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LF Trials/PVE Guild

Soul Shriven
I'm looking for mainly an endgame trials guild. I used to run them all the time at the vet 14/16 levels then I took a long break after IC. Coming back to the game now, first I had to get my cp's up, 491 now, (should be 500+ soon). I run a sorc, night blade and stamplar. Have VO gear etc...

I'm a mature player, focused but laid back willing to listen and learn the new ways! I'll run a blood spawn if need be no problem always looking to get better and enhance my rotation! :) Team player at the end of the day and if you need something I have, I'm all about paying it forward!

Gt is username I'm on EP
  • Crescentshield
    Start a guild bro- I'll tank for ya
    502 Nord Stam DK Tank
    EP for life!
  • eightbitzme
    Soul Shriven
    Ha! I'm already in a few good guilds that I run with but funny thing is our tank started playing destiny...we have a few core players that would run but we can't seem to round out a team.

    So I said eff it I'll look for one!
  • Therwind
    I been trying to form a core group for my guild for sometime now. I decided to wait for text chat.
  • eightbitzme
    Soul Shriven
    Good idea actually...add me if you need another even an alt or something.
  • Therwind
    Will do. I'll be on tomorrow.
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