Lol I got that out of a 2 hour fight at Ash defending the keep from EP and AD.I died and went to make a sandwich when I came back the tick just happened.Only person their have to see if I still have the screen shot.Unsent.Soul wrote: »
I think I may be on the wrong side...
Lol I got that out of a 2 hour fight at Ash defending the keep from EP and AD.I died and went to make a sandwich when I came back the tick just happened.Only person their have to see if I still have the screen shot.
Also first day with no Emp from AD of any faction haven't seen that in a while.
a1i3n0ct0pu5 wrote: »Yall see team purple today! It's insane. We're still wrecking this map though. Aleswell is a *** storm. Try not to DC there!
The last 2 nights were pretty fun.Best fights had in a while in this campaign.Stratforge wrote: »
Squid bro what are you talking about? I've been in scourge all night and didn't see any team purp? I was actually about to come in here and post how good the pvp has been all night haha
Stratforge wrote: »Just ran into a certain former red emp who shall not be named. First time I've ever seen him alone. I'd post the clip but it would almost certainly get me in trouble for extreme shaming lmao. Now he's in my messages claiming to be a solo player? Life is wild sometimes.
I'd it just me or does the thread not update anymore?Plus DC are the dumb as hell in Scrounge now its stupid.All of them just want that free EP Ap.
Father_X_Zombie wrote: »
Scourge DC are some of the dumbest people on this game. I can't believe we actually got into an argument with those idiots at Chalman. they wouldn't dare try to farm AD because they know they'd get rekt. I thought text chat would fix this problem by telling everyone to rally up.
a1i3n0ct0pu5 wrote: »
I feel like if Hulks group wasn't all crazy about their titles DC might be able to pull it together and take keeps/emp. But instead they just farm AP at bridges and resources. To each their own I guess. Sitting waiting for rando groups to gank crossing Alessia bridge is their thing apparently.