Is it only me, or does small scale seem a lot better in NA compared to EU? Or just less reactive-maluplars around?
Nice vid anyway.
@KisoValley I've tried both. In this video I was running 5 light 1 medium 1 heavy. I personally like light over heavy. And I was just using a staple setup - kags bloodspawn willpower torugs (plus maelstrom resto)
Nonetheless great vid Blab. I rollled a mag DK for this next patch and its pretty fun, I also prefer 5 light. Though I run 5 mags, 4 magnus gift, 3 willpower mostly because I'm poor and I already have that setup on my sorc and Templar. Would like to try out Silks of the Sun but damn I already have regen issues and that set would take away even more. Might change race to Altmer next patch
Great video man. I wish I had a group of people to be able to run magDK again. Looks so much fun I miss it dearly.
SourishWhale wrote: »That Argonian at the 30 second mark... I wonder what his ping was lol
He was standing still most of the fight and you could see the reaction speed was so delayed. I wonder what he saw on his screen while you were burning him down haha
Nice video though man. I always enjoy watching your clips.