I always forget that in the 3rd world you dont process sarcasm the way we do. My bad.
Im literally in TS laughing with friends right now about how you believe you can only compete in IC with IP gear.
Im fairly certain you are either absolutely new to pvp, or are one of those folks that has to use a large group to mask his inadequacies as a player.
"<07:21:32> "Subtomik": some jack a**on the forums trying to tell me you can only be competiitve in IC with imp physique on
<07:21:48> "Dark Star": LOL"
Im in the process of editing a nice IC pvp video of me not only either solo or only with 1 other, but almost the entire time im in *GASP* light armor as a mag temp.
As someone who NA will tell you spent a month terrorizing IC as emperor with IMP Physique on, then switched to a normal character and pvp'd exclusively without it. Its absolutely unnecessary to be competitive. And to make such outlandish claims either shows a complete disconnect from PvP, a fine example of the dunning-kruger effect, or both.
I like 5 scathing 5 lich(on back bar) skoria and torugs swords with a 10 sec stamina cost increase on main bar, 10 sec magicka on back. Sometimes instead of the dw I run zavens doomstaff and we play crispy critters with EOTS
I like 5 scathing 5 lich(on back bar) skoria and torugs swords with a 10 sec stamina cost increase on main bar, 10 sec magicka on back. Sometimes instead of the dw I run zavens doomstaff and we play crispy critters with EOTS
Pretty similar to what i run with bsw on my sorc. Lich backbar bsw frontbar.
However if you put up pretty much any offensive 5p set against imperial physique it looses flatout.
If you were to fight yourself on your mentioned setup and your other incarnation would utilize imperial physique instead of scathing i´m 100% sure your scathing setup would loose. As the setup with imp physique not only has comparable dmg that´s also permanently active but on top of that has an extra 6k hp and stamina to utilize aswell as better regens.
Ofc you can still kill people with normal sets and if you find une pomme de terre with no pvp experience in imperial physique you´re going to shatter them aswell. But on equal skilllevel? My money is on the person having an extra 6k secondary stats without loosing offense any day of the week.
And that´s what i mean by not competetive.
But yes. You are right. Unless I got a very well times burst I would probably kill myself in a 1v1 wearing imp physique.
Yeah. Sure.
Edit: I very seldomly read comments so full of ignorance or stupidity that they leave me dumbfounded on how to formulate a civilized reply. Congrats on that achievement i guess.
Throw on some imp physique and come 1v1 me.
Im guessing you have a few more stars on your forum account than you do on your alliance war rank.
If your feeling froggy, leap. Otherwise. Shhhhhhhh.
IC died the moment when the imperial physique set was introduced. It´s now a mandatory set for pvping and farming in IC and you can´t become competetive without it.
PvP players not owning mandatory gear won´t go there and most pvp players i know won´t bother to get the set because it has no use outside of IC.
To fix this they´d have to rework the telvar system to give you say 700 of each stat depending on your tel var modifier. The imperial physique set could than increase this effect by 50 to 100% still giving a good statboost but no longer being 100% mandatory to be competetive in IC.
Imo it´s even more of a showcase for terrible gear design than the current proccset meta in
Absolute nonsense. I look at someone wearing imp physique and salivate and thank them for the bounty I'm about to receive.
Yeah. Sure.
Edit: I very seldomly read comments so full of ignorance or stupidity that they leave me dumbfounded on how to formulate a civilized reply. Congrats on that achievement i guess.
IC died the moment when the imperial physique set was introduced. It´s now a mandatory set for pvping and farming in IC and you can´t become competetive without it.
PvP players not owning mandatory gear won´t go there and most pvp players i know won´t bother to get the set because it has no use outside of IC.
To fix this they´d have to rework the telvar system to give you say 700 of each stat depending on your tel var modifier. The imperial physique set could than increase this effect by 50 to 100% still giving a good statboost but no longer being 100% mandatory to be competetive in IC.
Imo it´s even more of a showcase for terrible gear design than the current proccset meta in
Absolute nonsense. I look at someone wearing imp physique and salivate and thank them for the bounty I'm about to receive.
Yeah. Sure.
Edit: I very seldomly read comments so full of ignorance or stupidity that they leave me dumbfounded on how to formulate a civilized reply. Congrats on that achievement i guess.
@Derra , you are wrong. I agree that Imperial Physique has poor design, but it doesn't kill IC. I'm not a theorycrafter - I spend most of my ingame time in City since it has been released and I can say that this set is rare (trait's RNG is why) and its users always run small scale. Usually they destroy all opponents, but they do not show themselves when zerg appears in City.
And this DLC isn't dead. Districts of Trueflame are pretty active in the evening and game perfomance there is very smooth - so smooth that it hard to believe!
Main issue of City nowadays is empty Sewers. Only real thing there is Molag Bal's simulacrum which isn't good for farming because droprates are extremely low and loot isn't very desirable.
@KenaPKK suggested some ideas to revive sewers btw.
I realized i haveIC died the moment when the imperial physique set was introduced. It´s now a mandatory set for pvping and farming in IC and you can´t become competetive without it.
PvP players not owning mandatory gear won´t go there and most pvp players i know won´t bother to get the set because it has no use outside of IC.
To fix this they´d have to rework the telvar system to give you say 700 of each stat depending on your tel var modifier. The imperial physique set could than increase this effect by 50 to 100% still giving a good statboost but no longer being 100% mandatory to be competetive in IC.
Imo it´s even more of a showcase for terrible gear design than the current proccset meta in
Absolute nonsense. I look at someone wearing imp physique and salivate and thank them for the bounty I'm about to receive.
Yeah. Sure.
Edit: I very seldomly read comments so full of ignorance or stupidity that they leave me dumbfounded on how to formulate a civilized reply. Congrats on that achievement i guess.
@Derra , you are wrong. I agree that Imperial Physique has poor design, but it doesn't kill IC. I'm not a theorycrafter - I spend most of my ingame time in City since it has been released and I can say that this set is rare (trait's RNG is why) and its users always run small scale. Usually they destroy all opponents, but they do not show themselves when zerg appears in City.
And this DLC isn't dead. Districts of Trueflame are pretty active in the evening and game perfomance there is very smooth - so smooth that it hard to believe!
Main issue of City nowadays is empty Sewers. Only real thing there is Molag Bal's simulacrum which isn't good for farming because droprates are extremely low and loot isn't very desirable.
@KenaPKK suggested some ideas to revive sewers btw.
Well i guess my problem is that i consider myself not competetive when not wearing bis gear (which imperial physique very very clearly is).
Someone sitting on millions of telvars with correct traited imperial physique is simply a possible encounter i don´t want to have (and i avoid that by not going to IC) - and i don´t want to spend money to get correct traits and pieces on imp physique.
The possibility to have this encounter is enough to put me and other players i know off from ever going to IC to pvp.
There is no real risk. Most players seem to get 500, maybe 1k stones and bank...
There is no real risk. Most players seem to get 500, maybe 1k stones and bank...
Most people I know who farm go in with 1k for the x3 multiplier.
If you die, it's easy to make up 500 stones lost, and it speeds up farming oh-oh so much. A few hardcore farmers (who stay in the sewers as AoE farming is faster down there) may even carry as many as 10k (much rarer, and that player would need to be supremely confident)