I´ve done like this: Go out, abandon quest, set dungeon difficulty at normal, go back in, go out, set it to vet and go back again. I think this should work.
I´ve done like this: Go out, abandon quest, set dungeon difficulty at normal, go back in, go out, set it to vet and go back again. I think this should work.
I'll give that a try as well, might be a bit faster. Thanks
The most time efficient and fastest way that I've found to reset Maelstrom Arena is to: Leave the instance to any location other than Maelstrom Arena. Change the difficulty from veteran to normal, and then back to veteran (or vice-versa if doing it on normal difficulty). Abandon the quest in your quest log regarding the Maelstrom Arena. And then proceed with re-entering the Maelstrom Arena. You should be back at the beginning, and able to receive the request once more. I hope for the best, and hope you receive what you seek. ^_^