ContraTempo wrote: »
I don't really get this. I know a lot of people feel the same and mods for Skyrim could make Khajiit look like humans with kitty ears and a tail. But I don't get why you are playing a non-human if you really just want it to look like a human. I find the mer in ESO to all be far, far too human for my tastes. I think it should be starkly obvious from their look and their movement that they are not human, even if their ears are covered.
Wait ... I thought we were all Sutay-Raht in TESO?
I don't know where I first heard about it but it's also mentioned in this Wiki.
To be honest, your thread shocked me a little because I've been roleplaying a Khajiit for a while now. I originally wanted her to be Cathay but thought this might cause some inconsistencies so I settled for Suthay-Raht.