If you could be a different Khajiit Furstock, which would you be?

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  • Mr.Hmm
    I want more Muscles on the Cathay
    If I die tomorrow I do not want to think of the game I could of played today, therefor I will play whatever I want today while securing a future to play in as well.

    A true gamer will think of all the possible outcomes and execute the one that is the hardest to accomplish.
  • SeptimusDova
    the really tall one senche-raht

    now go clean my litter box
  • Gidorick
    [b]Tojay[/b]: A smaller, agile, magical breed of Khajiit. Similar to Suthay in stature but possibly more mer-like features. Digitigrade feet.

    I don't really get this. I know a lot of people feel the same and mods for Skyrim could make Khajiit look like humans with kitty ears and a tail. But I don't get why you are playing a non-human if you really just want it to look like a human. I find the mer in ESO to all be far, far too human for my tastes. I think it should be starkly obvious from their look and their movement that they are not human, even if their ears are covered.

    I think we have stumbled up a "to each his own" situation @ContraTempo , and the great thing about Khajiit Furstocks is there is room for pretty much any type of "cat person" imaginable.
    Edited by Gidorick on May 31, 2016 5:55AM
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  • Khenarthi
    Alfiq <3

    I like my characters small, sneaky, and magicka-based
  • Duiwel
    I am an Imperial
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  • theher0not
    I would stick to the current one. It is the best looking. Perfect mix of man and cat.
  • Faulgor
    [b]Ohmes-raht[/b]: Looks like a race of man but has a tail and has very fine fur. Plantigrade Feet.
    Morrowind Suthay or Ohmes-Raht.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Sengra
    Wait ... I thought we were all Sutay-Raht in TESO?
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  • Gidorick
    [b]Tojay[/b]: A smaller, agile, magical breed of Khajiit. Similar to Suthay in stature but possibly more mer-like features. Digitigrade feet.
    Sengra wrote: »
    Wait ... I thought we were all Sutay-Raht in TESO?

    Really? What lead to that conclusion @sengra?
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  • natewook
    [b]Cathay-Raht[/b]: a larger, more ferocious Khajiit. Visually similar to werewolfs in stature. Likely with Digitigrade feet.
    what? I like being huge. :3
    sometimes I'll take subjects to far and ask for an arm, leg and maybe an eye, please be patent with me.
    remember this thread people: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/193736/should-eso-turn-up-the-heat-aka-gore-revisited/p1
    necromancer? why I've neve- I would never do such a thing! XD
  • Sengra
    Gidorick wrote: »

    Really? What lead to that conclusion @sengra?

    I don't know where I first heard about it but it's also mentioned in this Wiki.

    To be honest, your thread shocked me a little because I've been roleplaying a Khajiit for a while now. I originally wanted her to be Cathay but thought this might cause some inconsistencies so I settled for Suthay-Raht. ;)

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Gidorick
    [b]Tojay[/b]: A smaller, agile, magical breed of Khajiit. Similar to Suthay in stature but possibly more mer-like features. Digitigrade feet.
    Sengra wrote: »

    I don't know where I first heard about it but it's also mentioned in this Wiki.

    To be honest, your thread shocked me a little because I've been roleplaying a Khajiit for a while now. I originally wanted her to be Cathay but thought this might cause some inconsistencies so I settled for Suthay-Raht. ;)

    Interesting @Sengra ... I came to the conclusion that we are Cathay from knowing that we are Suthay-Raht in Morrowind... and in that we looked like:
    The in-game description of Khajiit states: "The most common breed found in Morrowind, the suthay-raht, is intelligent, quick, and agile."

    And then in Oblivion they looked like...
    We don't get a definitive furstock for Oblivion or Skyrim, which had Khajiit look like...

    We don't get official word on what we are in Skyrim or Oblivion. By the digitigrade and plantigrade feet I am comfortable saying that I think they the type of Khajiit are different from the kind of Khajiit in Morrowind. Comparing the Khajiit in those three games to the Khajiit in ESO... I settled on the Cathay. I mean... Cathay are supposed to be larger than Suthay-Raht and in ESO we can make Khajiit that look like this when compared to a werewolf...


    Between the size and feet similarities between the ESO and Skyrim/Oblivion compared to the Morrowind Khajiit and the fact that we can make some pretty beefy Khajiit in Skyrim, I'm comfortable with my conclusion. But you're free to disagree. :wink:
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Sengra
    Your conclusion is not bad at all, Gidorick. As I said I had a hard time at the beginning to tell what my Khajiit could be in TESO. But I prefer not roleplaying something that confuses other RPers around me so I went with the most common interpretation which seemed to be Sutay-Raht.
    It would be interesting to hear a word from those Zenimax lore gurus on the matter. Although I'm sure they would just tell us "to roleplay whatever we want to be" which can be a difficult thing if you roleplay with others. *g*
    Edited by Sengra on June 3, 2016 9:56AM
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
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