In ve, it's a pure hps loss, but in pvp it's not. Most hit won't heal you for 3k heal in pvp actually, but with this change we can get a better sustain. Sad that other build has been nerfed, especially 2H and pve who will probably be at the same place dual wield is in pvp actually…
Surge should really heal without cooldown on every direct hit/dot. But even like this, that's tank build who will be screwed.
Critsurge heals for more then 3k, thats just the base heal, wich is then boosted by cp or other factor, aswell as crit, and currently isnt affected by battlespirit.
Brutusmax1mus wrote: »Healing for 3k a second is strong since it applies to dots which happen during cc, repositioning, and running away.
Brutusmax1mus wrote: »I like it because it can heal while you're incapacitated or disengaging. My Stam sorc is a pvp tank, so my crit heals weren't much anyway.
Tyrannitar wrote: »
Even with crit applied, the HPS is barely anything....
If you don't play endgame stam sorc on live, you wouldn't realize how bad of a nerf this is.... I just wish people would stop commenting after playing them on the PTS once or twice.
Getting crit surge to crit is based on spell crit isn't it? So that's what 25% on a stamina sorcerer if you're lucky?
@dsalter ah, ok thx. So is power surge heal crit based on spell crit then?
@dsalter ah, ok thx. So is power surge heal crit based on spell crit then?
Haven't tested it myself but multiple people have said the new crit surge heal is critting based on spell crit. Must be fixed before going to live, if true.
- Storm Calling
- Hurricane (Lightning Form morph): Updated the visual effects for this morph based on your feedback.
- Surge: This ability and its morphs will now critically heal based on your Weapon Critical or Spell Critical, whichever is higher. We also fixed an issue where the heal from this ability and its morphs was not being reduced by Battle Spirit.
PainfulFAFA wrote: »
For all we know, this dude could have 35k stam and 50% crit so those surge heals seem accurate to me.
Khaos_Bane wrote: »
From the PTS patch just now.... so battle spirit will now kick in... which halves the already low heal
Tyrannitar wrote: »
Everybody commenting that this surge change is a good idea doesn't have a V16 stam sorc... Or sorc for that matter. I'd bet my life on it.
@Wrobel, you've got until the 31st to remove the cooldown on crit surge and allow DoTs to apply.
You're gaining popularity with noobs who have spent maybe 30$ on the game.
Where would you like the flowers sent?
V16 sorc and v14 sorc currently with new stamsorc as soon as they would allow me to give them more money for char slots.
Not noob (developed 10 vet lvl chars so far with last check about 540 cp, pre-order) and way over 30 bucks in (paid more than that for my banker Stibbons)
Where would you like the flowers sent?
V16 sorc and v14 sorc currently with new stamsorc as soon as they would allow me to give them more money for char slots.
Not noob (developed 10 vet lvl chars so far with last check about 540 cp, pre-order) and way over 30 bucks in (paid more than that for my banker Stibbons)