Comparing inner light and aegis isn't comparing apples for apples. It's not a this or that decision, you could run both. Or say you want the anti-gank power of Radiant Magelight then you can draw your pool via BA. I dont know that many PvP MinMaxers run it though, but depends on your whole setup I guess
Your Option 1 would be awesome, so it didn't take up slots on all bars. But I think this thread will light up with people declaring that would be OP!
No I agree, I definitely don't think its OP. Nor is anything Sorc right nowbut I'm sure some will think it is!
MalakithAlamahdi wrote: »Good day lads and girl's,
I've had a magicka sorc for over a year now, but haven't really started playing it since DB came life, which probably is the worst time ever to do so.
However, I don't really understand the role of bound aegis is PvP, it takes you 2 slots, gives resistance that gets negated by a simple sharpened weapon, but gives you 8% more max magicka. But for this you can just slot inner light, which takes 1 slot, can reveal NB's, gives crit, 2% regen (passive) and can empower your spell's, still giving 5% Max magicka.
Is it me or is bound aegis just a wasted spell when it comes to PvP? If not, I would really like to know it's role on a PvP build. If others don't see it's role either I have some suggestions, which I want your feedback on.
Right, suggestion one:
Make it a passive skill like magelight, so you can put it in one bar and get its buff, that way it won't always cost you a second slot as recasting it every time you weapon swap seems a waste to me.
Suggestion two:
Make the 8% max magicka passive when you got it on your bar, but make the armor it gives a major buff you got to cast, lasting for 30 seconds or so. The cost of casting can be bumped up a bit to bring it more in line with other buffs. That way it would be a bit like the Templar rune, but giving you mag magicka instead of regen. The only problem with this one is fighting form, which also gives a major buff. Instead make this the minor buff, keep the speed bonus and perhaps buff it's damage a little bit.
Suggestions three:
Keep it the way it is but instead of giving you the armor, making it so that it gives that value in spell penetration or give it 8% more damage like the NB skill has with the spectral bow (forgot the name for a sec).
Please let me know what you think about this spell and perhaps my suggestion of how to change it. Or if you got a better idea for it.
Thanks for your time!
MalakithAlamahdi wrote: »bound aegis is PvP, it takes you 2 slots, gives resistance that gets negated by a simple sharpened weapon, but gives you 8% more max magicka. But for this you can just slot inner light, which takes 1 slot, you can put it in one bar and get its buff, that way it won't always cost you a second slot as recasting it every time you weapon swap seems a waste to me.
MalakithAlamahdi wrote: »Good day lads and girl's,
I've had a magicka sorc for over a year now, but haven't really started playing it since DB came life, which probably is the worst time ever to do so.
However, I don't really understand the role of bound aegis is PvP, it takes you 2 slots, gives resistance that gets negated by a simple sharpened weapon, but gives you 8% more max magicka. But for this you can just slot inner light, which takes 1 slot, can reveal NB's, gives crit, 2% regen (passive) and can empower your spell's, still giving 5% Max magicka.
Is it me or is bound aegis just a wasted spell when it comes to PvP? If not, I would really like to know it's role on a PvP build. If others don't see it's role either I have some suggestions, which I want your feedback on.
Right, suggestion one:
Make it a passive skill like magelight, so you can put it in one bar and get its buff, that way it won't always cost you a second slot as recasting it every time you weapon swap seems a waste to me.
Suggestion two:
Make the 8% max magicka passive when you got it on your bar, but make the armor it gives a major buff you got to cast, lasting for 30 seconds or so. The cost of casting can be bumped up a bit to bring it more in line with other buffs. That way it would be a bit like the Templar rune, but giving you mag magicka instead of regen. The only problem with this one is fighting form, which also gives a major buff. Instead make this the minor buff, keep the speed bonus and perhaps buff it's damage a little bit.
Suggestions three:
Keep it the way it is but instead of giving you the armor, making it so that it gives that value in spell penetration or give it 8% more damage like the NB skill has with the spectral bow (forgot the name for a sec).
Please let me know what you think about this spell and perhaps my suggestion of how to change it. Or if you got a better idea for it.
Thanks for your time!
for the suggetion two , you say that the bound aegis should be cast every 30 second ? Please man , i know you play pvp but ... if it's this ... don't forgot PVE player ..; we play with this , and recast it will destroy the pve sorc , and make him even worse .
for the suggestion 1 , yes , but we should have the Buff in the second bar too ... we are the second class with big mana cost ... switch between bar with bound aegis and innter light we would lose 2K mana per switch of bar ...
for the suggestion three YES I AGREE ! please ! this is a very good idea .
MalakithAlamahdi wrote: »bound aegis is PvP, it takes you 2 slots, gives resistance that gets negated by a simple sharpened weapon, but gives you 8% more max magicka. But for this you can just slot inner light, which takes 1 slot, you can put it in one bar and get its buff, that way it won't always cost you a second slot as recasting it every time you weapon swap seems a waste to me.
Since when does Inner Light have an effect on a Bar that it is not slotted on?