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· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Playstation: NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must Be The Place...

  • geonsocal
    how in the heck are you yourself so "tanky"/hard to kill with your magplar...are you:
    - blocking a bunch (ice staff)
    - out healing incoming damage
    - focused on buffing your resistance
    - got some extra stam to roll-dodge a bunch

    if you're solo, breath of life and earthgore or troll king alone can make it hard to kill a magplar...I forgot what the cost is, but, I think they have a cheap purge too...

    good for you for using your javelin so well...

    I remember when we could knock people through the oil grates on the second floor of keeps and outposts...that was fun...

    in all the years, I never knocked someone off the alessia bridge with the javelin - and, i've tried...I've knocked them off the bridge towers down onto the bridge, but, never sent someone in to the water...

    just curious - what pots do you use?
    Edited by geonsocal on April 4, 2020 6:19PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    back in EU cyro (man, I'm not even sure what the name is at the moment)...

    playing my blue magblade, ported in and was riding from glade to dragonclaw while it was flagged...only made it half way before the keep was captured...

    stopped at an active dolman (apple something, I think), and some red warden using a bear was working on it...used cloak a lightening staff light/heavy attacks to leave the other player and their bear alone...

    all of sudden a yellow player, who also had a bear showed up...I've done dolmans and delves with other alliance players, never 2 different allainces...

    there was yellow and red fighting in the area and we all went in different directions afterwards...I went ahead and jumped into the underall cave which was close by...

    i don't go in many dungeons or delves in eso anymore, I use the jubilee event for the xp buff - I'm not crafting nothing unless I have to...mostly I just focus on fighting around the center of cyro...small and large was fun to go through the cave...I just treated it like IC and blade of woe'd a bunch of the NPCs...

    I kind of wish it worked on other we could both watch that cut scene together :p

    been using my NA magblade a bunch recently doing dailies for the siegemaster costume - the amount of damage output from cp 412 to cp 810 on my magblades is really noticeable...

    hope everyone is staying safe and on...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    got a little time on my hands, so switching up my gear a bit on my EU stam warden...

    I'm at around xp 430 or so over on the EU server...I haven't really done much gear updates to any of those 7 toons I have there...pretty much still wearing the same gear as when I turned cp 160...

    had my stam warden in 2 heavy/5 medium velidreth, spriggans, and battlefield acrobat...going to switch out the battlefield acrobat with markman's crest...having a tough time though finding much markman's gear outside of the bow at guild traders...

    probably just need to go find and visit the cyro town vendor that sells it...

    lag has been really bad this week...really bad...I'm having a hard time just light attcking with my bow...

    crazy me, I'm still out there playing, but, it's really bad...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    dang, so all the light pvp is at cropsford, heavy is at vlastrus, medium at bruma...for some crazy reason though markman's crest can only be bought at the elite gear vendor - which not only has a bunch of other sets in the loot boxes, but jewelry comes in blue...

    looks like every fairly useful pvp set is there as well...that really sucks...also explains why I have to spend 110k gold on two purple rings...another 60k on 3 body pieces...

    oh well, it's only gold :)
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    so, magplar and stam dk both got jealous of the stam warden (nature boy :)) getting new gear...

    when I hit cp 160 I needed to gear up 7 toons at once, so I used a lot of the gear from the rewards for the worthy bags...

    it's just taken me a year or so to get enough crafting skills and coin to be able to upgrade...

    I need some more medium monster gear...most everything I currently have is in heavy...

    magplar went from earthgore, spell strategist, steadfast hero to earthgore, spell strategist and bright throat...I can spam away again...2 heavy/5 light

    stam dk went from blood spawn, plague doctor, battalion defender to blood spawn, plague doctor and seventh legion...I wish I had a couple of more good offensive medium monster sets...

    I can run most vet dungeons as a tank or healer...I may just do a couple of runs for a helm... I have about 30 or so keys saved up...

    you know what, I have a medium sellistrex mask already...i've never used the set before, fits the tankish playstyle...seems easy enough to proc with dots - looks, like a fun animation...might as well see if i can get lucky and grab a medium arm corps as well...
    Edited by geonsocal on April 12, 2020 9:21AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    I remember the first time I saw the new destro ult in cyro...I was up on top of ash firing off some siege, so at the time I had that high overhead view...

    my very first thought: holy *** that looks so cool, the next thought: wow, performance is never gonna get any better than this...

    one "advantage" of living out here in the pacific time zone and playing off peak hours on both servers (even more so on the EU server) - generally performance ain't so bad...

    now that I'm doing some work from home and playing during the day i get a chance to on a full server...

    wow, even with about 80 Mbps down and 40 Mbps up, searching just my own name in the guild roster - performance is still bad around fights...really really bad...

    like, i think I'm gonna log off's a shame cuz I love large melee battles with all 3 alliances involved...

    everytime I see a full screen of players my teeth start to clench waiting to suddenly fall over and die...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    oh yeah, finally got the siegmaster costume over on the NA server...I like it a lot...I may dye it, but, I actually like the color scheme it comes in...

    right now working on getting the helm (it comes with a mask and hood already...

    man, my tel var farm game is the last two months I think I've earned a whopping 40k or so in stones doing these dailies :(

    it would be nice if zos added some new district daily quests (including sewer quests) in to the game...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    was in cyro last night on the EU server and something amazing took place - the performance was great...there were zero pop bars, although there was a fair amount of players and fighting on the map...

    had a blast...was playing my stam dk...I don't think I noticed that sellistrex animation once yet...I really like the new 7th legion animation, it goes cool with hardened armor and green dragon blood...

    I'm still not sure what is going on with stone giant - when you have those rocks floating around you, are they either providing a shield or doing damage?

    I've re-read the tool tip a few times and I'm still not sure...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • reiverx
    Will anyone be investing in an alliance change token? All my chars are AD and I don't see that changing even though we are just a shadow of what we were. I hope we don't see a mass exodus though. There's already a steady trickle switching sides.
  • geonsocal
    I'm gonna keep the 4 DC, 3 AD, and 3 EP I have on the NA server as they are...right now I just rotate alliances every few months...

    over on the EU server where I'm more active I have 5 DC, 1 EP, and 1 AD...I'm going to move my AD and EP toons to DC...they're both necromancers and haven't played that much in cyro...really looking forward to playing them a bunch once I can change their alliance...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    been red this campaign over on the EU server...

    got my mag dk, stam sorc and magplar there...

    my mag dk can put out some heat, and, take a bit of a stam sorc is a werewolf which is still a lot of fun for me...

    I'm using my magplar in IC to do the dailies...

    it's funny, when I was doing dailies with my magblade I rarely if ever fought, with my magplar I don't even bother hiding much...I'm doing a lot more fighting right now...

    got him set up in troll king, rattlecage and meridia's blessing...

    takes me about 10 to 20 minutes to get my rotation down, but, once I got it, he's fairly competitive...

    at least I don't have to worry about any nightblades ganking me which is nice...

    had a blast grouping up with a necro stam named dr. purple or something...

    real cool player...we just ran around the districts picking fights with was a lot of fun...
    Edited by geonsocal on April 30, 2020 10:32PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    had something funny happen yesterday...over on the EU server trying to defend alta ruma and ni-mohk against a group of six villainous dominion scum...

    I hate it when you get hit by a group that small - and good...we had close to the same numbers, did decent siege work, but, they just rolled us out of 3 keeps and two temples...

    they really did good work on their counter siege...particularly with a couple of players working multiple trebuchets...

    at one point I was in warden up on the top floor on the balcony pouring oil on that first flag right by the front door...

    I see this yellow player across the room on the stairs heading up to the top floor...he was on the second landing...

    I had been pouring oil for a while and expected to die at some point...I'm thinking - come on up and fight and then I'll stop pouring oil on your friends downstairs...

    suddenly they leap, hit me, kill me...

    I did not think a leap of that magnitude was even possible...

    I kind of get the one shot (saw the same player at another battle, it was the reigning emp that squashed me), I was a pet sorc in a lot of light, not a whole lot of health...

    I don't know...I hope I get a chance at some point to see them laying on the ground somewhere...

    a whole lot of guffawing will be going on...
    Edited by geonsocal on May 2, 2020 3:39AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • reiverx
    New campaign starts tomorrow. Looks like another guild is moving away from AD. I understand that AD has went to pieces over the last year but things like this do not help the game and make PVP all the worse.
  • TequilaFire
    Let me guess they moved to EP?
    Seems everybody is piling onto EP.
  • dotme
    EP had a strong campaign due to crowns working with each other. I don't think I have ever seen a less toxic 30 day campaign. I lost count of how many EP players made Emp - I'd estimate 10 or more. The Emp rotation was an amazing thing to see. Every single one of them dropped campaign when dethroned to make way for the next one, and it didn't appear to me that it mattered what guild each was in. There was a real team atmosphere in ZC and it was good.

    I think AD was playing a different game. Ball groups seem to be the order of the day there. If those groups had focused on campaign score, I really think it could have been more competitive. DC lacked population, but that's more a sign of the state of the game and a guild that left this month for the other campaign, I think.

    If ZOS doesn't get this lag under control, we'll all be taking turns with the low-pop bonus soon enough.
  • dotme
    On a related note, there was chatter last night in EP zone chat that we lost a fairly well known player this week - Not sure if its appropriate to drop the PSN gamertag here so I won't.

    There was talk of an in-game memorial this Saturday but I don't have any further details nor do I have any validation of the claim, but it was mentioned quite a bit last night.
  • reiverx
    Let me guess they moved to EP?
    Seems everybody is piling onto EP.

    As I understand it, they are moving to DC. I think EP already has enough players.
  • reiverx
    dotme wrote: »
    On a related note, there was chatter last night in EP zone chat that we lost a fairly well known player this week - Not sure if its appropriate to drop the PSN gamertag here so I won't.

    There was talk of an in-game memorial this Saturday but I don't have any further details nor do I have any validation of the claim, but it was mentioned quite a bit last night.

    Yes, Covid took a well liked PVPer last week.

    Really, really awful thing to happen. Heartbreaking for his family.
  • geonsocal
    awwww, sad to hear that...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Peacatcher
    The atmosphere on NA is amazing, Ive been playing there a lot this campaign.
    Ps4 EU
  • geonsocal
    for only the second time in the last couple of years I actually played on the winning alliance on both servers...

    staying red on as always on EU...

    I've done a lot of gear updates recently on the EU server, so the 23k or so gold for each toon really helped a lot...

    I've actually started selling gear again...I'm in a blue pvp guild on the EU server...we don't get any big trade spots, but, good enough for me to sell my excess gear cheaply...

    finally collected both the siegemaster costume and helm from imperial city on the NA server...they look great...eventually i'd like to also collect it on the EU server...

    gonna keep a character in IC just to go around and fight...I still need/want to collect the two missing xivkyn polymorphs i don't may take another couple of years to save up enough tel var, but, what else do we have, but time :)
    Edited by geonsocal on May 10, 2020 6:48PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    back to getting unmercifully hammered as DC on EU...

    last few nights I've spent a bunch of time starting out gated and just taking resources...

    it's funny - been running in to a bunch of snipe artists too...just so happens the last three toons I've played have been a mag sorc, magplar and magblade...all wearing 5 light/2 heavy...

    I'm up to cp460 so my resistances are okayish, but, those snipers are just shredding me...usually I'm dead before I even know I've been hit...

    I'll go in tonight on a stam warden, at least he had 5 medium on with the two he carries a bow too...

    when it comes to snipe - always better to give than receive :)
    Edited by geonsocal on May 15, 2020 3:55AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Vietfox
    geonsocal wrote: »
    back to getting unmercifully hammered as DC on EU...

    last few nights I've spent a bunch of time starting out gated and just taking resources...

    it's funny - been running in to a bunch of snipe artists too...just so happens the last three toons I've played have been a mag sorc, magplar and magblade...all wearing 5 light/2 heavy...

    I'm up to cp460 so my resistances are okayish, but, those snipers are just shredding me...usually I'm dead before I even know I've been hit...

    I'll go in tonight on a stam warden, at least he had 5 medium on with the two he carries a bow too...

    when it comes to snipe - always better to give than receive :)

    My man, i haven't been able to meet you in the battlefield yet, although i've been playing a lot less lately. Now i mostly play friday/saturday nights, around 11pm-1am (UTC). I moved to Blackreach to avoid most of the lag, but i might play in Gray Host today.
  • Peacatcher
    Anyone else feel like you just cant get better at pvp and might actually be getting worse?

    Everywhere I look people are dishing out huge damage while standing in multiple oils and meatbags with their health bars sitting firmly at 100% and never run out of resources. While Im struggling to heal through a single dot and hopelessly wondering why I keep dying so quickly.

    Quite a demoralising few patches lately. Hopefully things will get better with Greymoor. Still trying to enjoy it all though, there are a few good moments.
    Ps4 EU
  • Vietfox
    Peacatcher wrote: »
    Anyone else feel like you just cant get better at pvp and might actually be getting worse?

    Everywhere I look people are dishing out huge damage while standing in multiple oils and meatbags with their health bars sitting firmly at 100% and never run out of resources. While Im struggling to heal through a single dot and hopelessly wondering why I keep dying so quickly.

    Quite a demoralising few patches lately. Hopefully things will get better with Greymoor. Still trying to enjoy it all though, there are a few good moments.

    What is your class, build, etc...?
    I assume you are in CP campaign.
  • geonsocal
    the key is - don't stand somewhere that flaming oil is pouring down on you :)

    seriously though, it's funny to watch even max cp level toons dropping by a door...

    very few toons are built to purge and heal or out mitigate flaming oil...

    I get what you're saying though about running into some players who are tougher to kill and much more lethal than any world or district boss in the game...

    since I first started playing pvp almost 5 years ago I've alway run into players whom were just head and shoulders above everyone else...

    more than likely - your skill and build/rotation level is simply average like the majority of the folks in me...

    there's that top 10% or so of the playerbase though that simply has this *** worked out at a much higher level than the rest of us...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Nord_Raseri
    I think I've been in cyro a max of 5 times the last couple of months. Lag and skill delay have been making the game more frustrating than fun for me lately. Might pop on in a bit though, and at the very least either remember why I've been there for several years or why I haven't been ;)
    Veit ég aðég hékk vindga meiði á nætr allar níu, geiri undaðr og gefinn Oðni, sjálfr sjálfum mér, á þeim meiði er manngi veit hvers hann af rótum rennr.
  • geonsocal
    I play a lot of "off-hours" times on both servers - so, not a typical game experience, but, performance has been okay lately...

    still die all the time to invisible siege and snipes...

    doesn't bug me like it once did...I think I may just be numb to the poor performance at this point...

    truth is - I'm addicted to playing my toons in, I'm willing to put up with more *** game performance than most (well except for the other poor souls like myself who are hooked on eso pvp)...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Nord_Raseri
    Yeah, I used to be, but most of the people I ran with either moved on, taking a break, or swapped sides. Some are still around but not many.
    Veit ég aðég hékk vindga meiði á nætr allar níu, geiri undaðr og gefinn Oðni, sjálfr sjálfum mér, á þeim meiði er manngi veit hvers hann af rótum rennr.
  • Peacatcher
    geonsocal wrote: »
    the key is - don't stand somewhere that flaming oil is pouring down on you :)

    seriously though, it's funny to watch even max cp level toons dropping by a door...

    very few toons are built to purge and heal or out mitigate flaming oil...

    I get what you're saying though about running into some players who are tougher to kill and much more lethal than any world or district boss in the game...

    since I first started playing pvp almost 5 years ago I've alway run into players whom were just head and shoulders above everyone else...

    more than likely - your skill and build/rotation level is simply average like the majority of the folks in me...

    there's that top 10% or so of the playerbase though that simply has this *** worked out at a much higher level than the rest of us...

    Yeah it's just pretty frustrating at the moment. Didnt mean to sound like I was ranting!

    I've accepted that Im not a 'great' player, Im very average. I feel as though I understand combat, builds, mechanics etc and that understanding fails me when I just melt without knowing how or what I could have done differently.

    I play most classes, a lot of magicka warden at the moment. Currently using Necropotence, ancient dragonguard and grothdarr or troll king, buffs and heals on back bar and offense on the front, good stats and tooltips. It feels like a pretty capable setup. Always keep my buffs up and heals going. Just cant get any success on this or any other character.

    I dunno, sorry again if Im coming off bitter. Its not intentional, its just hard to improve at the moment!
    Ps4 EU
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