Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Outbreak Response Unit seeks magic dps & Healers.


Outbreak Response Unit is a Cross Faction XBOX PvE Guild.


Our Leadership, aspires to become one of the well known Trial running guilds in Tamriel. While yes, we want Great Members who know what they are doing to join us; we also want members who are willing to learn this aspect of the game and become a Valued member of the guild.


Our Purpose:

To Run for Leaderboards in Hardmode(vet) Trials and VDSA and To create a great community of Top players who enjoy gaming with each other. We want to see a guild full of active players with a great in-game chat.

Guild Info:

Server: NA
Faction:Daggerfall, Cross Faction PVE Guild,
Primary Leader:o Zesty Tart
PVE Lead: o Lady Velius

PVP Lead: o LuRcH & Hollowedground
Type:< PvE Veteran-Endgame

Scheduled Trial Runs, Dragonstar Arena (Vet Dungeons ect.) are all Based out of Line chat; We update the MODT on a weekly basis, so the best way to get the updates on the guild are through LINE.
Guild Supported Master Crafters
Proven leadership in other MMO's.
Excellent communication through the free Line App on your mobile device and or PC

Ranking Up: Ranking up is very simple and effective.. In order to jump from one rank to the next you must be active, and Run vRoM with 1 or more guild member/ Leader. or take your BST. ( We are looking for Quality over Quantity Members.. and want to test you on your best Class, to see what you can provide for the Guild in Trails & vDSA) [ If you have never run the SoTH Dungeons do not fret; we can teach you; and train you to become one of the top teir members of OBU.]

{ If you have yet to even attempt a trial we run Normal Trials once to twice a week; For those willing to at lest complete trials. For those wanting to join our main Roster for Leaderboard runs you must Prove yourself worthy and willing to take constructive criticism, to improve your playstyle


250 CP. [ 350CP for Leaderboard Trials Team]
Knowledge of your Build; Class, and General Knowledge of your Surroundings.
BST Or Complete RoM With at lest one Leadership member on your Best role. You are not subject to one role; however we do have our Ranks Labeled by Roles ( Tank, DD, Healer)

Current Trail Run Schedule:

At the moment we run vHRC daily. The other trials are scheduled via LINE.

If you are Intrested in Joining, Post Below the Following.

Your GT

or Send a Direct message to
GT: o Lady Velius
Edited by o0Velius on November 2, 2016 3:47AM
Main Tank For
Difficulty Increased

PC : @o0Velius

Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • o0Velius
    We are looking for active members
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
    Class: Templar
    Role: healer
    Cp: 300
    Gt: MR 503 PORTLAND
  • Spliffo
    Class - Stam Sorc
    Role - Dps
    CP - 690
    GT - SmokeHaze90
  • o0Velius
    I'll send invites today.

    Thank you guys, for your interest.
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • o0Velius
    Invites sent..

    Currently we are looking for members who are Intrested in becoming apart of a core group.. current open slots for core roster.( future leaderboard run group)
    Off tank, Healer, DPS.

    If you're life is just to busy, and want to join for the fact we also run trials, once to twice a week, with everyone in guild. Please do. All welcome.

    We farm, and spend time in normal dungeons..

    We are all adults, who work during the day. So most active at night, however we are very active daily, in guild chat.

    We use line chat,

    For invite. Add me.
    Mrs Velius
    Edited by o0Velius on September 16, 2016 6:05PM
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • pizzaow
    Would love to join. I'm on most evenings... I haven't run vet trials yet, but want to get into it. I'm usually the primary tank in normal trials and daily pledges, but might be a good fit as off-tank for your group. I'm still learning the mechanics of trials and DSA.

    403 CP
    Stam DK Tank/DPS
    Health DK Tank

    Magic Sorc DPS
    Magic DK DPS
    Magic Templar Healer
    Stam Sorc DPS

    GT: Pizzaow
    XBox/NA GT: Pizzaow
  • o0Velius
    I'll go ahead head and add you. Yeah for our core group we already have a primary tank. But I am sure we can work something out and give you a shot.

    I'll send an invite. We are mostly evening players ourselves
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
    Good group of people here. I see epic things in the future!
  • TorqueGT
    Gt: Torquexgt
    Cp 519
  • o0Velius
    I'll send an invite when I jump on.

    Is your healer a hybrid? Healers can do damage but most won't advertise that their both.
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • TorqueGT
    It can dps ok but mainly healer

    Sorry I should have separated I have a healer Char. And dps characters
    High elf-healer
    Main dps is magic sorc

    Have other characters I am gearing up currently
  • LilacSyringa
    Soul Shriven
    Stam sorc
    569 CP
    Lilac Syringa

    I have multiple vets but this is my PVE build, working on gear for a healer.
  • o0Velius
    TorqueGT wrote: »
    It can dps ok but mainly healer

    Sorry I should have separated I have a healer Char. And dps characters
    High elf-healer
    Main dps is magic sorc

    Have other characters I am gearing up currently

    Okay sounds perfect. More healers the better imo.. we can help farm any gear you are looking for
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • o0Velius
    Stam sorc
    569 CP
    Lilac Syringa

    I have multiple vets but this is my PVE build, working on gear for a healer.

    Sounds good sent the invite. Welcome guys.
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • o0Velius
    Our guild is looking for active members.

    Our core roster also still has openings.

    If you haven't done trials and want to, we can help you learn.
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • ryanborror
    Gt dooderrr. 531 mag blade. Also play templar and sorc frequently
    Edited by ryanborror on September 18, 2016 9:17PM
    templars, nightblades
    PC/XB1 NA
  • o0Velius
    I'll send an invite when I jumove on
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • o0Velius
    Invites sent.

    Guys please don't join if you don't plan on doing anything with the guild. Thank you.
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
    While the people here seem to be nice people, I have to admit. They are looking for a now healer. 561 cp, full gear, malstorm weapons. Pretty much a true vet to the game.

    I wanted to be a solid player. I am a solid player. If you do join here be prepared to wait it out. It's a trial guild with only 3 to 4 trial people.

    I wanted to help build onto that core group but hey. Just didn't have the cp or gear.

    Wish you all the best. Thank you z for helping me improve my healing.
  • o0Velius
    While the people here seem to be nice people, I have to admit. They are looking for a now healer. 561 cp, full gear, malstorm weapons. Pretty much a true vet to the game.

    I wanted to be a solid player. I am a solid player. If you do join here be prepared to wait it out. It's a trial guild with only 3 to 4 trial people.

    I wanted to help build onto that core group but hey. Just didn't have the cp or gear.

    Wish you all the best. Thank you z for helping me improve my healing.

    This post is completely incorrect. We are looking for people who want to improve on their game play. And want to get geared up for end game content.. Witch we are willing to help do.

    We accept all lvl members as long as you want help on improving your game play.

    We will help you, with any crafting needs, and are very active in chat.. we have no gear requirments, we simply let you know what is the current best gear to be investing time into..
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • GravlordServant12
  • o0Velius

    Awesome. I'll send you an invite when I get online tomorrow we can always use more tanks
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • o0Velius
    We normally have 20 or so people on daily, and Run regular trials.

    Still looking for those Intrested in a regular group
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • x_Demogorgon_x
    Have all roles minus healer.
    MageBlade DPS/Sustain
  • Therwind
    All roles.
    Main: Stam NB.
    In game since beta.
    Years of raiding exp.
    GT: Mullyx5
  • o0Velius
    Invites have been sent
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • o0Velius
    We are currently looking for more active dps, players who wish to join our core group.

    If not we run Normal Trials daily, sometimes every other day. Depends, on who is on as we are all adults and have jobs.

    We are most active at night, after work and other stuff.
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • downshot
    Class nb
    Role dps
    CP 651
    Your GT ii downshot ii
    Intrested in regular group?: yes
  • o0Velius
    Invite sent.

    You'll have to do a BST, to join the regular group
    And be active in running normal trials.
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • o0Velius
    Running trials daily..
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
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