So in the recent cake week I leveled up a DragonKnight to v16 and have started tanking with him in PUG groups doing normal dungeons (will get to veteran dungeons once I'm more comfortable with him). After a few tanking runs this lead me to the question of how to gauge his success/progression as a tank?
I've played healer/DPS previously and this question seems a lot simpler for those characters:
- DPS -- Get as high of a DPS number as possible.
- Healer -- Make sure everyone lives and get as much DPS as possible.
Of course, this omits the general things that everyone can do like not dying, not running out of resources, general buff/utility etc...
So how can I similarly gauge my success as a tank? There are a few options I can think of:
- How much healing I need?
- How much DPS I can do?
- How effectively I taunt and keep damage away from others?
but none of these seem completely effective. For #1 ideally I would be completely self-sufficient but this takes a large toll on how much DPS/utility I can do and the group does have a healer for a reason. For #2 my role is not for DPS and in tanking gear I can't really do that much DPS anyways (2-5k on bosses typically). For #3 there seems to be a good number of boss fights where mechanics override taunt and the boss does/goes where he wants to anyways.
So I'm curious how other people gauge their success at tanking. Ideally I'd like some sort of metric I can use to say "this fight went well" or "this fight went poorly" in order to get better at tanking.
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