What do you think of Crown Crates? -- New Poll for PTS Implementation

  • Elsonso
    Negative: I have tested the crates, and I do not want this feature to be implemented in the game.
    Milvan wrote: »
    There is two discussions going on on PTS, there is another topic here in general discussion that ende up in just blatant and shallow hate and yet we need another topic about these boxes? Did someone tell you guys that they are cosmetic and not mandotory to buy at all? I mean they don't affect any gameplay mechanic at all?

    Many bad things have begun innocently. While we cannot know the future, we can look back on the past and wish we had said or done something.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • deleted201022-005645
    Negative: I have tested the crates, and I do not want this feature to be implemented in the game.
    Milvan wrote: »
    There is two discussions going on on PTS, there is another topic here in general discussion that ende up in just blatant and shallow hate and yet we need another topic about these boxes? Did someone tell you guys that they are cosmetic and not mandotory to buy at all? I mean they don't affect any gameplay mechanic at all?

    For the eight and our yet to be born lord and savior Talor, this is why there is always a interplanar demon thing trying to destroy Nirn. You guys makes me want to destroy Nirn too XD

    What really has people so riled up about these crown crates isn't that they affect gameplay in any way. I think everyone is fully aware that you can ignore the existence of the crates, not buy them, whatever; and it won't impact the way you play at all. Instead, the problem is in the delivery of content associated with the crates -- why does someone want to spend almost $300 for an item they want, only because they were forced to buy almost every single other item in the store before finally being able to get the one thing they were really after? This doesn't make business sense, it's a scam. And that's what has players so upset.
  • Miss_Morphine
    Other: My feelings are more complex than the above sentiments. (Comment below.)
    I get that ZOS needs money to make the game better. I want those better servers.

    That being said, the drop rates in those crates are awful. If they remain as is I do not want this feature. If they are increased, I'm ok with it.

    Oh, and the OP xp scrolls need craftable equivalents or no cigar.
    Fear is Failure NA PC
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    TP healer - The Morphine EP
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    vMA Flawless - vMoL HM - vHRC HM - vAA HM - vSO HM - vDSA
  • Miaura
    Negative: I have tested the crates, and I do not want this feature to be implemented in the game.
    reiverx wrote: »
    I'd spend more time in the Crown Store if there was more variety. This game has the North Korea of online stores. We're starved for choice. It's a boring experience because there's very little that's actually interesting.

    Why not fill up the Crown Store with stuff that catches our eye? Give us more choice. These crates are saying you guys have hit a creative roadblock.

    This indeed.
    I`m hugely baffled why ZOS would jump to this skeeving crates plan when they have not really tried marketing with a well stocked honest Crown store for some time?

    And now that they would have enough items for a store with lots of variety, many of these items have either been retired waiting to be placed in Crown crates, or not published and many of them just waiting to be placed in crates it seems? Or items are sold as few days exlusives that many people miss even seeing for sale cause of real life, then put waiting to be placed in crates...

    I for instance would have bought the Treethane outfit and Priest of the Green outfit, both of wich appeared and were gone very fast from the store while I was very busy real life and starved for money cause of moving.

    Because of the new costume dye system for patrons I would have probably bought a couple of the retired three packs too this year, like the shaman pack and the same soul shriven pack that appeared chopped to 3 parts in the Attronach crate on PTS...Same with the belly dancer type redguard outfit, I would have bought it now that costumes can be dyed, but its gone.
    Oh and a little while ago I was playing my witchy sorceress and decided I want the nice old Sanguine goat for her , opened the store pets department and nope, seems its gone too...

    And yeah, I could not afford to buy all these things on the same day or same month even, but if they were in the store, I would buy them.
    True , someone might propably spend the cost of all those items I mentioned in one day on the crown crates. Or even more. But how many would, and does it really generate so much more money? Is it also worth generating so much disappointment in your customers as these polls and threads suggest?
    Besides, the "whales" that can spend huge amounts of money even in one day would propably also spend huge amounts in direct purchases from the store, if they had many items to choose from? I also suspect that even most rich people want an actual choise of what they are buying, not a "fun chance" at an item.

  • Squeezoid
    Negative: I have NOT tested the crates, and I dislike the idea/direction and/or I dislike what I have read.
    This RNG crates are a cancer, im new to the game and im in love because it feels and plays diferent than the rest and the store is nice, i actualy have membership and bought some extra coins to buy things i wanted, if this is realy coming to the live servers im out, you start with the rng crap boxes and you end up selling character boosts to cp160.
    The aliens are coming for me!! They're gonna use my butt for stuff! SQUEE!!!!!!!!! ~
  • luen79rwb17_ESO
    Negative: I have NOT tested the crates, and I dislike the idea/direction and/or I dislike what I have read.
    I've been totally against this ever since the rumor started.

    This crate is a real threat as a potential addiction so I totally avoid it, that's why i didn't even test it.

    I saw several review videos on Youtube though. Everyone agrees that apex gem prices are OTT, most of the crate drops are trash and not even worth the 400 Crown investment.

    I also find it sarcastic that crown crates are the only Store item that is not worth 1 crown on the PTS... Lol ZOS afraid everyone can easily notice this blatant cash grab by themselves?

    Good thing ESO community is great and people have managed to get interesting data about drop rates and such.
    Edited by luen79rwb17_ESO on September 29, 2016 4:04PM

    V16 sorc - V16 temp - V16 dk - V1 nb - V1 temp - V1 dk
  • EsoRecon
    Negative: I have NOT tested the crates, and I dislike the idea/direction and/or I dislike what I have read.
    i've played another mmo that had this lottery type stuff and it ended up being p2w.
    Xbox One [ NA ]
    Gamertag - Zyzz II Legacy
    Stam Sorc & Stam NB PvP
    (I'm Just Here To 1vX)
  • UrQuan
    Negative: I have tested the crates, and I do not want this feature to be implemented in the game.
    Milvan wrote: »
    There is two discussions going on on PTS, there is another topic here in general discussion that ende up in just blatant and shallow hate and yet we need another topic about these boxes? Did someone tell you guys that they are cosmetic and not mandotory to buy at all? I mean they don't affect any gameplay mechanic at all?
    Yes, there are multiple discussions about them, and evidently you haven't bothered to read a single post in any of those discussions before coming here and dismissing everyone's concerns. If you had, you would realize that what you say here is 100% irrelevant to what people are upset about, and does nothing to address the very real issues with crown crates.
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    Negative: I have NOT tested the crates, and I dislike the idea/direction and/or I dislike what I have read.
    Abeille wrote: »
    Positively Against Wrip-Off Stuff (PAWS)

    Yours with PAWS
    Santie Claws

    I like it. :smiley: Do you have to be a Khajiit to join?

    (My Khajiit) Zadarri thinks wearing a cat mask should be enough, yes?

    This one would rather babysit the rookies at the Academy for the rest of her life than ever talk to Pacrooti again.

    Cat mask it is!

    (I'm also irrationally happy to not have been the only one to read that load screen text. :p Go figure.)
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works

    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • Rosveen
    Negative: I have tested the crates, and I do not want this feature to be implemented in the game.
    Milvan wrote: »
    There is two discussions going on on PTS, there is another topic here in general discussion that ende up in just blatant and shallow hate and yet we need another topic about these boxes? Did someone tell you guys that they are cosmetic and not mandotory to buy at all? I mean they don't affect any gameplay mechanic at all?

    For the eight and our yet to be born lord and savior Talor, this is why there is always a interplanar demon thing trying to destroy Nirn. You guys makes me want to destroy Nirn too XD
    For some of us, video games are about more than just combat. Character customization, also in its visual aspect, is a huge part of modern RPGs - even more so when it comes to MMORPGs, which are a social experience by nature. If you think cosmetics don't matter, ask yourself why so many people, even those who never roleplay, spend hours in character creation instead of pressing "randomize", naming the char Sjapfjfbwj and jumping straight into the game.
    Edited by Rosveen on September 29, 2016 4:16PM
  • e1team
    Neutral: I have NOT tested the crates, and my feelings are neutral, noncommital, or do not apply.
    Dear gods! I don't understand people that say they'll quit if ZOS implements lockboxes or complain it's a bad idea. Don't like it, don't buy it! I've played loads of mmos, most of the korean drek loaded with P2W stuff and never had the bad feeling you have. And never had the urge to buy anything in stores.
    If you have difficulty resisting the urge to buy stuff, you have serious problems!
    "it makes me feel bad knowing they are there..." Jesus...
  • RAGUNAnoOne
    Other: My feelings are more complex than the above sentiments. (Comment below.)
    I feel that zenimax does not give a *** at all and will add them regardless of how people feel about them.
    PS4 NA
    Argonian Master Race

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    Support Tail armor and tail ribbons: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/236333/concept-tail-armor-for-beast-races#latest
  • e1team
    Neutral: I have NOT tested the crates, and my feelings are neutral, noncommital, or do not apply.
    I feel that zenimax does not give a *** at all and will add them regardless of how people feel about them.

    This. See? No point complaining.
  • JimT722
    Negative: I have NOT tested the crates, and I dislike the idea/direction and/or I dislike what I have read.
    e1team wrote: »
    Dear gods! I don't understand people that say they'll quit if ZOS implements lockboxes or complain it's a bad idea. Don't like it, don't buy it! I've played loads of mmos, most of the korean drek loaded with P2W stuff and never had the bad feeling you have. And never had the urge to buy anything in stores.
    If you have difficulty resisting the urge to buy stuff, you have serious problems!
    "it makes me feel bad knowing they are there..." Jesus...
    It's not just knowing they are there, it's why they are there. How can people not understand introducing a heavily hated and controversial feature 2+ years after release causes anger. After coming from other games that pulled this crap, many are furious at its implementation because it's nice to do business with companies not trying to rip off its players.
  • e1team
    Neutral: I have NOT tested the crates, and my feelings are neutral, noncommital, or do not apply.
    Rosveen wrote: »
    Milvan wrote: »
    There is two discussions going on on PTS, there is another topic here in general discussion that ende up in just blatant and shallow hate and yet we need another topic about these boxes? Did someone tell you guys that they are cosmetic and not mandotory to buy at all? I mean they don't affect any gameplay mechanic at all?

    For the eight and our yet to be born lord and savior Talor, this is why there is always a interplanar demon thing trying to destroy Nirn. You guys makes me want to destroy Nirn too XD
    For some of us, video games are about more than just combat. Character customization, also in its visual aspect, is a huge part of modern RPGs - even more so when it comes to MMORPGs, which are a social experience by nature. If you think cosmetics don't matter, ask yourself why so many people, even those who never roleplay, spend hours in character creation instead of pressing "randomize", naming the char Sjapfjfbwj and jumping straight into the game.

    Yea, but it's not that you go and spend all your dough on Armani late collection in real life just because life is social (well may be you do, but you get the point). We always have some limits to work with. You're not ok with spending 300$ to get that exclusive cosmetic? Don't spend then! Deal with it and work within your boundaries. Use what is available.
    There are dyes after all XD
  • e1team
    Neutral: I have NOT tested the crates, and my feelings are neutral, noncommital, or do not apply.
    JimT722 wrote: »
    e1team wrote: »
    Dear gods! I don't understand people that say they'll quit if ZOS implements lockboxes or complain it's a bad idea. Don't like it, don't buy it! I've played loads of mmos, most of the korean drek loaded with P2W stuff and never had the bad feeling you have. And never had the urge to buy anything in stores.
    If you have difficulty resisting the urge to buy stuff, you have serious problems!
    "it makes me feel bad knowing they are there..." Jesus...
    It's not just knowing they are there, it's why they are there. How can people not understand introducing a heavily hated and controversial feature 2+ years after release causes anger. After coming from other games that pulled this crap, many are furious at its implementation because it's nice to do business with companies not trying to rip off its players.

    That is what I can't understand: The anger. It's a ripoff only if you allow it. I agree that some people are very susceptible to gambling, but we are intelligent creatures, we have free will! Have we not?
  • Esquire1980g_ESO
    Negative: I have NOT tested the crates, and I dislike the idea/direction and/or I dislike what I have read.
    e1team wrote: »
    I feel that zenimax does not give a *** at all and will add them regardless of how people feel about them.

    This. See? No point complaining.

    Let me try to explain. If you played MMORPGs BEFORE all this F2P junk, you got EVERYTHING in the game for your sub cost. (and that what's this game was reported to be originally) That included the BIS weapons, armor, housing, customization, appearance tabs, EVERYTHING. Now? Studios PAYGATE parts of their own games to increase their cash. That's what F2P and all of this entitlement has brought us. I can't for the life of me, figure out why some1 wouldn't want to pay $15.00 bucks a month for an entire months worth of entertainment.

    And just because YOU may not want to play "dress-up Barbie" there are MANY people in MMORPGs that want to. After all, if no1 wanted to have this type of playstyle, devs wouldn't bother with coding it. I'm positive there are many more that want to play this style than participate in PVP. I was a private tester in SWG so I had some access to their numbers. Believe it or not, it was only 8%, in that game that were avid PVP-ers.

    How would you like it if they pay-gated some other part of the game? Lets say, in order to get to the PVP areas, you had to gain access via a crown crate that had a .03% drop rate? "Keep buying until you get it", "spend that money!" And the ironic thing is. I bet if they locked PVP behind a pay-wall instead of appearance, the screaming wouldn't be so large about this supposed "CHANGE". I'll bet most of the appearance tab people would make a post something to the effect of, "Good change, doesn't affect me, complaining is complaining".

    Go try running your own MMORPG and you'll get the idea that it takes ALL playstyles to make a game and alienating even 1 part of your base = not much more than an NGE, you end up with forums such as this, and cancelled subs.

    Edited by Esquire1980g_ESO on September 29, 2016 4:54PM
  • Morimizo
    Negative: I have NOT tested the crates, and I dislike the idea/direction and/or I dislike what I have read.
    Rosveen wrote: »
    Milvan wrote: »
    There is two discussions going on on PTS, there is another topic here in general discussion that ende up in just blatant and shallow hate and yet we need another topic about these boxes? Did someone tell you guys that they are cosmetic and not mandotory to buy at all? I mean they don't affect any gameplay mechanic at all?

    For the eight and our yet to be born lord and savior Talor, this is why there is always a interplanar demon thing trying to destroy Nirn. You guys makes me want to destroy Nirn too XD
    For some of us, video games are about more than just combat. Character customization, also in its visual aspect, is a huge part of modern RPGs - even more so when it comes to MMORPGs, which are a social experience by nature. If you think cosmetics don't matter, ask yourself why so many people, even those who never roleplay, spend hours in character creation instead of pressing "randomize", naming the char Sjapfjfbwj and jumping straight into the game.

    And furthermore, to those who can't be bothered to see why many of us loathe these crates, how would you feel if new weapon/class skill lines were placed in them? Not OP moves, just DIFFERENT moves. VARIETY. That no one can have unless they gamble away their real money, and maybe not even then.

    The "just cosmetic/aesthetic argument" is invalid.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Soul Shriven
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • silvereyes
    Negative: I have tested the crates, and I do not want this feature to be implemented in the game.
    I'm not really even angry. I'm more sad to see Zenimax going down this path. They've earned a lot of trust from me in their implementation of the Crown Store so far, and I feel like they are squandering that reputation chasing after the latest marketing fad.

    But it's fine to try and ignore it. If you can, good for you. You'll be much happier than most of us. But don't dismiss the anger just because you aren't angry. Some people are more emotionally invested. Some people feel betrayed. Some people can't just ignore things as easily.

    I say, to each his or her own. We don't need to agree. Just vote how you will, and let others vote how they will. No need to get all up in each others' faces.
  • JamilaRaj
    I get that ZOS needs money to make the game better. I want those better servers.

    That being said, the drop rates in those crates are awful. If they remain as is I do not want this feature. If they are increased, I'm ok with it.

    Oh, and the OP xp scrolls need craftable equivalents or no cigar.

    Agreed. The Monetization Department should increase drop rates of interesting fluff so that it would be actually cheaper to get it from scamboxes than buying it outright; literally give away otherwise $40 mounts for $4 a pair. It would cost nothing, while complainers would shut up and embrace gambling.
    Then it could ninja nerf drop rates or introduce new scamboxes with reduced drop rates and start putting even more interesting stuff there precisely to avoid being accused of ninja nerfing. Either way, players would gamble on, assuming they still have the original drop rates, and lose sheetloads of money before noticing that is not the case.
    Alternatively, it could set drop rates to automatically decrease (for given player/credit card number) with each opened scambox, which would be much harder to notice.
    Edited by JamilaRaj on September 29, 2016 8:04PM
  • RazielSR
    Negative: I have NOT tested the crates, and I dislike the idea/direction and/or I dislike what I have read.
    Me and others were advancing things like this since 2 years ago and we were called trolls. Many of them left,even the "fans"calling us trolls.
  • wayfarerx
    Negative: I have NOT tested the crates, and I dislike the idea/direction and/or I dislike what I have read.
    e1team wrote: »
    Dear gods! I don't understand people that say they'll quit if ZOS implements lockboxes or complain it's a bad idea.
    GOOD NEWS! There are literally hundreds of pages of comments where said people explain, in great detail, exactly why they think it's a bad idea. Feel free to read up.
    e1team wrote: »
    Don't like it, don't buy it! I've played loads of mmos, most of the korean drek loaded with P2W stuff and never had the bad feeling you have. And never had the urge to buy anything in stores.
    Amazingly, some of us are here specifically to avoid said "korean drek." Can't imagine why this crown crate thing upsets us though.
    e1team wrote: »
    If you have difficulty resisting the urge to buy stuff, you have serious problems!
    "it makes me feel bad knowing they are there..." Jesus...
    What I don't understand is why some people feel such a burning need to minimize, dismiss or belittle opinions they disagree with. It's weird.
    e1team wrote: »
    Rosveen wrote: »
    Milvan wrote: »
    There is two discussions going on on PTS, there is another topic here in general discussion that ende up in just blatant and shallow hate and yet we need another topic about these boxes? Did someone tell you guys that they are cosmetic and not mandotory to buy at all? I mean they don't affect any gameplay mechanic at all?

    For the eight and our yet to be born lord and savior Talor, this is why there is always a interplanar demon thing trying to destroy Nirn. You guys makes me want to destroy Nirn too XD
    For some of us, video games are about more than just combat. Character customization, also in its visual aspect, is a huge part of modern RPGs - even more so when it comes to MMORPGs, which are a social experience by nature. If you think cosmetics don't matter, ask yourself why so many people, even those who never roleplay, spend hours in character creation instead of pressing "randomize", naming the char Sjapfjfbwj and jumping straight into the game.

    Yea, but it's not that you go and spend all your dough on Armani late collection in real life just because life is social (well may be you do, but you get the point). We always have some limits to work with. You're not ok with spending 300$ to get that exclusive cosmetic? Don't spend then! Deal with it and work within your boundaries. Use what is available.
    There are dyes after all XD
    Again, feel free to read up on the actual arguments against these things. There are plenty of well-defined positions you can challenge instead of creating inaccurate analogies for entirely unrelated products and services.
    @wayfarerx - PC / North America / Aldmeri Dominion
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    Negative: I have NOT tested the crates, and I dislike the idea/direction and/or I dislike what I have read.
    e1team wrote: »
    I've played loads of mmos, most of the korean drek loaded with P2W stuff and never had the bad feeling you have.

    We hold ESO to a higher standard than other MMOs.
    e1team wrote: »
    It's a ripoff only if you allow it.

    Which is why, to the best of our abilities, we are not allowing it. But we aren't CEO of Zenimax Online Studies - we don't call the shots directly, we can't just say 'Okay, these Crates would be bad for the game and take development time from bug fixes and features that are actually wanted - let's scrap the Crates and focus on something else.' We're limited to protesting at the tops of our digital lungs, and warning our friends and fellow players to do the same, and hope that it will make an impact with the full knowledge that it probably won't - but it's all we can do.

    You also don't seem to realize you're contradicting yourself. You say that I am free to not pay for Crown Crates. Yet you express confusion when I and others, who have been supporting the game with our subs and prior purchases, having seen what that money is being used to make, decide to not pay for their further development.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works

    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • noxayloxub17_ESO
    Negative: I have NOT tested the crates, and I dislike the idea/direction and/or I dislike what I have read.
    Palidon wrote: »
    No way am I wasting my money on those crates. If I want to gamble I will go to Vegas. The odds are better there.

    At least in Vegas they tell you what the odds are.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • e1team
    Neutral: I have NOT tested the crates, and my feelings are neutral, noncommital, or do not apply.
    e1team wrote: »
    I've played loads of mmos, most of the korean drek loaded with P2W stuff and never had the bad feeling you have.

    We hold ESO to a higher standard than other MMOs.
    e1team wrote: »
    It's a ripoff only if you allow it.

    Which is why, to the best of our abilities, we are not allowing it. But we aren't CEO of Zenimax Online Studies - we don't call the shots directly, we can't just say 'Okay, these Crates would be bad for the game and take development time from bug fixes and features that are actually wanted - let's scrap the Crates and focus on something else.' We're limited to protesting at the tops of our digital lungs, and warning our friends and fellow players to do the same, and hope that it will make an impact with the full knowledge that it probably won't - but it's all we can do.

    You also don't seem to realize you're contradicting yourself. You say that I am free to not pay for Crown Crates. Yet you express confusion when I and others, who have been supporting the game with our subs and prior purchases, having seen what that money is being used to make, decide to not pay for their further development.

    I'm sorry, but crown crates are a drop in the bucket when it comes to your/ours money. Compared to tonns of stuff they released since launch, DLCs and patches etc.
    I do not contradict myself. I see no reason to complain bout something so minor as lockbox cosmetics (which again you don't have to buy) or cry "OMG ZEY GONNA PUT SKILLZ AND P2W THERE"
    It hadn't happend yet. Most probably it wont. As you said, ESO is not a Korean drek. And ZOS is not manned by morons. Greedy people? Sure. But they're not idiots.
  • Smasherx74
    Negative: I have NOT tested the crates, and I dislike the idea/direction and/or I dislike what I have read.
    Great thread, hopefully they take RNG boxes out and jack up the prices on rare mounts or maybe just maybe... give quests for them.
    Master Debater
  • wayfarerx
    Negative: I have NOT tested the crates, and I dislike the idea/direction and/or I dislike what I have read.
    e1team wrote: »
    e1team wrote: »
    I've played loads of mmos, most of the korean drek loaded with P2W stuff and never had the bad feeling you have.

    We hold ESO to a higher standard than other MMOs.
    e1team wrote: »
    It's a ripoff only if you allow it.

    Which is why, to the best of our abilities, we are not allowing it. But we aren't CEO of Zenimax Online Studies - we don't call the shots directly, we can't just say 'Okay, these Crates would be bad for the game and take development time from bug fixes and features that are actually wanted - let's scrap the Crates and focus on something else.' We're limited to protesting at the tops of our digital lungs, and warning our friends and fellow players to do the same, and hope that it will make an impact with the full knowledge that it probably won't - but it's all we can do.

    You also don't seem to realize you're contradicting yourself. You say that I am free to not pay for Crown Crates. Yet you express confusion when I and others, who have been supporting the game with our subs and prior purchases, having seen what that money is being used to make, decide to not pay for their further development.

    I'm sorry, but crown crates are a drop in the bucket when it comes to your/ours money. Compared to tonns of stuff they released since launch, DLCs and patches etc.
    Have you looked at the drop rates people have determined for things like the apex rewards? I would have to spend almost 50% of what I've spent over the life of ESO to get one of those, and I've subbed since launch and bought crown packs. Not exactly a drop in the bucket unless you've already spent thousands of dollars on this game.
    e1team wrote: »
    I do not contradict myself. I see no reason to complain bout something so minor as lockbox cosmetics (which again you don't have to buy) or cry "OMG ZEY GONNA PUT SKILLZ AND P2W THERE"
    It hadn't happend yet. Most probably it wont. As you said, ESO is not a Korean drek. And ZOS is not manned by morons. Greedy people? Sure. But they're not idiots.
    Again, there are literally thousands of posts that contain reasons to complain, it's not anyone else's fault if you don't want to read them.
    @wayfarerx - PC / North America / Aldmeri Dominion
  • noxayloxub17_ESO
    Negative: I have NOT tested the crates, and I dislike the idea/direction and/or I dislike what I have read.
    e1team wrote: »
    JimT722 wrote: »
    e1team wrote: »
    Dear gods! I don't understand people that say they'll quit if ZOS implements lockboxes or complain it's a bad idea. Don't like it, don't buy it! I've played loads of mmos, most of the korean drek loaded with P2W stuff and never had the bad feeling you have. And never had the urge to buy anything in stores.
    If you have difficulty resisting the urge to buy stuff, you have serious problems!
    "it makes me feel bad knowing they are there..." Jesus...
    It's not just knowing they are there, it's why they are there. How can people not understand introducing a heavily hated and controversial feature 2+ years after release causes anger. After coming from other games that pulled this crap, many are furious at its implementation because it's nice to do business with companies not trying to rip off its players.

    That is what I can't understand: The anger. It's a ripoff only if you allow it. I agree that some people are very susceptible to gambling, but we are intelligent creatures, we have free will! Have we not?

    I think you can place the anger in to one of three camps.

    1) RNG boxes are a predatory practice that preys on people with addiction and this is unethical.

    2) If you do participate, the system is rigged to be a cash grab. The majority of the time contents of these boxes is not even worth the 400c that they cost.

    3) Too many exclusives in the box. What could have been offered as a normal Crown Store purchase is now being locked behind a gambling requirement which (see above) is blatantly rigged to force you to spend hundreds of dollars to only have a CHANCE at getting the item.

    Yes it is a rip off only if you allow it, but it also means that someone who once was willing to spend money to buy a crown store item no longer even gets the OPPORTUNITY to purchase the item. It is frustrating as a consumer to be put in the situation that the only way of buying something is to gamble potentially hundreds of dollars.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • JimT722
    Negative: I have NOT tested the crates, and I dislike the idea/direction and/or I dislike what I have read.
    e1team wrote: »
    e1team wrote: »
    I've played loads of mmos, most of the korean drek loaded with P2W stuff and never had the bad feeling you have.

    We hold ESO to a higher standard than other MMOs.
    e1team wrote: »
    It's a ripoff only if you allow it.

    Which is why, to the best of our abilities, we are not allowing it. But we aren't CEO of Zenimax Online Studies - we don't call the shots directly, we can't just say 'Okay, these Crates would be bad for the game and take development time from bug fixes and features that are actually wanted - let's scrap the Crates and focus on something else.' We're limited to protesting at the tops of our digital lungs, and warning our friends and fellow players to do the same, and hope that it will make an impact with the full knowledge that it probably won't - but it's all we can do.

    You also don't seem to realize you're contradicting yourself. You say that I am free to not pay for Crown Crates. Yet you express confusion when I and others, who have been supporting the game with our subs and prior purchases, having seen what that money is being used to make, decide to not pay for their further development.

    I'm sorry, but crown crates are a drop in the bucket when it comes to your/ours money. Compared to tonns of stuff they released since launch, DLCs and patches etc.
    I do not contradict myself. I see no reason to complain bout something so minor as lockbox cosmetics (which again you don't have to buy) or cry "OMG ZEY GONNA PUT SKILLZ AND P2W THERE"
    It hadn't happend yet. Most probably it wont. As you said, ESO is not a Korean drek. And ZOS is not manned by morons. Greedy people? Sure. But they're not idiots.
    Minor to you, not to a lot of people. It looks like they finally started working on housing the last few updates. I know they have been working on these for at least the last few updates as well. Might be a coincidence but I think not. It affects the focus of the game development. People like buying cosmetics even if you don't. They should be able to without being ripped off.
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