But why are you making terrible decisions that take the fun out of the game. The only reason I play is to have fun but reading the patch notes I'm seriously considering cancelling my sub and not even purchasing DB. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Poisons are terrible in their current state and I absolutely believe you will make changes to this horrible design in the future after the entire player base warned you.
Also stam sorc... let's see. In their current state if I were to create a competitive pvp build the only skills I would have from my sorcerer lines would be atronach (for a boring passive buff), hurricane/ boundless morph of choice and possibly streak for the one or two times I can use it before my magicka is depleted. By the way no one is going to use surge now so good change there huh.
Tldr; stop ruining your game because before you know it no one will be playing.