QuickCheckGirl wrote: »GT: QuickCheckGirl
I'm looking for a guild to primarily trade with. Do you still have space available?
Ninja_Echo wrote: »GT: FolksyLemon026
I just logged into the game and I didn't see an invite. When you have a chance can you resend one to GT Salty Pug?
ohiofirefightera wrote: »Arsonist343
GT: GawdSB
Invites sent.GermanSniper98 Please send invite
Jollygoodtime wrote: »Would love to join a large guild and help how I can. Level 24 Sorcerer. Newer to ESO but not to MMOs. Laid back and like to run dungeons and do whatever to help other newer members as well. Or just group up and have some laughs.
GT Jellyb4ujam
mtneergirl wrote: »Mtneergirl
SpiritWalker420 wrote: »GT: SpiritWalker420
Powerburrito20 wrote: »wife and I would like to join
GT:powerburrito20 and Ranie Night
Mugen_Vagabond wrote: »I played the original PC beta and initial release. Just got back in on Xbox and looking to become a crafter again, however, I need a strong trading guild that has resources. My gamertag is Older_Avocado. And yes, that's a Deadpool reference.
Invite when you can please
Gamer tag
GT: Big Snuggle
CP30 Templar looking to trade and maybe run some dungeons. Been a mostly solo player but happy to help whenever I can.
bntyhuntrx wrote: »fairly new player, but leveling up crafting fairly quick and looking for a place to sell stuff. Wish they would just make an auction house like Final Fantasy XI...
If you have room, please invite.
Xbox GT and eso name : bntyhuntrx
wolffangfist wrote: »Gamertag is HERDEMISEMYRLSE
BreakXerxer wrote: »GT: BreakXerxer