Dear ZOS,
Let me say that I love this game, and that I have been playing for near 5 months. I have bought crowns more than once and own all the current DLCs. I am not an ESO plus member because of life and the fact that I thought that buying crowns was a perfect way to allow people without steady income or means to help participate in the supporting of the game. To be honest it was the main reason that I chose this game over many of the other MMOs out there was that there was no huge advantage to those that did not pay a monthly fee and that you DID NOT HAVE TO pay a monthly fee.
I love the fact that yes EOS plus members get benefits, like extra experience and the DLCs but not an in game huge advantage, nothing that cant be overcome with hard work and or BUYING CROWNS. But with the DB patch to me this has changed. Making me question my continued support of the game through the buying of crowns, because it seems like my support of the game is totally being disrespected. And yes this has to do with the the exclusivity of the Craft Bags, and how I see it affecting everyone that is not an ESO plus member in GAME PLAY.
The craft bags, don't get me wrong, I love the idea. You have created a super dynamic game, and honestly I love crafting and all the different aspects of it. When I read the notes I thought wow, this is a great thing, totally needed with all the different kinds of mats in the game. And then the news that it would be only EOS Plus option hit me like a brick. Yes I understand that you want more people to pay monthly, but to be honest I have spent just as much on crowns already this year as most EOS plus members will spend at all on year. I thought with all the news that you would release a crafting bag option for Crown members. Maybe not as big, or only for specific types of mats like a woodworking one or a provisioning one. And of course I excepted huge fees like those with the merchant and banker apprentices. But nothing at all.
Now here is when it comes into me being a farmer and master crafter. I am not a super farmer by any means, honestly I only do about 3-5 hours a week of pure farming, but I do farm and make a great deal of money in the game off of it. I find it relaxing. But with some of the changes in the game you have dissed farmers and master crafters and given a HUGE advantage to ESO plus members and non crafters. Ones that I am not sure that you understand that you have given.
Lets start with the Craft Bags the easiest to understand:
1. Giving huge amounts of free bag space to people with EOS plus is a huge advantage in time, and of course Bag space. This means that not only do they not need to go to the bank to deposit supplies and take them out. I honestly thought that the craft bag would be attached to the bank and that you would have to go there to use it and take things in and out. So in essence it would be an AWESOME extension to the bank. Accessible when crafting but that would be it. And then I heard that it goes straight to your bag as soon as you pick the items up or relog a zone. Do you truly understand that this means that those with ESO plus can now hold huge numbers of armor sets and weapons at any given time? And that they can pick up at least 10 time the amount of sellable items from mobs in PVE. In all aspects of the game you just made every ESO plus member richer in the game with the feature. Not including the fact that they can save more mats to sell in Guild Traders and more specialty items in forms of weapons motifs and jewelry. One of the toughest things in the game is having a limited amount of space for usable armor and weapon sets. Be a farmer or not. Also a fundamental truth about farming is that you can only farm so long until you have to sell or bank items because you RUN OUT OF ROOM. This single change will make a huge difference I believe in the future of the economy in the game, causing prices to drop and making ESO Plus members the richest in the game.
2. Poisons-Nothing overly wrong with this except for the at least 12 new bag spaces which of course leads to the above mentioned issue that you are now going to need more bag space to carry everything that ESO plus members wont have to deal with.
3. Complete change to Enchanting. Not being able to find Potency runes in the wild and only being able to buy them or decon items now is a huge kick in the gut for master enchanters and Farmers. Yes farming runes is a bit random but it is all part of the game. And those that pick up all of the runes get rewards that help upgrade the equipment and can only be used on certain levels. The complete dislike of this change has been discussed in a different forum and am not overly inclined to repeat that which has been said. But I just don't really understand this change at all. Also with the ability to use lower runes on higher items this makes becoming a Master Enchanter a bit of a waste in Skill points to the last point in Enchanting except for extreme players and the price of the v16 runes are a bit extreme in the markets. Also with the addition of poisons, Glyphs likely will start to take a back space on weapons which is the common v16 gear that most people have. Also a question is if the rate of Kutas dropping from nodes is the same as it is now that means that the price and rarity of Kutas will drop dramatically and therefore cause huge drops in the prices of them on the market.
4. Changes to nodes in DLC zones. This change seem like nothing but pandering to players that don't want to put points into v16 characters. Right now the system rewards players that use 36 skill points into max characters by letting get max mats in DLC zones. Now a v16 character will get to pick those nodes up at a 50% rate, meaning that majority of players will find it more valuable to put the points into passives or skills and still get a large amount of max nodes. Giving huge advantages to those that don't max craft on max characters. This seems like a total gut kick, sorry to keep using that term, this means that those who are farmers are at a huge disadvantage now, because they cant get the nodes that they are setting up for in passives and that those like myself that farms on a v16 character that all my mat collecting will be easily undercut now. People that don't want to put the very precious skill points into crafting passives. Also what about the people that have alts that farm? They now get stuck with mats that they were not aiming for. Along with the now many new skill points I assume that are needed in Alchemy to survive poisons, and all the skill points for the DB and TG DLCs, having a master crafter on max characters seems superfluous and a complete waste of skill points. Unless like me you set up so that one character could do all the crafting and majority of playing. All the research that I have done on this character is now wasted in the amount of skills that I am at a disadvantage unless I too take the skill points out of the crafting passives.
I know that you will not change these things. I know that they are happening. But for all the complaints I think that this update hurts farmers and master crafters the most. Fundamentally making the game less enjoyable and this will totally change the economy in the game. Since crafters and farmers are the ones that sell the mats and supplies the most.
I do like the addition of changes and variety in the game with Alchemy Poisons and some of the other new things coming into the game, but these changes seem highly forced and not wanted except by those that whinge the most in forums. So I hope that I have made a point, and that if whinging and moaning is what gets silly changes made that the community as a whole do not want nor ask for I hope that this helps to see the opposite side. Please note that I am not upset about the fact that you are giving anything to ESO Plus member, I understand that it is a way to increase your revenue, but please understand that you are dissing those that pay for crowns.
Thank you for your time and your commitment to the betterment of the game.
Lin Lilia-V16 Templar