puffytheslayer wrote: »only ever tanked on a templar so am in no position to compare!
many people still think the only tanker class in the game is DK. I dont have problem in any vet dungeon/trial with any of my five tankers, one or two per class, I like all of them.
many people still think the only tanker class in the game is DK. I dont have problem in any vet dungeon/trial with any of my five tankers, one or two per class, I like all of them.
i don't think so, but the class which provides the best support/mitigation for a group as tank is the DK. NB-tanks are great, too, so can be templars and sorcs. But nothing beats a Stam-DK-tank if you want to do raids, the only content where it really matters...
many people still think the only tanker class in the game is DK. I dont have problem in any vet dungeon/trial with any of my five tankers, one or two per class, I like all of them.
i don't think so, but the class which provides the best support/mitigation for a group as tank is the DK. NB-tanks are great, too, so can be templars and sorcs. But nothing beats a Stam-DK-tank if you want to do raids, the only content where it really matters...
Besides Minor Brutality i dont see any real Group Support in the Dk´s toolkit. Dont try to name the dumb shield in here ^^
The new dungeons, sadly, are very DK-centric. I've tanked them on both a nightblade and a DK, and while I still love the amount of damage that a nightblade saptank can do, the lack of chains is really painful. In the vCoS spider caves, in particular. On Dranos, it's much easier to chain each of his shades in for him to reabsorb than to kite him to each shade to reabsorb (that particular strategy for beating the boss is easier because he doesn't do two of his punishment mechanics if you don't absorb any orbs... and, as a bonus, there's an achievement for doing it this way).Chains are situational but ok.
My trials tank is a magdk, and IMHO, it's far better than a stamdk. I still have a lot of stam on my magdk tank: almost 20K stamina. But a large 28K magicka pool and my green points spec'ed into magicka cost and regen is the best setup. The only things you use stamina for is melee taunt, low-slashing, blocking, and evading. It's really not that much that you do with your stam. But your range taunt, chains, Hardened Armor, Igneous, talons, and AoE interrupt are all magicka. For self-healing, a magdk's Embers spam is very cheap and very powerful (I've hit 6K HPS with it before as a tank) and I personally prefer it over Vigor. And thanks to Helping Hands, if I ever do run low on stam, I can just keep stomping my foot to convert some of my magicka into stam.But nothing beats a Stam-DK-tank if you want to do raids
HaldaAinur wrote: »My first choice for a tank would be either DK or Templar, for their respective buffs and self heals.
But, I do want to try out a sorc tank when I get the choice, and I use a shield on my non tank NB simply for the 'tankier' buffs, which for the squishy NB, is useful to have.
Speaking of sorc tanks; for a magicka sorc tank, what's a good set-up? I'm thinking Shield and sword 1st bar, 2nd bar destro staff.
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
Most of my tanking has been on a Templar, I've dabbled with tanking on a Sorcerer, and I'm planning on doing a Nightblade sap-tank (which I think will be really fun), but I have to go with a Dragonknight. Specifically a dunmer vampire Dragonknight using Bloodspawn and Tava's Blessing gear to generate ultimate as quickly as possible, allowing me to pop the Devouring Swarm ultimate as frequently as possible (more frequently thanks to being at stage 4 vampirism), and restoring resources in the process. I've got other DK tanks, but that one is the most fun.