Thevampirenight wrote: »Merinda allows her champion to be a vampire lol.
I can see no problem with them adding a necromancer class or necromancy skill line. We need it!
People want to be Necromancers the people have spoken!
Thevampirenight wrote: »Merinda allows her champion to be a vampire lol.
I can see no problem with them adding a necromancer class or necromancy skill line. We need it!
People want to be Necromancers the people have spoken!
They should add necromancer class or necromancy with dark brotherhood dlc.MornaBaine wrote: »We just need an "evil" faction. With their own quests. They can intro it as DLC and it would sell like mad. Sell additional character slots along with it and I'd totally start a fresh character to play a necromancer at last!
MornaBaine wrote: »We just need an "evil" faction. With their own quests. They can intro it as DLC and it would sell like mad. Sell additional character slots along with it and I'd totally start a fresh character to play a necromancer at last!
you can make a zoo build with magicka sorcerer
Vamps can be repentant and basically be good guys. There is no way necromancers can be good guys because necromancy is inherently horrid. If players want to NOT be good guys, then fair enough. Otherwise, petition ZOS to redo the whole storyline.
Vamps can be repentant and basically be good guys. There is no way necromancers can be good guys because necromancy is inherently horrid. If players want to NOT be good guys, then fair enough. Otherwise, petition ZOS to redo the whole storyline.
I remember when this game launched. I even played the beta. The hype was so high. I would get to play an online Elder Scrolls game and be the class I've always been: a Necromancer. So basically I wanted to test myself as a necromancer vs other players. I played necromancer in all games I could (Age of Conan, Guild Wars 1 & 2, Rift Online, etc...). I remember when I heard the bad news: there is not a playable necromancer in ESO. But there might be one in the future. This was 2 years ago when the game launched. 2 years! And the only interesting thing we have is the Thieves Guild. We don't even have the Dark Brotherhood there yet...
So I will ask again... WHEN ZoS? How longer do we have to wait for a playable Necromancer?
I remember ZoS conducted a small survey in facebook about what kind of pet class we'd like to have in ESO. 90% of the people said: Necromancer is the most logical choice.
I bought the game when it launched. I've come and gone between big patches and updates. Will be gone until the Necromancer is really playable.
Thanks for reading.
clayandaudrey_ESO wrote: »Only if you can summon an army of like 20 skeletons. That should fix the lag in Cyrodiil.
Well much of the theme of the story is based upon opposing necromancy, and you are Meridia's champion, and she has absolutely zero tolerance for such. They would have to rewrite a lot of the major quests to allow for necromancy, and there is NO way Meridia would choose a necromancer as her champion. Multiple other quests are also based upon the idea of necromancy being vile (which it is,) so this could only work with a TON of scrapping and rewriting content.
kendellking_chaosb14_ESO wrote: »Even the role players are not into Meridia I'm not a hard core role player but I have a back story for all my guys and a general guide line. But I don't like Meridia my guys fellow Sithis.