Necropotence: This item set’s Max Magicka bonus has been changed to a flat value instead of a percentage.
Transairion wrote: »Necropotence: This item set’s Max Magicka bonus has been changed to a flat value instead of a percentage.
^ Props to Paulington's datamining thread for the above image
Going from +10% max magicka to a flat 4000 is a straight nerf, even for me... and I don't even fully go max magicka (due to a certain item set I wear). I have just over 40k magicka as a "imperfectly built" Pet Sorceror, and 10% of that is still over 4000. A fully built, 2 pets only Sorc will have FAR more than 40k max magicka, at which point the previous 10% value gives them far MORE than 4000 magicka.
You've really nerfed the set into pointlessness, and it's one of the most niche unused sets in the game to begin with. Necropotence with a +50% max magicka bonus still wouldn't make a Pet Sorc any kind of top tier DPS, so why the heck are you nerfing one of the most specific Pet Item Sets into the ground?
Waaaaaait, they randomized the trait on Necropotence ? It can now come with any trait ?
I was sooo afraid when I saw the patchnotes. But 4000 Magicka is nice and 289 Magicka more than it grants right now.
This is amazing and it can now come with jerkins ? So I can actually wear it without hiding it underneath a custome.
Awesome change, thank you Zenimax
Now I can't see to see the Destruction Mastery set as well.
hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »Waaaaaait, they randomized the trait on Necropotence ? It can now come with any trait ?
I was sooo afraid when I saw the patchnotes. But 4000 Magicka is nice and 289 Magicka more than it grants right now.
This is amazing and it can now come with jerkins ? So I can actually wear it without hiding it underneath a custome.
Awesome change, thank you Zenimax
Now I can't see to see the Destruction Mastery set as well.
4000 is the bonus you get prior to buffs. after buffs it should be around 6k
hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »Waaaaaait, they randomized the trait on Necropotence ? It can now come with any trait ?
I was sooo afraid when I saw the patchnotes. But 4000 Magicka is nice and 289 Magicka more than it grants right now.
This is amazing and it can now come with jerkins ? So I can actually wear it without hiding it underneath a custome.
Awesome change, thank you Zenimax
Now I can't see to see the Destruction Mastery set as well.
4000 is the bonus you get prior to buffs. after buffs it should be around 6k
I doubt that's how it's working.
The magicka gain percentage is 32,8% for an Altmer character at 501 CP.
So all magicka you gain is increased by 32,8%.
IF this really applies to this 5 set bonus, then I am thankfull, that pet builds actually received a buff for a change.
Then we would look at a ~5300 Magicka increase from this set piece. That would be juicy
hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »Waaaaaait, they randomized the trait on Necropotence ? It can now come with any trait ?
I was sooo afraid when I saw the patchnotes. But 4000 Magicka is nice and 289 Magicka more than it grants right now.
This is amazing and it can now come with jerkins ? So I can actually wear it without hiding it underneath a custome.
Awesome change, thank you Zenimax
Now I can't see to see the Destruction Mastery set as well.
4000 is the bonus you get prior to buffs. after buffs it should be around 6k
I doubt that's how it's working.
The magicka gain percentage is 32,8% for an Altmer character at 501 CP.
So all magicka you gain is increased by 32,8%.
IF this really applies to this 5 set bonus, then I am thankfull, that pet builds actually received a buff for a change.
Then we would look at a ~5300 Magicka increase from this set piece. That would be juicy
No....a sorrc would have 43% with warhorrrn excluding the CP bonus, so youre looking at a lot higher than 5300 magicka
hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »Waaaaaait, they randomized the trait on Necropotence ? It can now come with any trait ?
I was sooo afraid when I saw the patchnotes. But 4000 Magicka is nice and 289 Magicka more than it grants right now.
This is amazing and it can now come with jerkins ? So I can actually wear it without hiding it underneath a custome.
Awesome change, thank you Zenimax
Now I can't see to see the Destruction Mastery set as well.
4000 is the bonus you get prior to buffs. after buffs it should be around 6k
I doubt that's how it's working.
The magicka gain percentage is 32,8% for an Altmer character at 501 CP.
So all magicka you gain is increased by 32,8%.
IF this really applies to this 5 set bonus, then I am thankfull, that pet builds actually received a buff for a change.
Then we would look at a ~5300 Magicka increase from this set piece. That would be juicy
No....a sorrc would have 43% with warhorrrn excluding the CP bonus, so youre looking at a lot higher than 5300 magicka
To me, only solo play matters.
So I only take into account what I naturally have.
I was considering warhorn for solo play, but even with sturdy warhorn, the uptime would be horrible so I dropped that idea.
And how can you exclude CP when you say 43% ? 43% is including CP, as 32,8% already includes CP.
But yea, if someone in my pve group happens to run warhorn, then I profit from that.
hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »Waaaaaait, they randomized the trait on Necropotence ? It can now come with any trait ?
I was sooo afraid when I saw the patchnotes. But 4000 Magicka is nice and 289 Magicka more than it grants right now.
This is amazing and it can now come with jerkins ? So I can actually wear it without hiding it underneath a custome.
Awesome change, thank you Zenimax
Now I can't see to see the Destruction Mastery set as well.
4000 is the bonus you get prior to buffs. after buffs it should be around 6k
I doubt that's how it's working.
The magicka gain percentage is 32,8% for an Altmer character at 501 CP.
So all magicka you gain is increased by 32,8%.
IF this really applies to this 5 set bonus, then I am thankfull, that pet builds actually received a buff for a change.
Then we would look at a ~5300 Magicka increase from this set piece. That would be juicy
No....a sorrc would have 43% with warhorrrn excluding the CP bonus, so youre looking at a lot higher than 5300 magicka
To me, only solo play matters.
So I only take into account what I naturally have.
I was considering warhorn for solo play, but even with sturdy warhorn, the uptime would be horrible so I dropped that idea.
And how can you exclude CP when you say 43% ? 43% is including CP, as 32,8% already includes CP.
But yea, if someone in my pve group happens to run warhorn, then I profit from that.
10 Altmer
7 Inner light
2 meteor
6 undaunted
10 Warhorn
8 bound aegis
This is not including the CP bonus
imho the master staff is also not too bad. i tried the whole frost-reach-immobilize-so-that-familiar-can't-be-kited for a few days but didn't really like it (but then again, i never really fell in love with pets, mainly because i never got good at picking targets with them, i'd switch far too often). 5 necrop + 5destr mastery + master staff might give an incredible magicka pool, though. on top of that frost reach's damage would be increased from the glyph
James-Wayne wrote: »It's to stop builds with 100k Magicka pools... % is always better then flat numbers.
Where do you get Necropotance?
In the same vein, I'm severely confused by the inclusion of sets like syrabane. Back in 1.whatever before they nerfed it to crap, it was usable because blocking for more than .003% of a fight was an actual thing. Now that they are making every attempt to eradicate blocking, why even bother with that set?
hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »Waaaaaait, they randomized the trait on Necropotence ? It can now come with any trait ?
I was sooo afraid when I saw the patchnotes. But 4000 Magicka is nice and 289 Magicka more than it grants right now.
This is amazing and it can now come with jerkins ? So I can actually wear it without hiding it underneath a custome.
Awesome change, thank you Zenimax
Now I can't see to see the Destruction Mastery set as well.
4000 is the bonus you get prior to buffs. after buffs it should be around 6k
I doubt that's how it's working.
The magicka gain percentage is 32,8% for an Altmer character at 501 CP.
So all magicka you gain is increased by 32,8%.
IF this really applies to this 5 set bonus, then I am thankfull, that pet builds actually received a buff for a change.
Then we would look at a ~5300 Magicka increase from this set piece. That would be juicy
No....a sorrc would have 43% with warhorrrn excluding the CP bonus, so youre looking at a lot higher than 5300 magicka
To me, only solo play matters.
So I only take into account what I naturally have.
I was considering warhorn for solo play, but even with sturdy warhorn, the uptime would be horrible so I dropped that idea.
And how can you exclude CP when you say 43% ? 43% is including CP, as 32,8% already includes CP.
But yea, if someone in my pve group happens to run warhorn, then I profit from that.
10 Altmer
7 Inner light
2 meteor
6 undaunted
10 Warhorn
8 bound aegis
This is not including the CP bonus
Well, my setup does not include bound aegis and inner light, because a double pet bouild does not work with 2 more toggles.
So 32 remains for me
hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »Waaaaaait, they randomized the trait on Necropotence ? It can now come with any trait ?
I was sooo afraid when I saw the patchnotes. But 4000 Magicka is nice and 289 Magicka more than it grants right now.
This is amazing and it can now come with jerkins ? So I can actually wear it without hiding it underneath a custome.
Awesome change, thank you Zenimax
Now I can't see to see the Destruction Mastery set as well.
4000 is the bonus you get prior to buffs. after buffs it should be around 6k
I doubt that's how it's working.
The magicka gain percentage is 32,8% for an Altmer character at 501 CP.
So all magicka you gain is increased by 32,8%.
IF this really applies to this 5 set bonus, then I am thankfull, that pet builds actually received a buff for a change.
Then we would look at a ~5300 Magicka increase from this set piece. That would be juicy
No....a sorrc would have 43% with warhorrrn excluding the CP bonus, so youre looking at a lot higher than 5300 magicka
To me, only solo play matters.
So I only take into account what I naturally have.
I was considering warhorn for solo play, but even with sturdy warhorn, the uptime would be horrible so I dropped that idea.
And how can you exclude CP when you say 43% ? 43% is including CP, as 32,8% already includes CP.
But yea, if someone in my pve group happens to run warhorn, then I profit from that.
10 Altmer
7 Inner light
2 meteor
6 undaunted
10 Warhorn
8 bound aegis
This is not including the CP bonus
Well, my setup does not include bound aegis and inner light, because a double pet bouild does not work with 2 more toggles.
So 32 remains for me
Again 32 is without CP
Transairion wrote: »Necropotence: This item set’s Max Magicka bonus has been changed to a flat value instead of a percentage.
Going from +10% max magicka to a flat 4000 is a straight nerf, even for me... and I don't even fully go max magicka (due to a certain item set I wear). I have just over 40k magicka as a "imperfectly built" Pet Sorceror, and 10% of that is still over 4000. A fully built, 2 pets only Sorc will have FAR more than 40k max magicka, at which point the previous 10% value gives them far MORE than 4000 magicka.
You've really nerfed the set into pointlessness, and it's one of the most niche unused sets in the game to begin with. Necropotence with a +50% max magicka bonus still wouldn't make a Pet Sorc any kind of top tier DPS, so why the heck are you nerfing one of the most specific Pet Item Sets into the ground?
Magicka = ((142 * Level + 858 + 111 * Attribute.Magicka + Item.Magicka + Set.Magicka)*(1 + pow(CP.Magicka, 0.56432)/100) + Food.Magicka + Mundus.Magicka + floor(Mundus.Magicka * Item.Divines))*(1 + Skill.Magicka + Buff.Magicka)
Reorx_Holybeard wrote: »Transairion wrote: »Necropotence: This item set’s Max Magicka bonus has been changed to a flat value instead of a percentage.
Going from +10% max magicka to a flat 4000 is a straight nerf, even for me... and I don't even fully go max magicka (due to a certain item set I wear). I have just over 40k magicka as a "imperfectly built" Pet Sorceror, and 10% of that is still over 4000. A fully built, 2 pets only Sorc will have FAR more than 40k max magicka, at which point the previous 10% value gives them far MORE than 4000 magicka.
You've really nerfed the set into pointlessness, and it's one of the most niche unused sets in the game to begin with. Necropotence with a +50% max magicka bonus still wouldn't make a Pet Sorc any kind of top tier DPS, so why the heck are you nerfing one of the most specific Pet Item Sets into the ground?
Actually, this should be a pretty large buff to anyone using the set. Looking at the 10% bonus as it stands now with a "Max Magicka" build of 58K Magicka Necropotence only contributes just a shade over 4k of that. Since assumably the 4k from the new set will be modified by your +% Magicka I can't see any situation where you'd get less magicka with the new set.
Doing some tests on the build in theory it looks like the new set would give me a tad under 61k magicka compared to 58k with the old set. I'll take that....
hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »Waaaaaait, they randomized the trait on Necropotence ? It can now come with any trait ?
I was sooo afraid when I saw the patchnotes. But 4000 Magicka is nice and 289 Magicka more than it grants right now.
This is amazing and it can now come with jerkins ? So I can actually wear it without hiding it underneath a custome.
Awesome change, thank you Zenimax
Now I can't see to see the Destruction Mastery set as well.
4000 is the bonus you get prior to buffs. after buffs it should be around 6k
I doubt that's how it's working.
The magicka gain percentage is 32,8% for an Altmer character at 501 CP.
So all magicka you gain is increased by 32,8%.
IF this really applies to this 5 set bonus, then I am thankfull, that pet builds actually received a buff for a change.
Then we would look at a ~5300 Magicka increase from this set piece. That would be juicy
No....a sorrc would have 43% with warhorrrn excluding the CP bonus, so youre looking at a lot higher than 5300 magicka
To me, only solo play matters.
So I only take into account what I naturally have.
I was considering warhorn for solo play, but even with sturdy warhorn, the uptime would be horrible so I dropped that idea.
And how can you exclude CP when you say 43% ? 43% is including CP, as 32,8% already includes CP.
But yea, if someone in my pve group happens to run warhorn, then I profit from that.
10 Altmer
7 Inner light
2 meteor
6 undaunted
10 Warhorn
8 bound aegis
This is not including the CP bonus
Well, my setup does not include bound aegis and inner light, because a double pet bouild does not work with 2 more toggles.
So 32 remains for me
Again 32 is without CP
32 is with CP my dearI don't want to argue, but that's how it is.
I don't know how much CP adds to this-
I just know, that CP increases your stats by a decreasing percentage.
Your first CP investemnts will give you like 30 Magicka per point and later only 1 or so.
However, this 32,8% includes this.
It was buffed aswell. The sheed value should be modified (haven´t tested) by all % increases.
Also destruction mastery has an edge on necropotence as it is a set in altmer style.
Reorx_Holybeard wrote: »Transairion wrote: »Necropotence: This item set’s Max Magicka bonus has been changed to a flat value instead of a percentage.
Going from +10% max magicka to a flat 4000 is a straight nerf, even for me... and I don't even fully go max magicka (due to a certain item set I wear). I have just over 40k magicka as a "imperfectly built" Pet Sorceror, and 10% of that is still over 4000. A fully built, 2 pets only Sorc will have FAR more than 40k max magicka, at which point the previous 10% value gives them far MORE than 4000 magicka.
You've really nerfed the set into pointlessness, and it's one of the most niche unused sets in the game to begin with. Necropotence with a +50% max magicka bonus still wouldn't make a Pet Sorc any kind of top tier DPS, so why the heck are you nerfing one of the most specific Pet Item Sets into the ground?
Actually, this should be a pretty large buff to anyone using the set. Looking at the 10% bonus as it stands now with a "Max Magicka" build of 58K Magicka Necropotence only contributes just a shade over 4k of that. Since assumably the 4k from the new set will be modified by your +% Magicka I can't see any situation where you'd get less magicka with the new set.
Remember that the formula for your Max Health/Magicka/Stamina is relatively complicated so when something says "10% Max X" you can't just take 10% of your current stat and assume that's what you'll get.Magicka = ((142 * Level + 858 + 111 * Attribute.Magicka + Item.Magicka + Set.Magicka)*(1 + pow(CP.Magicka, 0.56432)/100) + Food.Magicka + Mundus.Magicka + floor(Mundus.Magicka * Item.Divines))*(1 + Skill.Magicka + Buff.Magicka)
Doing some tests on the build in theory it looks like the new set would give me a tad under 61k magicka compared to 58k with the old set. I'll take that....