AzraelKrieg wrote: »Non-CP characters can't do vet dungeons though. Sounds like they are being added to a normal run for those but if the character isn't level 50 yet, they can't do vet pledges.
redspecter23 wrote: »... Pack the group with friends and guildmates first if you can so you limit the effect of one inexperienced member added through group finder.
AzraelKrieg wrote: »Non-CP characters can't do vet dungeons though. Sounds like they are being added to a normal run for those but if the character isn't level 50 yet, they can't do vet pledges.
Yeah, sorry that was an error on my part. I am just getting sick of the multitude of issues with Activity Finder as of late. It was a low CP level character last night for vICP; the outcome was no different. My gripe extends to normal dungeons though where the problem is more prevalent. Sure a couple high CP characters can easily carry others through a normal dungeon, but as a glass cannon, min/maxed DPS, even those can be difficult when you rely on your healer... who is a very low level or rely on your tank to control some of the ads and the bosses. All in all, it just gets frustrating, groups fall apart, and you get punished for it. It really needs reworked.
I have recorded gameplay of joining groups via group finder just to see the group get disbanded within seconds. It's ridiculous and leads to Activity Finder cool downs. I have had this happen back to back, and result in like a 47 min cool down or something outrageous.
redspecter23 wrote: »... Pack the group with friends and guildmates first if you can so you limit the effect of one inexperienced member added through group finder.
Why have an Activity Finder then. This really is not a solution to a problem that I am sure many face. I am lucky enough to have highly populated and active guilds, but I still like to just queue up for a specific dungeon, run around doing dailies/writs/etc. while I wait for a group, and then jump into the dungeon when the time comes. When the group finder does not intelligently match you with others, what I explained above happens more times than not. Are there ways around it? Sure! Does that mean it is not broken? Nope!
Yes, I have run plenty of PUG's where level 20 something players have loads of experience and CP and it is easy to spot it once you get going.I have been playing since pc beta and have many alts. I enjoy dungeons and start using the activity finder at lvl 20 and have been able to outlast many higher level people simply through experience. However behind my level 20 is a max cp cap. I would assume the cp cap determines wether or not a lvl 20 will be grouped with other lvl 20s or with a higher cp.
redspecter23 wrote: »redspecter23 wrote: »... Pack the group with friends and guildmates first if you can so you limit the effect of one inexperienced member added through group finder.
Why have an Activity Finder then. This really is not a solution to a problem that I am sure many face. I am lucky enough to have highly populated and active guilds, but I still like to just queue up for a specific dungeon, run around doing dailies/writs/etc. while I wait for a group, and then jump into the dungeon when the time comes. When the group finder does not intelligently match you with others, what I explained above happens more times than not. Are there ways around it? Sure! Does that mean it is not broken? Nope!
My point is, even if you add a level filter, you won't be free of bad players. Plenty of skill level ranges at all level ranges. Perhaps it's worth exploring adding additional filters. I've seen LFG systems in other games that are basically ad pages listing your group members and what you're looking to do and other players can talk to the group lead about joining without being auto invited. It's just a more robust system that builds upon zone ads looking for groups.