Currently, we can all create Cathay Khajiit... but what if we could create Khajiit of a different Furstock, which would you create?
Descriptions in the poll.
Well dang... bold doesn't work in Poll responses. That's annoying.
Edited by Gidorick on May 28, 2016 10:44PM
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If you could be a different Khajiit Furstock, which would you be? 84 votes
[b]Suthay[/b]: A smaller species of Khajiit, about the size of the Bosmer but are much more catlike. Digitigrade feet.
[b]Suthay-Raht[/b]: Taller than the Suthay. About the size of man. Digitigrade feet.
[b]Cathay-Raht[/b]: a larger, more ferocious Khajiit. Visually similar to werewolfs in stature. Likely with Digitigrade feet.
[b]Ohmes[/b]: a tail-less Khajiit breed. Pretty much a Bosmer body (without the antlers) and the skillset of a Khajiit. Plantigrade Feet.
[b]Ohmes-raht[/b]: Looks like a race of man but has a tail and has very fine fur. Plantigrade Feet.
[b]Tojay[/b]: A smaller, agile, magical breed of Khajiit. Similar to Suthay in stature but possibly more mer-like features. Digitigrade feet.
[b]Tojay-Raht[/b]: A bit larger than the Tojay. Plantigrade Feet.