(5 items) Your Melee Attacks deal 8311 Poison damage. This effect can occur once every 4 seconds.
IxskullzxI wrote: »Yesterday I died by a guy who spammed bow light attacks with a viper proc after every one. Super fun.
Master_Kas wrote: »IxskullzxI wrote: »Yesterday I died by a guy who spammed bow light attacks with a viper proc after every one. Super fun.
Viper has a cooldown of 4 seconds. No way he could only spam bow light attacks with nothing in between and viper proccing on every one.
Btw I hate viper/veli with a passion, but do not spread lies atleast
I had a guild mate rant yesterday about broken viper was.
So we went and tested it and it he ate his words it's super strong but last I checked not broken.
And it does not proc of poison injection at least not on US PS4, over personally tested it.
Useless there is done special sequence of event you have to do to proc which I don't know, in which case is a bug/exploit that needs the steps reported to be fixed.
scorpiodog wrote: »I had a guild mate rant yesterday about broken viper was.
So we went and tested it and it he ate his words it's super strong but last I checked not broken.
And it does not proc of poison injection at least not on US PS4, over personally tested it.
Useless there is done special sequence of event you have to do to proc which I don't know, in which case is a bug/exploit that needs the steps reported to be fixed.
There is a special combo that allows it to proc using a bow. I personally don't have that combo, but I've seen it. When I first saw it I thought "Yeah, I gotta get that!" But the more I though about it I saw is obviously an exploit.
Of course I'm not going to give details, though.
So yeah, I agree - send a video in. Its just like any other exploit.
Master_Kas wrote: »IxskullzxI wrote: »Yesterday I died by a guy who spammed bow light attacks with a viper proc after every one. Super fun.
Viper has a cooldown of 4 seconds. No way he could only spam bow light attacks with nothing in between and viper proccing on every one.
Btw I hate viper/veli with a passion, but do not spread lies atleast
BTW, I don't know whether you guys know it or not, the Viper's Sting is shown in a wrong way in the Death Recap. It is shown before the ability proccing it rather than after it.
Well if someone opens up with a PI and weapon swaps to 2h you can hardly blame them for exploiting. Weapon swap mechanics have always worked kinda weird with the corresponding passives of the weapons or with sets.
I think it just glitches out sometimes. I've had it proc on me in 1v1s before from bow attacks. Not always though.I just tested this with viper on both bow and 2h. It did not proc on bow attacks or poison procs, whether on the bow bar OR when swapping to 2h.
Tested on PvE mobs
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »Hey guys just recorded a short video to debunk any theories here.
- Bow Light - Does not Proc
- Bow Heavy - Does not Proc (not in video sorry)
- Scatter Shot - Does not Proc
- Shrouded Daggers - Does Proc (theres 3 numbers, 1 for skill, 1 for enchant, 1 for Viper)
- Steel Tornado - Does Proc (3 numbers as well same as above ^)
- If you want me to test any other skill just ask and ill be happy to provide another video
The only ranged ability from my tests that proc this set is Hidden Blade from the Duel Wield Skill-line. Not sure if this classes as a melee ability because your using a melee weapon. Probably should not be proc'ing this set but who knows.
In general, the proc's are probably coming from gap closer's after someone uses heavy bow/poison inj.
Just to note also on death recap's, Viper will always be first in the order.