Hey folks,
Questions as well as looking for feedback here.
I very rarely play White Gold Tower and so last night this popped as a random and it was on my alt.
<insert fear>
The good news is the group was all cool folks, who were good at their roles. We wiped a few times due to some not knowing fights, etc but all in all we completed the whole dungeon as a pug in 1 hour.
My Question:
-Why are we or were we taking 100k to 80k dmg (we didn't forget to repair)
Obviously the death recap shows what the dmg came from, but we noticed that sometimes on trash, sometimes of elite trash and randomly on bosses
This did not occur until after starting the fight with the three bosses - Micella Carlinus, Otho Numida & Cordius Pontifio
So we kill these three on the third try...Great, and upon dealing with trash and any boss fight after, we began to take 1-shot DPS of a min of 80k- 100k.
Now, our group was a Templar (healer), Dragon Knight, Sorc and DK tank.
We adjusted and kept up DK ign shield, healing staff shields, the Temp kept up their Circles....
Now I'm not an elite and it seemed most of us are casuals but all of us knew our classes and the only wipes were these 1-shots or 1 or 2 due to not knowing a boss fight.
Is that normal for these trash mobs, or the adds in boss fights ?
On the boss - The Planar Inhibitor, the inhibitor pinion (if we missed one pop) would hit me for 140k.
again just seeking feedback or point me to a thread about this cause....I dont recall this when IC dropped.
Edited by NewBlacksmurf on April 8, 2016 7:52PM -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501