Who the hell said I was using heavy in a DPS build? I heal/tank on my templar, and the extra spell damage is very useful to me since it is pretty much a free 200 SD to heal with as a tank.
Just because the passive doesn't fit with your narrow perception of how everything "should" work, doesn't mean that the passive isn't useful at all.
I completely agree with you. This whole "HA dps is the new META"??? I don't know who this guy is running VSO with but there is not HA DPS in the party lol. Also my numbers are way less than half for DPS compared to LA for HA. There are pros and cons with each type of armor, these passives on HA open the door (especially for pvp) for other builds instead of the ole cookie cutter ones.
I applaud ZOS for the changes they made to HA.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Apparently you either fail to see the hostility you bring to your posts or you simply do not acknowledge it. Until you can realize your attitude is hostile every time you disagree with me we are done here. I am ignoring you now.
Anti_Virus wrote: »
Don't argue with him he will be as hostile as possible to those he disagree with.
Indeed. While the passive may not "fit" in some people's minds, it allows for higher build versatility and niche build options. Besides, it's been how long since the changes to block cost? Get over it people, find a way.
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »
Those players are not tanks they are cheese players using a clearly OP monster set. Seriously ZoS nerf Malubeth already cause I do not wanna see tanks nerfed for another 2 years cause of the wanna be immortal cheese players.
Also as for perma-blocking well as a certain dev said (he who shall not be named) even said wanna block you have to invest into it now and the result is perma-blocking so want some one to blame for that well you know who blame.
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »
How narrow minded are you 2 ? Really "Wraith adds versatility to builds" it is cause of wraith that is making players think they can be heavy armor DPS and some causes be heavy armor DPS and doesn't fit "my perception" ? Really ? Heavy armor is meant to absorb damage not ever deal it I have no idea where any one got the idea heavy armor needed a damage boost.
These changes to HA are ruin it giving false perspective making players think they can be immortal and a cannon and with cheese Malubeth still not nerfed yet players can be that that "door" is a door way to chaos that's eventually gonna lead to HA to be nerfed again.
Wraith needs to go and bracing needs to come back period. As for blocking yes Wrobel made it clear that you wanna block you have to literally give up everything to do it he made that very clear and for what a few more seconds of holding a shield up that can easily be put down via stuns and blocking does relies in resistance and last time i checked resistance was still lack lust in pvp cause only 50% mitigation and armor debuffs and so on.
Just cause you like these changes doesn't mean every one else does.
Also what is the purpose of even making 3 different armor classes if they don't have different purposes ? LA magical base DPS and healing, MA physical base DPS, HA damage absorption. How else are the 3 different armor classes supposed to work ? What LA is meant for damage absorption and not HA ? Is that what you are saying ?
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »
How narrow minded are you 2 ? Really "Wraith adds versatility to builds" it is cause of wraith that is making players think they can be heavy armor DPS and some causes be heavy armor DPS and doesn't fit "my perception" ? Really ? Heavy armor is meant to absorb damage not ever deal it I have no idea where any one got the idea heavy armor needed a damage boost.
These changes to HA are ruin it giving false perspective making players think they can be immortal and a cannon and with cheese Malubeth still not nerfed yet players can be that that "door" is a door way to chaos that's eventually gonna lead to HA to be nerfed again.
Wraith needs to go and bracing needs to come back period. As for blocking yes Wrobel made it clear that you wanna block you have to literally give up everything to do it he made that very clear and for what a few more seconds of holding a shield up that can easily be put down via stuns and blocking does relies in resistance and last time i checked resistance was still lack lust in pvp cause only 50% mitigation and armor debuffs and so on.
Just cause you like these changes doesn't mean every one else does.
Also what is the purpose of even making 3 different armor classes if they don't have different purposes ? LA magical base DPS and healing, MA physical base DPS, HA damage absorption. How else are the 3 different armor classes supposed to work ? What LA is meant for damage absorption and not HA ? Is that what you are saying ?
Oh my.
I can see there is no logical discussion with you. Either that or maybe you just need a hug or something man I'm not sure? So I will virtual you one.
/brohug there ya go man. Right in the feels.
Multiple people have commented on the subject. Yet because we do not agree with you doesn't mean we are enemies man. We just have a difference of opinions is all. You don't like wraith on HA. I do. Really all it boils down too.