RD isn't op and can be easily countered.
L2 block;
L2 use the enviroment (cut the line of sigh with the caster);
L2 use impenetrable (to counter the crits);
L2 disrupt the casting.
And you'll do fine.
Mine can hit for around 25k occasionally and a friends has gone off at 30k.
This is what it normally does in a fight. Note that the RD is the killing blow so the one tick of the RD is at low health execute range. If it does any damage at all, and you'd be surprised how blunt it is 90% of the time in Cyrodiil, this is usually what it looks like when it executed. Compare this to your usual Sorc Mag/Melee execute, yeah, that's not in the vicinity of OP.
Ticks over 30%, I'm glad if they ar 2K, but hey it all depends on the Spell Protection and how CPs have been distributed for spell/mag/DoT damage mitigation too.
It's just that you can't be specced only for SD or WD, not caring about any SD mitigation and expect not to take good damage from mag skills or a mag execute.
People can't have it all, unfortunately, since I'd like to have 30K Stamina with my current build so I could dodge everything for hours, but to my shock, it seems I can't have that. Go figure. =D
LBxFinalDeath wrote: »If they made every tree in Cyrodiil an actual solid object...I wouldn't be as annoyed with RD as I am.
Its very irritating running behind a couple trees only for the beam to go straight through it, then later I go behind a different tree in a different area and it breaks the beam.
I'd wager 85% of all objects (rocks/houses/trees and the like) in Cyrodiil aren't considered "solid objects" because I swear the beam just never breaks it seems.
This is my main reason why I want them to make it so you can dodge roll to break it, the whole "break line of sight" doesn't work.
RD isn't op and can be easily countered.
L2 block;
L2 use the enviroment (cut the line of sigh with the caster);
L2 use impenetrable (to counter the crits);
L2 disrupt the casting.
And you'll do fine.
leepalmer95 wrote: »The range does need cutting down though, 41m is just stupid.
Oh and lower the execute threshold, if people are using it as an actual execute and using it to 1 tick people when their low, fine, your using it as intended and those players won't be affected.
The full hp beam idiots will be affected.
L2 get jumped on by 2 stamblades with Incap Strike and 1 Templar who is 30 meters away who does nothing but toss 1 javelin and RD.
= balance
andreasranasen wrote: »What does bother me is that Radient Destruction goes right through my Hardened Ward... My shield absorbs 12k, which is weird that it doesn't block it.
L2 get jumped on by 2 stamblades with Incap Strike and 1 Templar who is 30 meters away who does nothing but toss 1 javelin and RD.
Strider_Roshin wrote: »(...) 3. Use your 28m bash
You know that bashing isn't the only way to disrupt right?
First of all you clearly outnumbered and they used 'guerrila' (ganks) warfare, which is very hard to counter.
Also, this is a war. *** homini lupus. Do you expect honor in war my friend?
Gamerscape2007 wrote: »@EveryRDFanboy.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPfI1UrlChs
This skill sure is balanced.
You can hate Fengrush all you want, you can't deny this skill is broken.