Let me just say, I've posted here supporting a tolerant attitude in group while pugging. Be excellent to each other etc. But I got trolled by the vet pug to end all vet pugs on Sunday and now i really am not so sure what to think about the issue. The story is actually funny so I thought I'd share.
In Stormhaven there's a dude shouting for 2DD's 561 cp for FG2. I whisper I'm not 561 but I know the dungeon and can DD for him if he can't find a 561. The dude doesn't answer. NP, I can understand a max CP player looking for other max cp players. I get into the dungeon finder queue. Five minutes later I'm invited into a group by the group tool. It's the guy who'd been shouting for 561 cp DD's. Except I double blinked when I saw he's only 300 CP. I didn't ask him why he needed 561 cp dd's but maybe I should have.
We enter the dungeon, the guy shouting in stormhaven was tanking and his mate was healing and tbh, the tank was decent. He wasn't running igneous...and I had to lose a dps slot to power up the bunnies - despite asking him to - but no problem. He tanked well. Healer healed adequately. The problem was the other dps - definitely NOT a 561 cp monster. I actually thought the guys were trolling me to be honest. DD had a 2h and was just crit rushing everything. That was it. Nothing else. And noone said anything!
Now, my dps isn't great, it's not the best, but it's good enough for vet pledges. 20k when I get the rotation running properly. Less when the Boss is jumping around and I'm red circle dodging. I'm 300 cp DK with the best gear and skills for the job at this level in time. I could be ALOT better. But I could be alot worse. So I'm not the type to start lecturing other people about low dps. I've been a very low dps. I know how it feels. The problem was I was pulling 50-60 percent of the group's damage

And this guy was JUST crit rushing?
It went pear-shaped at the second boss, the one who chains, cos I got chained and they didn't have enough dps to break me free in time. The good news was that the DD somehow found this all too frustrating and bailed. Which was a relief because I was about to tell him how he needed to change what he was doing (Oh the carebear inside me cringed at the thought

). Second DD dropped in and he was excellent. We blasted through the chain Boss without a problem. Except he then crashed and didn't come back

So group finder sent us a third blessing! And if I thought crit rush guy had been trolling us, I didn't know about third DD. He was, the cliche-to-end-all-cliche's a sorc with 400 plus CP, light attack spamming and then overloading. Seriously! I honestly didn't think this type of player existed. I just thought it was forum myth. Guys exaggerating about bad pugs to make a point. But there he was in all his innocent glory -spamming those glowing fists! And now I was dealing 70 percent of the groups damage

WE marched on. The dungeon isn't too hard - just long. The mage flashed his flashy hands and contributed nothing and we beat our way through the BOsses. When we got to the Spider in cave Boss (Can't remember the names of these things) Flashy Hands volunteered to go inside which made me laugh. He vanished and didn't reappear once until AFTER the Boss was dead - looking sheepish, shuffling his feet, cleaning wax from his ears and putting the ciggy out we'd caught him smoking. Anyone who's been in the spider cave knows how easy it is. You should be in and out of the cave a few times during the fight. To NOT get out at all I find incredibly impressive. Either a major feat of incompetence or one of brilliant cunning. I'm not sure which. Either he was inside in "sneak mode" having a quiet cigarette while we busted our keyboards outside or he really was in there labouring away with light attacks ?:D I don't know which is a sadder picture.
OK. This wouldn't be a funny story if that was it. Unfortunately there's more.
Penultimate Boss, I checked my watch and we'd been in for just over an hour. I was happy. I'd be out soon - final Boss is just a question of running backwards and forwards and slowly ranging her down. Not hard. Tank and I beat down penultimate Boss. Mage came with us! Telling us how he hates this Boss cos it eats his mana? What? - he KNEW the BOss mechanics BEFORE he jumped down and he still joined us? Whatever, the boss is dead. I grab the crystal. I noticed the leader had his head in a book - figured he was checking the map. "This way" I yell and run out towards the river, pulling all the adds. "Don't fight them" I yell. Tank leader is following me. Glow hands has stopped to fight. Suddenly, I get an auto pop up telling me I've been invited to join a group in CoH. I'm puzzled. Group finder must have gone crazy. I dismiss it and keep running. I get to the river. The leader arrives. Flashy hands is fighting the mobs all on his lonesome. "Final BOss, is this way," I say. "Final Boss?" says the tank.
And I'm looking at the loading screen to CoH.
That's the point when I really had to laugh. Up till then I'd been irritated. But this was bloody funny.
The leader had never completed FG2. He thought that the mana stealer was the final guy and had set the port / group finder to transport us ALL out automatically. All of us. I have no idea what he pressed or how he accomplished this. But he admitted to doing it.
I was lost for words...truly. I ported back and ended back at the beginning with the goblin munchkins reset. Leader refused to try porting back to see if his presence would put us in the right instance. He just asked if I wanted to go and do CoH with them? That was it. If he was even slightly vexed about losing all that hard work, he didn't say it. Which was also really funny. Funnier still was how noone else in the group had a problem with it. I'm not sure flashy hands even knew he hadn't finished the FG pledge. The last I saw of him was a pair of glowing hands disappearing off alone into the dark halls of CoH without anyone else at his back, getting on with the good fight, while we discussed the FG issue.
I wished the leader alot of fun, left group and felt mildly sorry for whoever would be the next DD to be grouped with them.
So, now if someone asks me, what I think about pugging vet pledges - I think hard on that fantastic 90 minutes of my life I wont get back and I dont know what to say!