During the fight with Velidreth which mechanics should be dodged and/or cleansed?
I understand the mechanics of the spike phase and the maze, but during the 'normal' fight I feel much squishier than other fights, which makes me think I'm missing a mechanic. The major offenders in my death recap are 'exsanguinate' which is often 50K+ damage and 'corpulence' which sometimes hits for 20-30K. I'm on a console so I can't be sure, but from what I gather exsanguinate is a dot; is there a way to cleanse/purify this or something I should look for in order to dodge?
My character is a stam dk with ~30K resistances, ~30K heath and ~30K stam. My current approach is to block, keep resistances up, avoid the balls on the floor, hit igneous if I have enough magica, then vigor if I'm in trouble. The pattern is that I'll be doing okay, then I'll get hit with something that brings me down to ~10% health, after that if the healer doesn't do something within a few seconds I'm dead. Instinctively I hate having to rely on the healer this much; is there anything I should do to be more self sufficient?.. It feels like there is something I should be dodging something instead of blocking. Alternately, is there anything I should request that the healer do?
XBox/NA GT: Pizzaow