As if PvP tanks were not OP enough.
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »I'd rather see heavy armours Wrath get more critical resistance. Penetration is needed imo to kill tanks or else Mauls are useless.
With more critical resistance you wont be bursted down easily compared to less penetration. With less penetration your criticals will still hit hard. Its those bursty spikes of damage which need to be reduced.
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »I'd rather see heavy armours Wrath get more critical resistance. Penetration is needed imo to kill tanks or else Mauls are useless.
With more critical resistance you wont be bursted down easily compared to less penetration. With less penetration your criticals will still hit hard. Its those bursty spikes of damage which need to be reduced.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Problem is Penetration matches Resistance far too equally. Heavy Armor needs something to take the load off so people actually consider truly Tanking in PvP. Malubeth is just bugged so that can't really use that as an argument lol
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »
Those players are not tanks they are cheese players using a clearly OP monster set. Seriously ZoS nerf Malubeth already cause I do not wanna see tanks nerfed for another 2 years cause of the wanna be immortal cheese players.
Also as for perma-blocking well as a certain dev said (he who shall not be named) even said wanna block you have to invest into it now and the result is perma-blocking so want some one to blame for that well you know who blame.
You get that even at 20% it's not enough of a difference to give most builds even an extra hit...
Try to do the math and run the numbers, don't just throw out ideas and expect others to iron out the details for you.
Once and for all: Malubeth needs "Fixing" not nerfing.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
The reason I gave the figures I did is because I did not want to make Heavy Armor seem too OP. It also corresponds with Mace passive's Penetration. Perhaps you should think about multiple angles of suggestions. Also wouldn't kill ya to try making a constructive comment without acting like a jerk.
If you want it to match up with the Mace passive then you need to actually put the number. As you've worded it will be 10% and 20% of that number. The problem with doing is the number actually grows with the stats of targets.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but people are not obligated to overly positive to you at ever juncture. You not likely my delivery doesn't somehow nullify the facts of the statement.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
I have no beef with anyone disagreeing with me. I do, however, have beef with every disagreement being either passive aggressive or flat out trying to insult me. Negative constructive criticism is one thing, but negativity flat out is another. As for your point I really only gave the figures I did for 3 reasons:
1. An example
2. Hinting at a way to counter the natural Penetration of Maces
3. A means of Heavy Armor not becoming OP to the point people just won't die in Cyrodiil
I don't deal in actual algorithms in a game so I leave that to those more savvy in that field. My intention here was pure suggestion, that's all. After all, Penetration is the reason no one finds Resistance any good in PvP, and while Wrath isn't the worst passive there is it doesn't exactly fit in too well with Heavy Armor, unless you wanna be a heavily armored warrior lol
It clearly seems as if you assoicate negativity with disagreement. I called you out on something, you admit to doing just that and say I'm being negative to you.
Here's the deal, you are not Steve Jobs...
You want people to approach your ideas with more gravitas and respond to them in a more positive fashion. Be willing to actually do the legwork surrounding the more intricate details of those ideas rather than expecting to be rewarded with affirmation for just for having them.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Apparently you either fail to see the hostility you bring to your posts or you simply do not acknowledge it. Until you can realize your attitude is hostile every time you disagree with me we are done here. I am ignoring you now.
I truly pity any individual who sees hostility from disagreement. That's a cruel lot.
You get that even at 20% it's not enough of a difference to give most builds even an extra hit...Try to do the math and run the numbers, don't just throw out ideas and expect others to iron out the details for you. You need to suggest more worthwhile numbers with a little math involved.
I kinda like the spell damage wrath gives me...if you are suggesting adding additionAL penetration resist, fine. If you are suggesting replacing the damage, no thanks.
I kinda like the spell damage wrath gives me...if you are suggesting adding additionAL penetration resist, fine. If you are suggesting replacing the damage, no thanks.
Mac10murda wrote: »Maybe buff nirn on armor to give a higher resist
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »
Sorry but heavy armor never needed a damage buff to begin with. Like sorry but its stupid that people think you can be a heavy armor DPS that what got heavy armor nerfed for 2 years to begin with was cause people want damage and to immortal. It's you area glass cannon, meat shield, or some where in between that not to immortal and not to cannon.
Wearing full robes you should be able to deal easily 20K damage but die in 1 or 2 hits, wearing full metal armor should take a entire raid to kill you and you should not be able to kill said raid.
Like really what are players not understanding about the purpose of heavy armor ? It's meant to take damage not deal it period there is no ifs ands or buts about it want damage wear LA or MA want defense wear HA want some where in between use some of your enchantments and attribute points into health.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »Rank 1: Nullifies 10% of an attacker's Penetration.
Rank 2: Nullifies 20% of an attacker's Penetration.
Don't really care what it's called but this would make Heavy Armor WAY more viable in PvP without going overboard.
You must not play a mag DK in guessing? Whoever said we want to be a pure dps? No one after rereading through the above posts. But with wraith HA can now be used in pvp for some classes to be more effective. My fire Mage trials DK in LA has 33k dps. My pvp HA mag DK has 11k dps. No one is trying to be a dps boss in HA hahaha.
Before this armor update I would never wear a 5 piece HA in pvp. With these changes new builds are possible. Mind you CPs need to distributed accordingly now since LA gives so much more with regard to damage.
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »
Sorry but heavy armor never needed a damage buff to begin with. Like sorry but its stupid that people think you can be a heavy armor DPS that what got heavy armor nerfed for 2 years to begin with was cause people want damage and to immortal. It's you area glass cannon, meat shield, or some where in between that not to immortal and not to cannon.
Wearing full robes you should be able to deal easily 20K damage but die in 1 or 2 hits, wearing full metal armor should take a entire raid to kill you and you should not be able to kill said raid.
Like really what are players not understanding about the purpose of heavy armor ? It's meant to take damage not deal it period there is no ifs ands or buts about it want damage wear LA or MA want defense wear HA want some where in between use some of your enchantments and attribute points into health.