Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Price of all the DLC keeps me from playing.

  • Martinus72
    Too bad if some people are too cheap to pay amount of two beers or pack of cigarettes monthly.
    This demanding attitude to have everything for free is unbelievable...
  • Abelcher339b14_ESO
    Just buy eso plus. I've been playing this game since beta off and on and I've never cancelled my sub. Even when I wasn't playing I kept paying to support the game I have a passion for. Does it need improvement? Of course. How else are they going to improve it without support?

    That's just my two cents. I'm sure I'll get a lot of negative comments for it.
  • GreenhaloX
    GreenhaloX wrote: »
    The subscription is not bad, for the time being. Really, for me, there is nothing more to the DLC areas after all the quests are done, other than for farming mats, ores and doing the repeatable for XP. I've been at this for 3 months now and basically finished all the quests from the main and DLCs (prior to DB) within 3 weeks of playtime. DB only took a few days. For a bit over two months now, I just been grinding the repeatable, going back and forth doing assassin contracts, doing rounds of dolmen, and dungeons just to get XP towards leveling up the CP to 501. I finally made it into the 400 and figured I'll hit 501 within the next few weeks.

    After 501.. so then what? It's been so monotonous grinding the same thing everyday and boringness is slowing creeping up. Unless another cool DLC comes out and/or the CP cap increases enough to say wow, what's there more, after you're all gold-out, millions in your bank and no longer need XP for CP. Doubt it the subscription will be any value to me after this. Other than PvP, I'm still not sure what the heck all those 501s are doing in and around all the areas in Tamriel. I mean, by the time you've reached 501, you should already have all your armor, gear and weapons in gold and pretty much have all the achievements, trials and dungeons done. Kudos for those 501s still running around, outside of Cyrodiil.

    Some people will probably say or maybe post a reply to this.. well, why are you even playing if the only thing you doing is for XP and seems like there is nothing more for you in ESO. I'll pull the trigger and put the answer before someone even mentions it. I'm a self-proclaimed perfectionist. Yes, after the initial 3-weeks, I could've push ESO aside and go into Assassin Creed: Syndicate or the recent DLC for The Witcher 3 (which I'm itching back for both.) However, getting schooled in Cyrodiil for my first couple PvP encounters and getting my arse handed back to me gift-wrapped (even when I was the previous V16), I've been obsessed with trying to get more powerful and capping the CP and then going back into Cyrodiil for some much due payback. So yeah, the DLCs and subscription are making money off me right now.

    Not to be rude friend, but the way you game, no single title will ever be able to keep up with your demands. Playing multiple games at the same time, or at least having a backup each week is your only option. Not a knock against your style, just an observation. 3 months for every ounce of content in ESO would have you finishing most games in under a week.

    Oh, nothing rude at all from your comment nor any offense taken. I've never jumped back and forth between games. I usually stick with one until complete before I head to the next. I'm not much of a multitasked gamer. This is by far the longest I have been with in a single game. So, I guess, by the time I max out on CP, I would then go to another game until another DLC comes out for ESO. PvP has since disinterests me with my own crappy experience in a few encounters as well as all the cheaters/exploiters seemingly around in Cyrodiil.
  • Love_Daggerfall
    coming back to the game and finding out there is all this dlc and to get it all is....*adds numbers* ... Way too overpriced!
    sorry Zenimax but I don't plan on renting any of it with ESO plus and the price tag of all that DLC is going to keep me from picking this game back up

    Unless there is a way to convert ingame money to cash shop money that I don't know about I wont be paying for DLC that is the price of 9500 crowns or rather 100$


    Before dlcs games companys would release version after version of a franchise.
    For example final fantasy that thing is probably 50 years old its been around so long.
    Give me dlc add ons any day.
  • Van_0S
    OP, its true the dlc price are increasing with each release.
  • Keep_Door
    Bye felicia
  • Psyonico
    Can I have your stuff?
  • AndyTGD
    Remember back when everyone had a breakdown over horse armour DLC in Oblivion? Looks pretty reasonable nowadays by comparison. lol
  • Hellbender27
    coming back to the game and finding out there is all this dlc and to get it all is....*adds numbers* ... Way too overpriced!
    sorry Zenimax but I don't plan on renting any of it with ESO plus and the price tag of all that DLC is going to keep me from picking this game back up

    Unless there is a way to convert ingame money to cash shop money that I don't know about I wont be paying for DLC that is the price of 9500 crowns or rather 100$


    It's well worth just subbing specially if you enjoy the game. *** people pay more for Beer or cigarettes in a day $14 a month that's less than 50c a day to sub if you watched one movie a month or go out for dinner, those things you can only do once for that fee. But with ESO sub $14 !!!! gets you 30-31 days of free unlimited game play ++ free crown coins to buy what ever they sell in the crown store. If you save up the FREE crowns you get with the sub each month it's almost the value of $14 by default of buying the crowns. just my two cents.
  • Kildayen
    Grao wrote: »
    Eh, where did you look the price for WoWs subscription? Because it is 7usd, not 15. And it can down to 5.70 usd with a longer plan. If you are just using google it is possible the information isn't up to date, if you look in the blizzard webstore though, through managing your account, etc, you will see the price is as mentioned.

    I don't have an account to look it up. I just went directly to the subscription page. Why wouldn't they advertise a cheaper sub price if they have it?
  • Grao
    Kildayen wrote: »
    Grao wrote: »
    Eh, where did you look the price for WoWs subscription? Because it is 7usd, not 15. And it can down to 5.70 usd with a longer plan. If you are just using google it is possible the information isn't up to date, if you look in the blizzard webstore though, through managing your account, etc, you will see the price is as mentioned.

    I don't have an account to look it up. I just went directly to the subscription page. Why wouldn't they advertise a cheaper sub price if they have it?

    It is quite peculiar... I have to assume they have lower prices for my country to make the game and subscription more affordable. For me it is 6.99 usd, but others are finding it still for 15 usd. It is the only explanation I could come up with.
  • KaleidoscopeEyz
    Good luck out there in the gaming world. I don't play many RPG's or MMO's but everything has DLC nowadays.
  • Lysette
    Yes, and why not - DLCs make a good game even more valuable, if those are done right. It does not have to be a whole lot of new content, when new game mechanics are added, which have a replay value. I cannot understand how many say that TG and DB is done in a couple of hours - those are game mechanics, which you can do whenever you are up to and have fun with. Of course with a grinding mentality, this content will as well run out - who just wants to "complete" a DLC; does it wrong IMO.

    TG and DB are not meant to be grinded and completed - those are ongoing activities, which you just weave in into your other activities - it is something what you can do daily or a couple of time per week, there is no need at all to try to "complete" it.
  • Arthur_Spoonfondle
    Given the way extra content is being added as a slow drip-feed of, by the standards of some other MMOs with their big expansions, tiny paid-for DLCs, I have no intention of paying any more money until ZoS are much closer to fulfilling their promise to make the whole of Tamriel playable. (I was in at the start but, stopped playing and paying when I got fed-up waiting for the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild).

    The way things are going it's going to be a long time before the whole of Tamriel may be playable and I'm not confident it is ever going to happen.

    Have no idea what your talking about. I rarely have an issue on PC except with some huge battles in Cyrodiil. If your on PC maybe update your rig or turn settings down a bit.

  • Robbmrp
    Sub for 2 months. Play through all the DLC content and then unsub. Your welcome, you just saved $60.00!
    Edited by Robbmrp on July 7, 2016 8:22PM
    NA Server - Kildair
  • raidentenshu_ESO
    What people (Who's complaining about the high prices of these DLCS) don't realize is that it cost money to make these DLCS... hiring voice actors, designers,writers,etc.
  • altemriel
    coming back to the game and finding out there is all this dlc and to get it all is....*adds numbers* ... Way too overpriced!
    sorry Zenimax but I don't plan on renting any of it with ESO plus and the price tag of all that DLC is going to keep me from picking this game back up

    Unless there is a way to convert ingame money to cash shop money that I don't know about I wont be paying for DLC that is the price of 9500 crowns or rather 100$


    depends on your income and priorities of course. for me, 20 - 30 EUR for a DLC is totally ok, one or two shoppings in a grocery store and I spend the same money there. so no problem with the price for me
  • Kalifas
    coming back to the game and finding out there is all this dlc and to get it all is....*adds numbers* ... Way too overpriced!
    sorry Zenimax but I don't plan on renting any of it with ESO plus and the price tag of all that DLC is going to keep me from picking this game back up

    Unless there is a way to convert ingame money to cash shop money that I don't know about I wont be paying for DLC that is the price of 9500 crowns or rather 100$


    Before dlcs games companys would release version after version of a franchise.
    For example final fantasy that thing is probably 50 years old its been around so long.
    Give me dlc add ons any day.
    I like what ESO has and do like the buy to play.

    But you are talking about one of the mmo franchises that releases more content than any other on the market. Their patches are two-three times the size of any dlc in this game. The expansion while they cost the full 60 include 4-5 dungeons, raid, 50 hours of story content,2-6 new zones. additional class story content, introduce new jobs every expansion, and whole lot more, other than inventory expansion purchases, everything is playable on one character in buttery smooth performance with little to no disconnects, lag, or bugs.

    The only reason I am not playing that is the game is sub only/GCD and I like ESO and playing other games which a sub only model limits me in choice.
    Edited by Kalifas on July 7, 2016 8:55PM
    An Avid fan of Elder Scrolls Online. Check out my Concepts Repository!
  • ThePaleItalian
    I have been subbed since Beta on PC, transferred over to my PS4, gotten way more than my moneys worth. WoW is going on 16 months without an Xpac. Their numbers are hemorrhaging to the point where they do not even post sub numbers anymore.

    I am white knighting either, this game has bugs, annoying, game breaking bugs. But its been about 3 years and there is no excuse for it. However, the game is fantastic, graphics, story, crafting, character builds are all well done and its not content that takes 1 week to complete.

    I will admit I would rather see less DLC's and more game fixes but they are coming. Hell they just patched the other day and stopped them damn NB's from jumping on top of walls, so give them some time.

    It seems more that money isn't the issue in this thread and more of an excuse for angry players to vent how much they don't like the game. So stop playing... simple.
    Conan, what is good in life?
    Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.

    PS4 Screen Name: The_Pale_Italian
    ZweiHandler - Orc DK Tank
    Solstice StormHaven - Magika Sorc
    Oba Nobanaga - Stam NB
  • Shadesofkin
    I'd sympathize, but 15/month would get you all of them; plus you'll get crafting bags; plus plus you'll get costume dying.
    @shadesofkin -NA Server.
    Tier 2 Player.
    MagDK Main forever (even in the bad times)
  • starkerealm

    Before dlcs games companys would release version after version of a franchise.
    For example final fantasy that thing is probably 50 years old its been around so long.
    Give me dlc add ons any day.

    About 30, actually. But, thanks for making me feel really old. :(
  • DaveMoeDee
    Sure. For people coming or returning right now without having purchased any DLC, subbing is the obvious way to go.

    Unless they get the gold version. Then sub become a bad idea once again.
  • DaveMoeDee
    It's the most expensive console game for sure. Subbing is way more expensive than for instance a season pass for quarterly dlc on battlefield or cod (and they don't break the game) I get the dlc is much bigger per say but we pay for the time to play and other games cheaper dlc certainly doesn't wear off it prolongs the longevity of them just as much as these. No other game costs £100 a year nor performs as bad. I remember when EA released naval strike for BF4 and it was buggy as hell but they fixed it very quick on all platforms at the same time.

    FFXIV is on PS4 and that is more expensive than ESO because you have to sub to play. You don't have to sub to play ESO.

    If you noticed, both games are MMOs.
  • DaveMoeDee
    subs $15/month will give you access to ALL of the DLC, its the way to go
    sorry Zenimax but I don't plan on renting any of it with ESO plus and the price tag of all that DLC is going to keep me from picking this game back up
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    There's more than enough in the base game.

    DLC is always overpriced, no matter what game.

    yeah and I don't plan on playing a incomplete experiance

    the price on all this DLC needs to come down way the flip down and I also don't own the game on steam I bought it before it went on steam so no discount for me.

    Incomplete experience? You mean the version of the game many of us played for over a year before the first DLC dropped?
  • TheRegHD
    That's where you get ESO Plus.

    Remember: ESO PLUS gives 1500 Crowns every month.

  • Malyck
    Well there is "Gold Edition" now. For $60 you get the game + all four DLC's:
  • Darth_Trumpious
    If you want all the contents but dont want to pay or afford to subscribe...

  • Eugenstash
    coming back to the game and finding out there is all this dlc and to get it all is....*adds numbers* ... Way too overpriced!
    sorry Zenimax but I don't plan on renting any of it with ESO plus and the price tag of all that DLC is going to keep me from picking this game back up

    Unless there is a way to convert ingame money to cash shop money that I don't know about I wont be paying for DLC that is the price of 9500 crowns or rather 100$


    OP, many will tell you to just subscribe and 15 bucks a month isnt that much (FOR A WORKING GAME). But I'm here to give it to you straight...McGruff style. Move along. This game is broken and you'll likely need a subscription to Terminix instead with all the "let the chips fall where they may" dlc releases this company puts out. Good luck lol.
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