Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Trial Guild Looking for more Members to do Trials during the Week

We have a solid roster of experienced players, most of which are Stormproof, not a requirement but we are looking for experienced players who know their way around a dungeon. We are willing to help players with builds and dungeon/trial mechanics as long as you are willing to learn.

We are active players and looking for more active players.

message me if you would like to join or interested in more information.

GT: iMak0
Imperial Dragonknight Tank - EP
Breton Magic Nightblade - EP
Breton Templar Healer/DPS - EP
Imperial Stamina Nightbalde - EP
Imperial Templar Tank - DC
High Elf Sorcerer - AD
Imperial Stam Sorcere - DC
Dunmer Dragonknight - EP

GT: iMak0
  • AtraisMachina
    Sent you a message on xb1
  • CDH86
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, looking for a guild to run trails with, cleared all the public dungeons (minus WGT and IC Prison) and done a handful of them Vet so far, really enjoying the end game PvE and am super keen to run the trials. I'm struggling however to get a group/find a guild who are happy to run a 'trial noob' through the process though, should be a lot easier now you can form cross alliance groups... Am on most evening during the week/weekend. Send me an in-game invite if you'll have me!
    Still waiting for the Winds of Winter.
    GT: CDH86
    EU DC Sorc vet15
    Looking for a guild to run trials with!
  • kidwgm
    LordDragos wrote: »
    We have a solid roster of experienced players, most of which are Stormproof, not a requirement but we are looking for experienced players who know their way around a dungeon. We are willing to help players with builds and dungeon/trial mechanics as long as you are willing to learn.

    We are active players and looking for more active players.

    message me if you would like to join or interested in more information.

    GT: iMak0

    I will message you. I'm not stormproof...yet. But I am an all gold v16 DK DPS with about 330 CP. I have done all normal dungeons and vet dungeons except WGT and vICP. I have ran a couple trials but looking for a solid guild that has members that run trials frequently. My GT is Kid Whimsical.
    DPS StamDK CP506 X1 NA GT Kid Whimsical
  • Hutch679
    LordDragos wrote: »
    We have a solid roster of experienced players, most of which are Stormproof, not a requirement but we are looking for experienced players who know their way around a dungeon. We are willing to help players with builds and dungeon/trial mechanics as long as you are willing to learn.

    We are active players and looking for more active players.

    message me if you would like to join or interested in more information.

    GT: iMak0

    I'm not finding your GT on Xbox one. Message me


    445 champion point magicka Dk full legendary v16 cleared vICP and vWGT and almost all other vet dungeons. Looking to do some trials
  • kidwgm
    Yeah i can't find your GT as well. Mine is kid whimsical
    DPS StamDK CP506 X1 NA GT Kid Whimsical
  • LordDragos
    my gamertag is the last letter is not a letter its number 0

    its iMak0

    Imperial Dragonknight Tank - EP
    Breton Magic Nightblade - EP
    Breton Templar Healer/DPS - EP
    Imperial Stamina Nightbalde - EP
    Imperial Templar Tank - DC
    High Elf Sorcerer - AD
    Imperial Stam Sorcere - DC
    Dunmer Dragonknight - EP

    GT: iMak0
  • LordDragos
    invites sent
    Imperial Dragonknight Tank - EP
    Breton Magic Nightblade - EP
    Breton Templar Healer/DPS - EP
    Imperial Stamina Nightbalde - EP
    Imperial Templar Tank - DC
    High Elf Sorcerer - AD
    Imperial Stam Sorcere - DC
    Dunmer Dragonknight - EP

    GT: iMak0
  • MidnightBlue
    It's not pulling up your GT at all with the zero. I would like to get at you on Xbox privately if you don't mind.
  • LordDragos
    midnightblue what is your gamertag
    Imperial Dragonknight Tank - EP
    Breton Magic Nightblade - EP
    Breton Templar Healer/DPS - EP
    Imperial Stamina Nightbalde - EP
    Imperial Templar Tank - DC
    High Elf Sorcerer - AD
    Imperial Stam Sorcere - DC
    Dunmer Dragonknight - EP

    GT: iMak0
  • pukymaster
    Soul Shriven
    Are you guys accepting all alliances?
  • LordDragos
    we dont have any alliance requirements currently, 90% of the roster is Ebonheart.
    Imperial Dragonknight Tank - EP
    Breton Magic Nightblade - EP
    Breton Templar Healer/DPS - EP
    Imperial Stamina Nightbalde - EP
    Imperial Templar Tank - DC
    High Elf Sorcerer - AD
    Imperial Stam Sorcere - DC
    Dunmer Dragonknight - EP

    GT: iMak0
  • LordDragos
    We are recruiting for our main guild too now, we have 3 guilds and this trial guild is one of them. if you need a merchant guild too an are active trader see my other discussion, posting.

    Imperial Dragonknight Tank - EP
    Breton Magic Nightblade - EP
    Breton Templar Healer/DPS - EP
    Imperial Stamina Nightbalde - EP
    Imperial Templar Tank - DC
    High Elf Sorcerer - AD
    Imperial Stam Sorcere - DC
    Dunmer Dragonknight - EP

    GT: iMak0
  • LordDragos
    for those of you that are having trouble with my GT as you know eso is difficult some times, just leave yours in the comment and i will message you.
    Imperial Dragonknight Tank - EP
    Breton Magic Nightblade - EP
    Breton Templar Healer/DPS - EP
    Imperial Stamina Nightbalde - EP
    Imperial Templar Tank - DC
    High Elf Sorcerer - AD
    Imperial Stam Sorcere - DC
    Dunmer Dragonknight - EP

    GT: iMak0
  • Dirtydirt
    LordDragos wrote: »
    We have a solid roster of experienced players, most of which are Stormproof, not a requirement but we are looking for experienced players who know their way around a dungeon. We are willing to help players with builds and dungeon/trial mechanics as long as you are willing to learn.

    We are active players and looking for more active players.

    message me if you would like to join or interested in more information.

    GT: iMak0

    Hey guys send message in game at Dirtydirt81 I am a templar healer looking to do all end things love running dungoens
  • o0Velius
    Add me. Vet 16 tank.
    Lady Velius xK
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • Carterboy254
    I'm interested but I'm only AD is this guild EP?
    Gt on Xbox One: OhMyItsSlim www.twitter.com/OhMyItsSlim www.twitch.tv/OhMyItsSlim

    Hello My fellow Gaming brothers && sisters I host gameplay of all kind of games such as ESo, Battlefront, Rainbow 6 siege, 2k, COD, and many more While streaming I offer gameplay hints and tips on anything your heart desire such as combos, money making tips, fast grinds etc. I will answer all questions and absolutely love all my viewers. All I ask is that you come watch me stream from time to time and tell your friends to come watch and follow my Twitch and twitter.

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