Cuzzlydraino187 wrote: »Invite please
Gamertag- CuzzlyDraino187
GT: byMaelstrom
connery10101ub17_ESO wrote: »GT lil hotdogs5900
chljeffries wrote: »Grame
thisisScoMan wrote: »Invite please.
GT - thisisScoMan
bntyhuntrx wrote: »fairly new player, but leveling up crafting fairly quick and looking for a place to sell stuff. Wish they would just make an auction house like Final Fantasy XI...
If you have room, please invite.
Xbox GT and eso name : bntyhuntrx
Thankswolffangfist wrote: »Gamertag is HERDEMISEMYRLSEBreakXerxer wrote: »GT: BreakXerxer
Invites sent.
bntyhuntrx wrote: »bntyhuntrx wrote: »fairly new player, but leveling up crafting fairly quick and looking for a place to sell stuff. Wish they would just make an auction house like Final Fantasy XI...
If you have room, please invite.
Xbox GT and eso name : bntyhuntrx
Thankswolffangfist wrote: »Gamertag is HERDEMISEMYRLSEBreakXerxer wrote: »GT: BreakXerxer
Invites sent.
Never got that invite, can you please resend. Thanks.
Bntyhuntrx is GT
Unhurd_Samurai wrote: »I would like to join if your still looking for new members and my GT is unhurd samurai.
XDuchessofArkhamxX wrote: »I would like an invite as well
Duchess of Arkham
An invite would be much appreciated
GT NochDguir
also is there a way to donate treasure maps to the guild bank or can they be sold? im sitting on enough of them to clog a fair portion of my bank...
XDuchessofArkhamxX wrote: »My GT is all one word. That might be why you can't find it.I apologize. My autocorrect on my phone might have made it have spaces. It's Duchessofarkham.
BuddyisMelek wrote: »GT: Buddy The 1 Dog
I would like an invite
SoupDejour wrote: »If you got room I'd appreciate the invite.
GT: DB Soup Dejour