Is this something that can be looked at? Basically, have an option on the Character Select screen to log in as "Offline".
Is this something that can be looked at? Basically, have an option on the Character Select screen to log in as "Offline".
and play completely offline?
on an mmo? where the name is literally Elder Scrolls ONLINE
dtm_samuraib16_ESO wrote: »Euhm, it's sold as and bought by you as an MMO.
Where the O stands for...?
hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »
You guys didn't get it...he wants to log in and have people not see him log on...
In my defense, I just woke up and his wording was very non-specific. There IS a busy/do not disturb mode.
GivvumBoane wrote: »If you are speaking in terms of appearing offline to other players, there is an option in the social tab I think. You can change status between online, busy, offline, and maybe another option. I can't really remember. Otherwise, if you're referring to playing the game alone, then that won't be happening. The server would have to run too many solo world instances.
hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »
Umm people can still see that you logged on and are have to enable offline mode after you get into game...can be a hassle if you want privacy
GivvumBoane wrote: »
Doesn't seem like much of a problem, unless people are Hawking roster status. Not like it pops up an alert letting everyone know you logged in.
hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »
If you are a guild leader and one to whom people come with questions all the time sometimes you can get a bit tired and want privacy so while for majority of people it may not be an issue, for those with large in game responsibilities it can be a life aaver...
Baconfat79 wrote: »The best workaround is to go i to offline/invisible mode before you log off. Next time you log in, it will still be enabled and people won't see the message saying that you have logged in.
ИВАН_ВОДКА wrote: »you can setup Offline mode and nexttime you login you will still be in offline mode
what exactly you want lol? its already inthere
LOL Nos, you described my use case perfectly!
I'm still waiting a reply to my mail, it's been 10 minutes I send it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously though, it's an issue of only people who have 108 unread mails in their inbox can understand though.
GivvumBoane wrote: »
Doesn't seem like much of a problem, unless people are Hawking roster status. Not like it pops up an alert letting everyone know you logged in.