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37+ sets removed in DB DLC, and uncovering the lie of ZOS

  • Sogreth
    STEVIL wrote: »
    Sogreth wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »

    Yes really. You mad?

    Obviously people have issues with the game. That's why they feel the need to post them on the forums. Completely ignoring them would be foolish.

    And that answers that.

    Yes it does. Bye.
  • Ashtaris
    STEVIL wrote: »
    olsborg wrote: »
    Shadow walker, Cyrodiils light, Ravager and Morag tong are just a few of sets that really, really should be made into cp160 sets...comon zos, please listen to the community.

    So ok at the eso live they said the silver zones would start at 40cp and work up to 160cp for the last silver.
    they said all gold zones would be cp160.
    this was for difficulty, mats and gear drops.

    This link goes to a list someone made of the sets found in the PTS i believe so far. Got it off the PTS threads on gear from the PTS.

    Ravager, shadow walker and a crap ton of others are there.

    But since ZOS is evil and never listens and always screws things up... obviously none of this can be true.

    As many i am sure will attest to as soon as i hit "Post Reply" as they explain its really a black helo conspiracy for crown store profits.

    Ummmm, just because they have the old sets in the data files doesn't mean they will still be available. They have to keep the old sets in there for those who have already acquired them. I don't imagine most people would be happy if their old Ravager set they had in the bank suddenly went *poof* :)

  • NBrookus
    If all the sets that currently dropped in gold were scaled to CP160, I would be a very happy camper. V16 Soulshine? :o

    I don't see it happening, though. Some of these sets would be insanely powerful with high levels of CP. Plus, it feels like the nature of the beast to let old items go since we are getting new ones.

    I would like to see them selectively update more of these sets, like they are doing for Dreugh King.
  • Birdovic
    Jaywics wrote: »
    To be fair: If I was a dev I Wouldnt answer rude peoples comments like from @Jaywics anyway

    Some people do not mind forking out money with diminishing returns, however as a subscriber I feel as if some issiues that change the game dramatically need a response from an employee, not a comment from a fanboy of ZOS..

    Lol, what is it, that makes me a "Fanboy".
    Subscribing? :wink:

    I am not super happy with the games State aswell, but at least I can voice my concerns in a less insulting way than you do.

    It's like asking your mum for candies but insulting her at the same time. Now guess if you get your candy or not.

  • GaldorP
    The question may not have been asked politely,
    but it sure would be nice to know what will happen to those 37 sets in the Dark Brotherhood Update.
  • Birdovic
    GaldorP wrote: »
    The question may not have been asked politely,
    but it sure would be nice to know what will happen to those 37 sets in the Dark Brotherhood Update.

    Absolutely agree. I'm very interested in that, because it's important for me. I love theory crafting and sometimes do so for longer then playing lol.

    I need to know which possibilities are new, and which are gone, therefore.

    My guess is, they will release around 5-10 old sets at max level, just like we get updated versions of Elegance, Dreughkingslayer, Vipers Sting and others with the Dark Brotherhood DLC.

    So next dlc could bring Archmage, Morag Tong and Hawkeye back, as example.
    Edited by Birdovic on May 11, 2016 4:09PM
  • mateoz
    what will happen to those 37 sets ?
    They are going to be exploited by player that already have them
    Ashtaris wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    olsborg wrote: »
    Shadow walker, Cyrodiils light, Ravager and Morag tong are just a few of sets that really, really should be made into cp160 sets...comon zos, please listen to the community.

    So ok at the eso live they said the silver zones would start at 40cp and work up to 160cp for the last silver.
    they said all gold zones would be cp160.
    this was for difficulty, mats and gear drops.

    This link goes to a list someone made of the sets found in the PTS i believe so far. Got it off the PTS threads on gear from the PTS.

    Ravager, shadow walker and a crap ton of others are there.

    But since ZOS is evil and never listens and always screws things up... obviously none of this can be true.

    As many i am sure will attest to as soon as i hit "Post Reply" as they explain its really a black helo conspiracy for crown store profits.

    Ummmm, just because they have the old sets in the data files doesn't mean they will still be available. They have to keep the old sets in there for those who have already acquired them. I don't imagine most people would be happy if their old Ravager set they had in the bank suddenly went *poof* :)

    Yes but they dont have to store v16 upgraded version in the db.

    Plus again if all gold zones are v160 dropping c160 gear, thats crapton of these sets dropping.

    Is anything definite? Not until release, but gi:en the whole thread PANIC PANIC PANIC LIE LIE LIE CONSPIRACY is based off "stuff aint in the pts store yet" i am a lot more confident in my NOT PANIC status and cp160 necropotence anticipation.

    Edited by STEVIL on May 11, 2016 5:29PM
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • mertusta
    Still no official answer? wow...
  • James-Wayne
    Remember we all should all know by now the PTS copy prior to live doesn't always reflect the live copy afterwards! :smiley:

    They push updates from their developer server to Live, not push updates from PTS to Live.
    PERTH, AUSTRALIA | PC | NA | @Aussie-Elders

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  • GaldorP
    At this point, I'm going with the assumption that these sets will no longer be obtainable from NPCs in DB (and that ZOS has already made that decision but doesn't want to communicate it).

    Could also be that ZOS hasn't decided yet for sure what to do with them (or that they're basing their decision on forum/Reddit/etc. reactions; so they won't do it if there's too much of an uproar, for example, which so far, unfortunately, there hasn't been even though this thread has over 10k views now).

    Option three is that ZOS has already decided that these sets will still be obtainable in the game just as they are now or even updated to them VR 16, but they want to keep that a secret, for some reason.

    Based on past experiences with changes from PTS to live, I think the first perspective - that those sets will no longer be obtainable from Cyrodiil merchants in DB - is by far the most likely.
    Edited by GaldorP on May 16, 2016 9:42AM
  • nudel
    For those who didn't see this posted in the PTS section:
    When we first launched the Dark Brotherhood update on the PTS, we removed some older item sets from both the Rewards for the Worthy bags and the AP vendors. As we had previously told everyone, we didn’t plan to remove the older item sets from the AP vendors. The removal was unintentional and due to a miscommunication, and we’re correcting it—we’ll explain what you can expect.

    First, Rewards for the Worthy bags. We want Rewards for the Worthy bags to always be appealing, and contain the latest and greatest item sets. It’s also important that we keep the number of item sets in the Rewards for the Worthy loot table reasonable so your chances of completing your desired item set(s) are higher. We will continue to cycle out older sets from the Rewards for the Worthy bags, and replace them with newer item sets.

    When we remove item sets from the Rewards for the Worthy bags, it is our intent that those item sets are still available for purchase from AP vendors. This didn’t happen when the Dark Brotherhood update went to the PTS, but it will. With next week’s PTS incremental patch (and Dark Brotherhood at launch), the older sets will be in thematic boxes sold by “Elite Gear” vendors in your alliance’s home base in Cyrodiil. Here is the full list:

    • Alessian Order
    • Bastion of the Heartland
    • Beckoning Steel
    • Blessing of the Potentates
    • Crest of Cyrodiil
    • Deadly Strike
    • Durok's Bane
    • The Juggernaut

    • Affliction
    • Armor of Truth
    • Blessing of the Potentates
    • Deadly Strike
    • Elf Bane
    • Ravager
    • Sergeant's Mail

    • Barkskin
    • Crusader
    • Eagle Eye
    • Shadow Walker
    • Shield of the Valiant
    • Twin Sisters
    • Vengeance Leech

    • Eagle Eye
    • Hawk's Eye
    • Kyne's Kiss
    • Sentry
    • The Morag Tong
    • Vengeance Leech
    • Ward of Cyrodiil

    • Almalexia's Mercy
    • Curse Eater
    • Desert Rose
    • Grace of the Ancients
    • Prayer Shawl
    • Robes of Onslaught
    • Wrath of the Imperium

    • Buffer of the Swift
    • Grace of the Ancients
    • Light of Cyrodiil
    • Noble Duelist's Silks
    • Robes of Alteration Mastery
    • The Arch-Mage
    • Wrath of the Imperium

    All items from these boxes scale to the level of your character at the moment when you open the box, up to Champion 160. The boxes cost 20,000 AP apiece, and the items inside will always be Blue-quality. In a future update, we may look into expanding the item slots and Traits that these item sets come in, and/or moving them from the Elite Gear vendors to tie in more tightly with the Cyrodiil Town Capture mechanic.

    We hope this helps address your concerns with the removed item sets, and we look forward to your feedback. Thank you!

  • NateAssassin
    Aw man I thought my Legendary set of Alteration Mastery was going to become ultra rare and cool, guess it won't now.
    AD | Malaya the Mystic ─ VR16 Khajiit Sorc | Shal'ina the Swift ─ VR16 Khajiit NB | Jòhn Cena ─ VR1 Khajiit NB | Priestess Shaari ─ VR1 Temp
    Dang, so the doom and gloom conspiracy LIE LIE LIE crowd who ssid all along the sets were removed for crown sale conspiracy were right all slong and we eho ssid "its early in pkaytest" now got egg all over our faced.


    Well, i can eat crow when i have to and admit i was wr...

    Wait, what?

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Runaan
    Very provocative and tempting title, the first moment I saw it I knew it will get a lot of attention.
    Runaan Fortis
    Altmer Sorcerer

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    - A Dominion of peace. The fair and just rule of Tamriel
  • Mojmir
    /thread community won...sort of.
  • arkansas_ESO
    To be fair, it's not like all of these sets were used that often. Be honest, how many of you ran 5pc Almalexia's Mercy?

    Grand Overlord 25/8/17
  • Mojmir
    To be fair, it's not like all of these sets were used that often. Be honest, how many of you ran 5pc Almalexia's Mercy?

    ravagers,morag tong,cyrodiil light,hawk eyes,shadow walker were great sets and will be again.
  • James-Wayne
    I'm laughing so hard right now!!!

    Talk about jumping to conclusion!

    Moral of the story: Wait for ZOS to communicate removal of sets before posting they are actually happening and getting everyone worked up.
    PERTH, AUSTRALIA | PC | NA | @Aussie-Elders

    TENTH ANNIVERSARY - Thanks for sticking with us for 10 years.
    James-Wayne you earned this badge 9:56AM on 4th of February 2024.
    529 people have also earned this badge.
  • ThatNeonZebraAgain
    To be fair, it's not like all of these sets were used that often. Be honest, how many of you ran 5pc Almalexia's Mercy?

    I just wish Almalexia came in Heavy...
    Gore-of-the-Forest Argonian Nightblade
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    Rituals-of-the-Forest Argonian Warden
  • Cously
    I'm glad they heard feedback. Threads like that helps it.
  • jediprime74
    I am guessing some of the people in this thread are enjoying their large helpings of crow and humble pie?
    Guildmaster of Fool's Errand, PvX/social, beginner to endgame Guild.

    Guildmaster of Fools for the Pact an Ebonheart Pact PvP Guild.

  • Waffennacht
    Poor poor Necropotence... completely over shadowed by other sets now. Can easily reach those numbers with other sets.

    At least it gets block cost reduction...

    Please scale a bit...
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

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