is unbalanced factions. This is where one faction drastically out numbers the other factions and they constantly zerg down the whole map. Currently the only cure for this is to try and rally the troops and fight back or just log out and do some PvE. This problem tends to be exasperated when players from your own faction will swap over to the VERY LARGE faction to earn fast AP and to make sure they get decent rewards for being on the winning team when the campaign ends. ZOS should really work on fixing this but I would not hold your breath.

    However with all that said, you should not be afraid to dabble in PvP as most days you will probably enjoy yourself... just ignore the trolls in chat, don't let the T-Baggers get to you and don't get upset if you die (this happens to us all)!
    Edited by Hammy01 on April 27, 2017 11:25PM
  • Hammy01
    Buffler wrote: »
    If you love no skilled scrubz killing you because of pure luck proc sets and constant lag, buildings not appearing, ppl running with 35k hp as minimum, constant load screens when more than 2 people visible on screen, ultimates that seem to blow up zos servers and kids spamming abuse in zone chat then you will love it!

    The lag, disconnects, load screens and the buildings not rendering are extremely annoying.... these are other things ZOS really needs to work on but I would not hold your breath!!
  • Wir2ality
    i m going to try pvp tomorw for the 1st time i m a 30k health tank . after reading this i want a taste.
  • fred.thomsonb16_ESO
    PvP is fun, dying in pvp isn't. If you are new you can blame the fact you are new, once you get some experience you will end up dying to bugs / broken mechanics almost 100% of the time. So my advice would be to take it slow and relish in being fresh to it.
  • runningtings
    When I first started playing ESO I played all PVE and a little PVP when my character was at the required level.
    I got the bug for PVP right away, mainly joining Honour PVP raids and following the crown.
    Listening to the leaders showed me how PVP works in general but I prefer to play solo, so having learned the basics I went out on my own.
    At first I just died all the time but I stuck with it and can now return a decent Kill/Death ratio and generally help out my alliance.

    I hardly PVE at all now, only to gain specific items or achievements and sometimes only because I am waiting in a queue for Cyrodiil.

    The thing is to stick with it and you will get better and probably enjoy PVP way more than PVE, much more satisfying.
    // DC / EU PC// Garión<< The Black >>
  • Kram8ion
    I am surprised after dying a lot (a real lot) early on and months before I'd actually killed another player unassisted, which was a shocking disbelief in itself at the time , I'm still here and very much enjoying it still
    Funny thing is that each patch with all the nerds and buffs no matter how bad or good keep you on your toes :)
    Kramm stam man kittyblade

  • Curtdogg47
    PVP becomes more fun as you play. However when you start out it's frustrating as hell. It's takes a little time to learn how to adapt your build and rotations to fighting other players.
  • Vivecc
    the only times i experience bad pings and thereof resulting lags is on weekends primetimes (TF/pc)
    the overall performance in PvP is so much better now.
    and if you have fps problems, try lower your graphics settings, turn off some effects. PvP is more effects filled than the usual overworld or trial encounters.
    keep rolling
  • DaveMoeDee
    Yes. I enjoy running with my PvP guild. I am not particularly good. I am geared for PvE, not PvP (and would not waste the mats on PvP gear). But the large scale battles are fun. I haven't PvP in over a month though as it is not my main activity, but I will return to Cyrodiil for the upcoming event.
  • HiImRex
    Depends on the kind of gameplay experience you're looking for. It's fun for casual play, the system is easy to learn and easy to master, with proper item sets/builds providing a large portion of your power. There's some mechanical skill involved but not a ton, and then numbers provide the rest.

    That said there's a LOT of very sub par players in Cyrodil so the game can be really rewarding for a while. It feels really good when you consistently win outnumbered, until you start realizing that no matter how good you are you WILL lose to 2 mechanically average players in meta builds, every 1vX consists of the same 20-40 names of potato PVErs/kind middle-aged ladies with early onset arthritis, and you encounter countless trash talking players who are probably at best silver/gold league in actual competitive games who can go toe-to-toe with you with minimal effort while getting carried by awful gear/class balance.

  • Crispen_Longbow
    Crispen Longbow - Daggerfall Covenant (DC): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - RIP (Blue VE, Khole, LoM, MO)
    Crispen Longboww - Aldmeri Dominion (AD): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - Crispen's House of Pain RIP (KP, Yellow VE, Omni)
    Crispen Longbow-EP - Ebonheart Pact (EP): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - RIP (Red VE)
  • John_1999
    I like PVP atm, for me it is fun, I dont want Morrowind at all.
    If you run the meta or the best builds atm, than its fun, if you dont run meta or a unique build, than its not fun at all.
    Yeah there are issues in PVP, yes there are infinte sustain builds but there will always be strong and meta builds, so...
    For me it is fun atm :)
    Magicka Templar: Tammi von Tamriel
    Stammina Templar: John James Smith

    -Current CP: 3601-

    -Just a noob in a world full of pro's.-
    -There is no bussines like lag bussines-
  • Ariades_swe
    If you enjoy zerging or Benny Hill chases the pvp is very enjoyable.
    If not it's a mixed bag ranging from very rewarding to extremely frustrating.
    Edited by Ariades_swe on May 5, 2017 3:35AM
  • Chilly-McFreeze
    Lousy PvP'er here - I still have a lot of fun, it's not as static as PvE but it has it's downsides. Sure, getting annoyed over deaths is something you should leave at the door but what really turns me away from PvP sometimes are the people. Would propably be better if I just turn the zone chat off. I can only speak about my experience in PC EU TF as EP but people there spend more time yelping about their alliance than to form a unit. Complaining about no one helping them but ignoring all the lfg/lfm in chat.
  • BoxFoxx
    It gets boring rather quickly.

    Just when you think you have someone in the bag they heal themselves and the fight lingers on for another 15 minutes. Total killjoy.

    Healing MUST HAVE a cooldown time in PvP! What kind of logic allows players to endlessly heal themselves in a player versus player environment? It's plain garbage.

  • Durham
    Yes it's fun ...
    PVP The Unguildables
  • Kay1
    Yeah but if you see a tabard from ACE just run :(
    K1 The Big Monkey
  • Veraen
    I am yet to explore the PvP aspect of ESO. Can anyone tell me if it's worth doing, is it fun? I play Magblade / Templar Healer in PvE. I like honest answers :#

    For me it's been an evolution. At first, no. But now it is all I do!

    You see, I started trying to just solo in champion rank campaigns without customizing my character for PvP and got totally owned over and over again. Then I joined a PvP guild called "Ebonheart Warpact" on XB1 NA and they exclusively run the Blackwater Blade campaign. Running with a group taught me the ropes and now it is hella fun!

    To explain a little bit further, the Blackwater Blade campaign is only for characters below level 50 and champion points are NOT in effect, so it is much more balanced. You can enter this campaign at level 10, so the real fun is coming up with an idea for a character, playing it up to about level 10 or 20, gearing up, and testing it out in Blackwater Blade.

    I'd be happy to tell you more about it if you'd like. Drop me a line if you're on XB1 NA!
    Veræn → XB1/NA
  • Garwulf
    PVP is fantastic. I especially love all the broken skills.

    Standing on a rock I cannot dragon Leap onto some below. They can Stampede charge me with a two hander right up on top of the rock. Love it. Magnificent game ZoS.

    Talented Programmers. Staff that monitor the game and weed out the cheats . Regularly play it and know the skills inside and out. The whole game is brilliant not only the PVP.
    Edited by Garwulf on May 5, 2017 8:58PM
  • jakeyura
    Only fun for mag sorcs because they shred anything and everything.

    I refuse to play that cheesy Harry Potter with a robe class though.
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