Though I understand @Wrobel desire to keep each class unique in their play style, I can't support the decision to keep Magicka Sorcerers so heavily tied to a destruction staff.
There are different ways this problem could be solved though, for instance, Dark Exchange and its morphs could be turned into an ability that deals damage and regains either magicka or stamina depending on the morph. This skills could be made Melee for Magicka users and ranged for stamina users, which would create some interesting build diversity. Such skill would also aid with the class's survivability as dealing damage with a Dark Magic skill procs Blood Magic healing the caster for 8% of their max health.
Another alternative and an interesting one as well, would be to alter Crystal Fragment's proc mechanics. Instead of giving the spell a fixed chance of 35%, maybe Crystal Fragments could proc on Critical Strikes. Because in PvE we stack crit and use as many DoTs as possible, we'd be able to actively spam crystal fragments. Of course that would require the skill's base damage to be adjusted, alas, it would be an interesting change and certainly would be a unique skill.
Couple together, those changes plus a change to Crystal Blast into a stamina morph that applied debuffs to the target could greatly increase sorcerer DPS and build flexibility.
catalyst10e wrote: »Though I understand @Wrobel desire to keep each class unique in their play style, I can't support the decision to keep Magicka Sorcerers so heavily tied to a destruction staff.
There are different ways this problem could be solved though, for instance, Dark Exchange and its morphs could be turned into an ability that deals damage and regains either magicka or stamina depending on the morph. This skills could be made Melee for Magicka users and ranged for stamina users, which would create some interesting build diversity. Such skill would also aid with the class's survivability as dealing damage with a Dark Magic skill procs Blood Magic healing the caster for 8% of their max health.
Another alternative and an interesting one as well, would be to alter Crystal Fragment's proc mechanics. Instead of giving the spell a fixed chance of 35%, maybe Crystal Fragments could proc on Critical Strikes. Because in PvE we stack crit and use as many DoTs as possible, we'd be able to actively spam crystal fragments. Of course that would require the skill's base damage to be adjusted, alas, it would be an interesting change and certainly would be a unique skill.
Couple together, those changes plus a change to Crystal Blast into a stamina morph that applied debuffs to the target could greatly increase sorcerer DPS and build flexibility.
I agree with most of what you said, just this part here I wanted to discuss. If I'm understanding correctly you were suggesting Melee range for a magica users and ranged for stamina, I'd be all for a skill that could work like a siphon that we could spam, but the issue there would be, magicka users need to do everything from range and most all of the stamina abilities require they be within melee range. It wouldnt solve the issue of needing a spammable, it would just mean getting one no one would want to use.
On the crystal frag procing off crits, this would absolutely kill us in PVP. with so much crit resistances, and more players using shields which negate critical hits, we would nearly never be able to pop off one of our major damage dealing spells. I'd rather lose the hard CC and make it an instant cast, with the proc only effecting the damage and magica cost reduction. (But that's me)
I feel the exact same way. I've spent hundreds of hours on my sorc. Doing math, testing builds, practicing my skills... So much love and sweat went into that sorc. And now with DB, I've tried everything. I swear I've tried every single Magicka Sorc build there is, and nothing works. I have the best gear in the game, and I used to always defeat top-tier players on the leaderboards, but now enemies can essentially 2-shot me and I have no time DPS. Everyone's damage went up, but shields weren't strengthened. Even WHEN I spam shields, enemies can burn right through them now. And on the rare occasion that the enemy doesn't have enough damage to do that, I get 3 seconds of proper DPSing until I have to recast them, or I get 2-shotted when the shields go down. Not to mention, that entire 3 seconds of DPSing is completely negated by a dodge roll or two, since dodge rolls are so effective against projectiles. The Twilight Matriarch is okay, but I hate playing with pets.It's not fun for me. I also hate being forced to use Destro staff, since they took away trapping webs. I've created a level 15 Nightblade, and I already feel stronger in PVP (battle-leveled) than my endgame Sorc did. It's so disheartening. I feel scammed, cheated.
Great OP could not have written it better myself. I am in the process of converting my sorc to my crafter. It's not that I can't play that way in this new meta it's that I won't play. Hit two abilities reapply shield hit two abilities reapply shield and repeat repeat repeat repeats it's not remotely fun. I have to sit in TS every night listening to them *** about replying shields, getting rekt and then I have to Rez them constantly. I thought wow I am so glad I leveled multiple toons. All the time spent reapplying shields is not time on target. Sustained dps has never been a sorc strength now it's worse. Sure some ppl with no options and refuse to level another toon or are stubborn or die hards will adapt and/or trudge along. I won't be one. I stopped playing my magic Templar for 8 months until they were fixed. Hopefully, they will make sorcs better again. For those of you who will say learn to play or shield stacker don't bother I don't care. On every Stam class I play which is 6 I never had any problems getting through a Sorcs shields. Not even an average player needs shattering blows or shield breaker. It's very easy to run Sorcs out of Stam. The number of Sorcs that are actually good on PC NA I can count on one hand literally. The rest are just AP in training.
Father_X_Zombie wrote: »
Father_X_Zombie wrote: »
Welcome to the club brigadier Avidius. I see the Dark Brotherhood got to you to... A great loss to the Daggerfall Covenant.
Father_X_Zombie wrote: »Father_X_Zombie wrote: »
Welcome to the club brigadier Avidius. I see the Dark Brotherhood got to you to... A great loss to the Daggerfall Covenant.
The EP DKs will overwhelm us........
Father_X_Zombie wrote: »Father_X_Zombie wrote: »
Welcome to the club brigadier Avidius. I see the Dark Brotherhood got to you to... A great loss to the Daggerfall Covenant.
The EP DKs will overwhelm us........
I thought Stamina Nightblades were the thing in PvP this days... DKs are great at this too? Damn, is there anything in this game DKs can't do better than everyone else? >.>
Father_X_Zombie wrote: »Father_X_Zombie wrote: »Father_X_Zombie wrote: »
Welcome to the club brigadier Avidius. I see the Dark Brotherhood got to you to... A great loss to the Daggerfall Covenant.
The EP DKs will overwhelm us........
I thought Stamina Nightblades were the thing in PvP this days... DKs are great at this too? Damn, is there anything in this game DKs can't do better than everyone else? >.>
stam nbs are going to be flavor of the month, but there will be alot of stam dks too
NordSwordnBoard wrote: »
FriedEggSandwich wrote: »#makestreakgreatagain
# resurrectthesorcerers