Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Looking for DC PvP Oriented Guild

First off let me start out by saying I came to ESO on the Xbox from PC Gaming so maybe my standards are a bit high. However, I'm kind of shocked that on an MMO it seems as if the Guild Community is lacking in the PvP and PvE area? This is just my opinion, but a guild with 100+ members that may have mics, may not be in guild chat, nor really stay active in the guild isn't really a guild. I don't join a guild for the trader benefits nor do I join a guild just to chill doing nothing. I join a guild because I want to be an active part of what is going on. I want to play ESO with some cool people and I want to have teamwork in PvP or PvE. That being said, I'm looking to join a PvP Oriented Guild. First I will tell you a little about myself so you can get an understanding of me as a person, then I'll be describing my minimum requirements that your guild must have.

I'm a 22 year old Army Vet. Been gaming most of my life and have recently come over from PC Gaming to the Xbox. My favorite MMO of all time has to be Age of Conan (Before it became F2P) for the PvP and Combat Mechanics. I work five days a week and plan to go to college in August, however I am what would be considered a "Hardcore" player and not a "Casual". I'm on at least once a day. I live in CST Timezone and can be expected to play anywhere from 5pm to midnight and later. Since I just picked up ESO and have missed the account transfer deal I am low level for now. Currently on a lvl 30 DK after 3 days.

What I am looking for in a guild;

1. Daggerfall Alliance
2. PvP Oriented. PvE is nice but its not why I play MMO's.
3. Maturity. I would prefer that most of your members if not all of them are 18+
4. NA as that is the server I am on, however if there are EU Players or it is an EU Based guild on NA I am open to it.
5. Guild Chat Activity. I expect my guildmates to be on Guild Chat if they are online. It only makes sense to me. I don't want to be hearing a bunch of silence for 4 hours.
6. Last but not least, 90% of the guild needs to have a mic. You can't effectively win in PvP without communication.

If you think I'd be a good fit for your guild, then PM me on the forums. If someone knows of a guild similar to what I have described and can point me in the right direction then please do so.
XBOX NA - mDK CP 488
Better Dead Than Red
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