BalticBlues wrote: »Fengrush is one of the players who always calls the game wrong, never himself.
Nothing is wrong there. He was hit by TWO Templars with DARK FLARE plus RD.
ONE NB can kill faster than TWO Templars did in this video.
At least with Templars you have a chance to roll out of the mess.
With a good NB ganking you, you do not even have a chance to react being stunned.
If ONE class is named to be OP, it is the NB class.
Gamerscape2007 wrote: »@EveryRDFanboy.
This skill sure is balanced.
You can hate Fengrush all you want, you can't deny this skill is broken.
isn't OP and easily countered.....hmmm.RD isn't op and can be easily countered.
only really works if you see it coming.L2 block;
done that and I've seen it go straight through trees/rocks/walls...ect so that only works sometimes.L2 use the enviroment (cut the line of sigh with the caster);
most people do that in pvp anyway so I agree on that one.L2 use impenetrable (to counter the crits);
only works if you have a ranged disrupt(quite a few people don't) or if the caster is right next to you(which is a rare occurrence).L2 disrupt the casting.
genjutsu_kami wrote: »
and also be prepared to have people convinced they have counter arguments but lack substance in those arguments because they want to defend an imbalanced ability....
ahahahaha...well its EP Hackers of course.
never seen it happen like that.
And doesnt he has like 20k+ Health and it only ticks for 11k? xD
EXPLAIN ZOS! ahahaha
Its called cheat engine baby. Welcome to ESO
The faulty death recap does not show the proper damage of the DARK FLARES who hit him.look at his death recap again^^
THIS. Two Templars attacked with DarkFlares and then executed quickly.Khaos_Bane wrote: »That video was complete BS and had nothing to do with RD damage.
It shows 11k damage from radiant destruction when he had 25k health.
BalticBlues wrote: »The death recap is faulty.
It does not show the proper damage of the DARK FLARES who killed him.
THIS. Two Templars attacked with DarkFlares and then executed him quickly.
He would have been killed even faster by two NBs without the chance to roll away.
Perhaps Fengrush should do less talking and more concentrating.
Avenias, psssshhhht, you are not allowed to say that out loud.
now they will close this discussion....
I find it funny that a macro user is complaining about ppl using cheat engine. ESO has turned into 'learn to cheat good.'
BalticBlues wrote: »Perhaps Fengrush should do less talking and more concentrating.