I don't know about making them beautiful (beauty is in the eye of the beholder), but I would suggest you have about 10 different names ready. Otherwise, you'll be looking for a name, after the first few are all ready taken, and the inactivity timer will log you out, and you'll have to start all over.
arcadiadark wrote:I'm talking about mostly a cute face, like that girl from the tg dlc
arcadiadark wrote: »Hello all! I wanted to ask the community for help creating a beautiful female altmer character as I will soon be creating a female altmer but I suck at creating attractive female characters.
Beautiful is overrated. Finding beauty in one's flaws is true attractiveness. Make an average jane. Over time she'll grow on you, and that's the only thing that matters.
You sure about that, bruh-bruh? So, if you had the option to make a Jessica Alba or Angelina Jolie-looking elf, you wouldn't? I mean with me personally, if I'm going to be looking at my character for hours and months on end...? I want them to at least be attractive. I want some form of eye candy, so that I never actually get bored of them. So yes, they have to be a looker.
My girl isn't obese and butt ugly, but has a thick waist, flat as a board, and sliders for the limbs maxed. She's no poster girl at all but she's still attractive. Your tastes just seem to be more in line with what society and media tries to shove down our throats.
I was thinking my altmer is pretty until i saw her in a dying roomфото хостинг
No i guess i'll get eso+ after all... never trust the creation screen.
arcadiadark wrote: »
I'm talking about mostly a cute face, like that girl from the tg dlc
Schizoid-man wrote: »Watch out for her height because High elves are meant to be the tallest race. My female Altmer has her height set to as low as possible and she is still very tall.
I'd say try avoiding the altmer brown hair. I try use brown on all my characters, b/c I have brown hair. Both of my altmers went with the brown, and I regretted it so much later. It's dull compared to the brown available to other races. =D
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »Just be advised the black hair isn't available for the Altmer.