ConeOfSilence wrote: »I am glad for this service coz I keep forgetting I am vet 160 I need constant reminding :P
Hi guys,
So, as much as I like the constant affirmation about how great I am for being champion rank 160... I don't think I really need a mail whenever I log in on any character. Any chance this will be fixed in next week's patch? No worries if not, since it's doesn't affect gameplay. It's just a bit troublesome when you have 8+ level 50s and you get the mail on every single character on every log-in.
Hi guys,
So, as much as I like the constant affirmation about how great I am for being champion rank 160... I don't think I really need a mail whenever I log in on any character. Any chance this will be fixed in next week's patch? No worries if not, since it's doesn't affect gameplay. It's just a bit troublesome when you have 8+ level 50s and you get the mail on every single character on every log-in.
No, kind Sir. As much as you don't need to be reminded of your deeds, we, the citizens of tamriel, ought to be inspired by you great champion rank 160, and this is the only way to show our gratitude to you. Do not ignore your fan club.
Sincerely yours,
one of your admirers
I believe it's around 2 million XP for me to earn a Champion Point now. I still get a couple of these mails every day from relogging.The specific trigger is that every time you log into a Level 50 character after you earn a CP, you'll get the mail. Obviously, the solution is to stop earning CP.
So the spam isn't as bad for people over the CP cap since their CP costs are so high.