Can we have Celestial Motif Drop only in Vet Mode?

This is just a suggestion to encourage running more vet trial content. Doing Vet trials are no longer going to be a profitable venture now that all trial drops are going to be BoP. Have the motif pages behind the Vet content would actually make it worth while to run the Vet content just to sell the motif pages to cover the cost of running Vet trials.
On a long break from ESO.
  • Ivan04
    I think it'd be better if the motifs were only awarded to the top scoreboard players, like some random pages to the top three teams.
  • Oakmontowls_ESO
    They are going to be about the same as the Maw motif now so you will still make some money from it just not the 200k+ if you got lucky and a rare item dropped.
  • Khenarthi
    I hope that the motif continues to drop for normal difficulty - this way there are more of them accessible to all players and not only to the elite that run vet trials (I'm sure that much less than 1% do them, but only ZOS have the official numbers).
    Edited by Khenarthi on September 5, 2016 6:15AM
  • Twilix01
    NO! We don't need cosmetic items locked behind hardcore content, it's bad enough we have skins and polymorphs restricted to incredibly difficult content, we don't need the hardcore elite being our only supplier of a style.

    It's going to be difficult enough for someone like me who doesn't do trials often to be able to get the celestial motif unlocked so I can craft it for others, if it's only available to people who do veteran mode, my only good chance of getting the motif myself will be buying it from other players, and people would end up charging an arm and a leg for the motif just like Akaviri style, and that cost me more than a million gold to get all the chapters for.

    If you want a special reward for going veteran mode trials, it's the gear you loot, not a crafting style that everyone should have the chance to get.
  • Vaoh
    I gotta agree with the logical route here. We don't need a motif with pages selling for 150K+. That's ridiculous.

    Those running the content tend to be the 0.01% and are rich as well. Though I want more rewarding stuff for the toughest trial content being put on Vet, motifs are not the answer.

    There should be a few very powerful sets that only drop from the final boss of Maw of Lorkhaj. That I support :)
    Edited by Vaoh on September 5, 2016 7:08AM
  • Mettaricana
    Kinda tired of everything being trial locked scale gear to 160 trial it... motifs in normal atleast lets us have incentives to even try the trials aside from a dye achievement I have no reaaon to run a trial at all.
  • maxjapank
  • Humatiel
    You're problem is the problem I'm afraid. Trials needs an incentive to run so if not a motif what would you like to be locked behind vet content that can be sold for 100k+?
    VMA | vHRC-HM | vAA-HM | vSO-HM | vMOL-HM
    700+ CP
    GM of Luxury Raids
  • helediron
    No. The current system for motifs in trials is good.

    Besides, binding rewards to vet trials only led to nerfs. ZOS is currently doing great job in changing trials and dungeons. Norm/vet/hardmode are slowly turning into difficulty levels, and they don't shut people out from rewards. Difficulty level only affects slightly droprates. Vet hardmode is mostly for challenge and to getting to leaderboards.
    On hiatus. PC,EU,AD - crafting completionist - @helediron 900+ cp, @helestor 1000+ cp, @helestar 800+ cp, @helester 700+ cp - Dragonborn Z Suomikilta, Harrods, Master Crafter. - Blog - Crafthouse: all stations, all munduses, all dummies, open to everyone
  • Drummerx04
    Having completed all the vet trials many times save for vMOL (guild is working on it and we should have it finished soonish). I can definitively say the loot drops mostly suck. After your 50th prosperous or training infallible or VO gear, which is BOP anyway, we begin to feel somewhat jaded by the experience.

    Hurray! I have 3 sets of gold infallible jewelry! Too bad I can't sell them to anyone... oh wait an Elegant Ring on my 5th run of vSO! Do I sell it for 60k or use it? Oh wow! Necropotence shoulders!!!... training.

    Remember the Dro'mathra motif? All you had to do was finish nMoL and you were GUARANTEED a motif page once a week per character.
    Do you know what was really lame? It took people 10 minutes to figure out that if they made a level 10 character, they could scale nMoL down to level 10 and get like 12 motif pages in a day, then delete the characters and start again the next day.

    So you know what would be cool? Getting a motif page for doing a veteran trial and having the option to sell it for good money because the market wasn't flooded with 400g Celestial motifs because jackasses scaled the normal trials down to level 10 and cheesed end game content in 10 minutes.
    Twilix01 wrote: »
    NO! We don't need cosmetic items locked behind hardcore content, it's bad enough we have skins and polymorphs restricted to incredibly difficult content, we don't need the hardcore elite being our only supplier of a style.

    If you want a special reward for going veteran mode trials, it's the gear you loot, not a crafting style that everyone should have the chance to get.

    ONE polymorph and skin that I can recall.

    And with trials gear suddenly BOP we are literally just getting gear for people WHO CAN ALREADY DO THE CONTENT, so yes we do need cosmetic items (motifs and style mats specifically) locked behind difficult content because it generates a demand for completion of the content. Otherwise you are ONLY doing the content to get gear to do the same content again. Does that sound rewarding to you?
    PC/NA - Nightfighters, Raid Leader and Officer
    Lilith Arujo - DC sorc tank/dps/healer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, Gryphon Heart, Grand Warlord
    Lilith Tortorici - DC templar trials healer

    Notable Completions:
    vAS (72k), vMoL HM (160k), vAA HM (135k), vHRC HM, vSO HM (141k), vHoF HM (168k), vCR+3(129k), vDSA 45k, vMA 591k

    Original Addons:
    Lilith's Group Manager
    Lilith's Lazy Hacks - Auto Recharge/Repair
    Bot Scanner 2000
    Lilith's Command History
    Maintained Addons:
    Kill Counter
  • Wing
    lol no
    ESO player since beta.
    previously full time subscriber, beta-2024, game got too disappointing.
    PC NA
    ( ^_^ )

    You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods -Xenogears
    DK one trick
  • Sounomi
    Drummerx04 wrote: »
    Remember the Dro'mathra motif? All you had to do was finish nMoL and you were GUARANTEED a motif page once a week per character.
    Do you know what was really lame? It took people 10 minutes to figure out that if they made a level 10 character, they could scale nMoL down to level 10 and get like 12 motif pages in a day, then delete the characters and start again the next day.

    So you know what would be cool? Getting a motif page for doing a veteran trial and having the option to sell it for good money because the market wasn't flooded with 400g Celestial motifs because jackasses scaled the normal trials down to level 10 and cheesed end game content in 10 minutes.
    Except after Update 12, there's no such thing as scaling down. Everything will be C160 with no way to change that (even with solo instances). So no, people won't be cheesing it by down scaling it because they won't be able to.

    Personally, I think people running vet trials purely for the sake of making gold is a bad mindset. Besides, what do you need gold for at that point? You're already decked out enough to run the trial on the hardest difficulty so what's left to really spend on? Furthermore, you can make plenty of gold outside of trials anyways. I haven't run trials in months and I'm sitting on more gold than I know what to do with (and no, I don't play the market either, that bores me).

  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    In general I like the idea to have cosmetic items locked behind hard content, since locking bop gear behind hard content will increase the power difference between people who can complete it and others who can't. However I don't think that we should lock motives behind hard content to make up for "lost" money because we can't sell items. Instead we should try to convince zos that making a lot of gear bop is a bad idea.
    Btw. I'm sure top pve guilds will still be able to make enough money if they want to, since getting carried by a top guild will be one of the few ways for pvp players to get certain items.
  • WillhelmBlack
    Do elite players even craft? Thought they had someone else do it for them with their large amounts of gold.
    PC EU
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Sounomi wrote: »
    Except after Update 12, there's no such thing as scaling down. Everything will be C160 with no way to change that (even with solo instances). So no, people won't be cheesing it by down scaling it because they won't be able to.

    Not sure about that. It's not clear how the groups made outside of group finder will behave in update 12 for instances. Wait and see... or maybe @ZOS_GinaBruno can enlighten us ?

  • Destruent
    Do elite players even craft? Thought they had someone else do it for them with their large amounts of gold.

    many elite-players care about large parts of the game. They craft (and have most traits unlocked), collect achievements, do pvp and pve and so on. They are not only doing trials...
    Also lots of elite players don't have a lot of gold...more like enough to pay the potions for raids/pvp.
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    Khenarthi wrote: »
    I hope that the motif continues to drop for normal difficulty - this way there are more of them accessible to all players and not only to the elite that run vet trials (I'm sure that much less than 1% do them, but only ZOS have the official numbers).

    ^This. I love seeing all the newbies running MoL, and shiny new Motifs to collect is the perfect incentive--useful enough to be worthwhile, not vital enough to be a requirement if they are really averse to group content.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works
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  • Twilix01
    Sounomi wrote: »
    Except after Update 12, there's no such thing as scaling down. Everything will be C160 with no way to change that (even with solo instances). So no, people won't be cheesing it by down scaling it because they won't be able to.

    Not sure about that. It's not clear how the groups made outside of group finder will behave in update 12 for instances. Wait and see... or maybe @ZOS_GinaBruno can enlighten us ?

    Just tested it myself, putting a level 5 as group leader and bringing a CP561 character into normal Maw, everything is still labelled as"CP160" according to an addon I've got, and the difficulty of the enemies is appropriate for that. Dungeon and trial scaling will be a thing of the past come One Tamriel.
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Twilix01 wrote: »
    Sounomi wrote: »
    Except after Update 12, there's no such thing as scaling down. Everything will be C160 with no way to change that (even with solo instances). So no, people won't be cheesing it by down scaling it because they won't be able to.

    Not sure about that. It's not clear how the groups made outside of group finder will behave in update 12 for instances. Wait and see... or maybe @ZOS_GinaBruno can enlighten us ?

    Just tested it myself, putting a level 5 as group leader and bringing a CP561 character into normal Maw, everything is still labelled as"CP160" according to an addon I've got, and the difficulty of the enemies is appropriate for that. Dungeon and trial scaling will be a thing of the past come One Tamriel.

    You did out manually, without Group Finder at all ?
    Then we have our answer. Thanks for testing !

  • Emma_Overload
    Um, no.
  • Riga_Mortis
    Lets just lock everything behind the hardest content, only accessible to the top 1% and see how long this game lasts.
    XBOX 1X
  • Wollust
    They'll never do that. Would upset the casuals too much. People don't want good stuff only dropping from hard content. They just want everything handed out to them.

    Zerg Squad
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Wollust wrote: »
    They'll never do that. Would upset the casuals too much. People don't want good stuff only dropping from hard content. They just want everything handed out to them.

    I can eventually understand that armor and weapons are "gated" behind content that's accessible to warriors, but motifs are for crafters ! A crafter CAN be a good warrior too but he doesn't and shouldn't HAVE TO be one to access the stuff he needs for his profession.

  • Franieck
    a big NO from my side too. Motifs should not be locked behind hardcore content. I can understand if they do this with sets though.
  • sigsergv
    Ivan04 wrote: »
    I think it'd be better if the motifs were only awarded to the top scoreboard players, like some random pages to the top three teams.

    Agree, and make them BOP.
  • Shadesofkin
    While I think that the full book for the motif should only drop in Veteran Mode, normal should have access to the motif. As for the incentive to run Trials, I believe the new sets will provide us with some incentive since they cannot be gained anywhere else and need to be experimented with thoroughly before we dismiss them out of hand (since we proved Aether combined with Maelstrom could work).
    @shadesofkin -NA Server.
    Tier 2 Player.
    MagDK Main forever (even in the bad times)
  • Xrucible
    So PvPers have a similar advantage with the Akaviri Motif why not give us PvEers a similar Motif gated behind Vet trials. It's just one motif style. The cost of running a Vet trial is 20-30k gold minimum per run including potions and repair. I'm ok with the gear being BoP but at the same time I also want to make my trial runs worth something after I get all my gear pieces.
    On a long break from ESO.
  • Riga_Mortis
    I actually like the idea of the full book dropping in vet mode and pages dropping in normal that shadesofkin suggested.
    XBOX 1X
  • Drummerx04
    Wollust wrote: »
    They'll never do that. Would upset the casuals too much. People don't want good stuff only dropping from hard content. They just want everything handed out to them.

    I can eventually understand that armor and weapons are "gated" behind content that's accessible to warriors, but motifs are for crafters ! A crafter CAN be a good warrior too but he doesn't and shouldn't HAVE TO be one to access the stuff he needs for his profession.

    A crafter doesn't NEED to be an endgame powerhouse. He can provide gold in exchange for a motif in exactly the same way as taking a crafting job in exchange for money. You are providing a (crafting) service to players that cannot or don't want to do it themselves. Why can't end game trials guilds provide a (motif) service to the crafters?

    Can you see the hypocrisy? Besides, you already have like 30 motifs that are only locked behind a *** rng. Why don't you complain about how long it takes to find Order of the Hour or Minotaur motifs? I and my friends have done the daily quests some 20 times and have one Order motif to show for it. Why is that okay with you but this isn't?
    PC/NA - Nightfighters, Raid Leader and Officer
    Lilith Arujo - DC sorc tank/dps/healer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, Gryphon Heart, Grand Warlord
    Lilith Tortorici - DC templar trials healer

    Notable Completions:
    vAS (72k), vMoL HM (160k), vAA HM (135k), vHRC HM, vSO HM (141k), vHoF HM (168k), vCR+3(129k), vDSA 45k, vMA 591k

    Original Addons:
    Lilith's Group Manager
    Lilith's Lazy Hacks - Auto Recharge/Repair
    Bot Scanner 2000
    Lilith's Command History
    Maintained Addons:
    Kill Counter
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Dazza1968 wrote: »
    I actually like the idea of the full book dropping in vet mode and pages dropping in normal that shadesofkin suggested.

    Noone will spend 250K+ gold on a full book if the individual pages are easily farmable on normal mode.

    ZOS wants to keep people busy. They achieve that with dailies and grinding. No way they'll let elite quickly farm the full book (or even the pages) and resell them.

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