Azura's Star EU-PC

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • Erondil
    bronski wrote: »

    i would say whatever helps them sleep at night, but those bananas have no pijamas (unlike @Erondil, that i have been told sleeps in a fluffy batman pijama hugging a baguette :))
    How do you know? :open_mouth:
    EU server, former Zerg Squad and Banana Squad officer
    Dennegor NB AD, AvA 50 Grand Overlord 24/05/2016
    rekt you NB AD, AvA 32
    Erondil Sorc AD, AvA 23
    Denne the Banana Slayer NB EP, AvA 14
    Darth Dennegor lv50 Stamina NB DC, AvA 19
    Youtube Channel
  • prootch
    I truly wonder what experienced players are doing on this campaign...
  • Mauz
    prootch wrote: »
    I truly wonder what experienced players are doing on this campaign...

    Destroying the server performance by spamming any aoe ability available in large groups?

  • Abra
    BIG BOSS pls stop killing campaign. Are you not a pvper? it's not fun during the day to have a dead campaign because you discourage players to come by gatecamping; STOP
  • Kh0ll
    This campaign is kill by a random zerg of pveboy.... nightcapping, zerg vs 3 DC and 3 EP....
    And same like that you kill some AD noob. Just incredible.
    Un mauvais voit un truc qui tp
    Un bon voit un truc qui bouge...bah il tp aussi...
    Mais c'est pas pareil, c'est un bon sorcier

    "Ca Passe Large" DC
    "CPL" EP
  • kuro-dono
    aldmeri randoms without their pve buffs are so much weaker with 3 bar than covenants with 1 bar, ofc, they have plenty good/stronk aoe bombers who are monsters, but most aldmeris are utterly weak, thats why they require all the buffs + morale debuff on everyone else when they dont have anything
  • Abra
    ad faction totally humilated at gate and at rayles full locked and dc 2 bars only- "big" boss died 100 times... probably more in a space of 1hour; sweet vengeance for gate camping lol thx for the ap
  • Dimentiza
    gj yellows for ruining the fun again for everyone. Be proud of yourselves when you go to sleep. Oh wait... you guys don't sleep.
    EU ⋅ PC ⋅ DC
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Dimentiza wrote: »
    gj yellows for ruining the fun again for everyone. Be proud of yourselves when you go to sleep. Oh wait... you guys don't sleep.

    DC and EP too busy to night cap their own campaigns so didn't pvp with AD.
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Banana Squad (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Roleplay Circle)
  • AbraXuSeXile
    I was grinding on Spellbreaker yesterday watching AD take the map from 3-5am, Not sure what their goal was though they took 4/6 of the inner ring then went to brindle not sure what happened after.
    Grand Overlord Rank 50 [First EU]
    Clan Leader of eXile
    Gaming Community - Est. 1999
    Crashing an EP Wedding | DK Emp | 1vX | Between Enemy Lines | Hate Video | 5 v Many

  • Docmandu
    Azura was fun until this mindless night capping started.. I'm sure every alliance has been guilty of it, but it always destroys the action / fun when every evening when you logon, every keep is 1 color and a bored bunch of 20-80 of those players are camping the other 2 faction's gates.

    If you try to even come near a keep to retake it, an insta zerg spawns in there since they're all bored.. so it ends up the same each evening, 20 snipers standing on a wall, afraid to come outside, couple of radiant beamers next to the snipers.. and big boss rushing outside to try and kill 1 person before he gets killed, rinse and repeat 50 times in 1 minute time span.

    Exciting PvP!

    but like I said.. this has happened with all alliances since the start of the game.. which is why I find it a pity that they didn't do anything with the keep claiming and auto levelling of keeps. As it is now, it doesn't matter if a keep is claimed, doesn't cost a dime and will auto level to 5 no matter what.. with guards being more of a pain in the .ss than most players on a non-CP campaign.

    Good start would be to make it so the border keeps won't level to 5 if taken by an enemy alliance.. at least that way the night caps would be more easily reverted during the day.. even if there's an insta spawn zerg 10x the size of your own side.

    but.. anything WW2 touch gets worse.. so maybe it's best they don't do anything!
  • kuro-dono
    Players themself killing good game pvp, unable to monitor and policy themselfs, but thats modern life gamers to you> real life so miserable that you have to be utter *** online
  • RoxyPhoenix
    this is so stupid. I go Trueflame and find the map red and get stomped by hordes of EP, go to Azura and the map is yellow and AD zergs on everything that moves. No matter the faction, is it blue, red or yellow, when a map is one colored there is no fun. I miss old Thorn.
  • kuro-dono
    all of them keep telling themself good stories how they beated the armies and then dominated the map due to their pvp skills instead of pvdoor skills.
  • Erondil
    this is so stupid. I go Trueflame and find the map red and get stomped by hordes of EP, go to Azura and the map is yellow and AD zergs on everything that moves. No matter the faction, is it blue, red or yellow, when a map is one colored there is no fun. I miss old Thorn.

    you mean this one?
    EU server, former Zerg Squad and Banana Squad officer
    Dennegor NB AD, AvA 50 Grand Overlord 24/05/2016
    rekt you NB AD, AvA 32
    Erondil Sorc AD, AvA 23
    Denne the Banana Slayer NB EP, AvA 14
    Darth Dennegor lv50 Stamina NB DC, AvA 19
    Youtube Channel
  • Kh0ll
    I think it's same in another campaign by DC...
    I don' t understand the interest at broken the map.
    Un mauvais voit un truc qui tp
    Un bon voit un truc qui bouge...bah il tp aussi...
    Mais c'est pas pareil, c'est un bon sorcier

    "Ca Passe Large" DC
    "CPL" EP
  • Docmandu
    Just gave TF another go, since AD did their usual night cap in Azura and then all camped the border keeps with 50+.. but damn dat vet PvP.. what an abomination they turned PvP into with TG .. nothing but ultimate dumps and NB soul tether spam.. with a topping of Vicious Death.

    1.5 was meh.. 1.6 was bad.. but seems they were able to better them selves and make something even worse.

    each and every patch it gets worse.. and I don't mean the lag with this.. just how PvP combat plays out.
  • kuro-dono
    Docmandu wrote: »
    Just gave TF another go, since AD did their usual night cap in Azura and then all camped the border keeps with 50+.. but damn dat vet PvP.. what an abomination they turned PvP into with TG .. nothing but ultimate dumps and NB soul tether spam.. with a topping of Vicious Death.

    1.5 was meh.. 1.6 was bad.. but seems they were able to better them selves and make something even worse.

    each and every patch it gets worse.. and I don't mean the lag with this.. just how PvP combat plays out.

    easier than ever to become elite tho!

    make nb, slot all the aoes that the magica build require for max misery, Practice little bit and ohh how godlike you are.
  • Lava_Croft
    Erondil wrote: »

    you mean this one?
    Thornblade was at it's best when both AD and DC had to team up for an entire campaign to beat EP.
  • Cogo
    Funny, I havn't been on since monday. AD been night caping all week?

    They are really easy to stop you know. :)
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Etaniel
    Cogo wrote: »
    Funny, I havn't been on since monday. AD been night caping all week?

    They are really easy to stop you know. :)

    If by easy to stop you mean staying up all night to fight them, no sorry, most people can't do that or simply don't want to
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • bronski
    i think he means they stop easily at nothern and southern morrowind gate where they keep ep until prime time
  • Docmandu
    Was looking at the leaderboards and was wondering if it shows ALL the players for the campaign?! Because when looking at the DC side it listed only:
    - 24 sorcs
    - 24 DKs
    - 32 NBs
    - 20 Templars

    Or maybe it only lists people above 100k AP, but these days if you fart in the wrong direction you get AP.. so wouldn't take that much to get above 100k (campaign did just reset though)

    Or maybe there is only 100 DC players in Azura / EU
    Edited by Docmandu on April 7, 2016 10:15AM
  • Abra
    wts 0g each condoms to all ad faction
  • Kh0ll
    Docmandu wrote: »
    Or maybe there is only 100 DC players in Azura / EU
    I was 7 DC saturday, i can't play on azura this week, i'm now 12 or 15...
    No DC in this map because no fun.
    Un mauvais voit un truc qui tp
    Un bon voit un truc qui bouge...bah il tp aussi...
    Mais c'est pas pareil, c'est un bon sorcier

    "Ca Passe Large" DC
    "CPL" EP
  • Mauz
    Docmandu wrote: »
    Or maybe there is only 100 DC players in Azura / EU

    It just showes top 100.

  • Docmandu
    Mauz wrote: »

    It just showes top 100.

    Nope.. because if I pick AD I get:

    - 45 sorcs
    - 40 dks
    - 49 NB
    - 52 Templar

    And EP:
    - 39 sorcs
    - 36 DK
    - 33 NB (surprising.. so few NBs)
    - 36 Templar

    With population indicator currently:
    3 AD / 2 EP / 1 DC

    EP has 2 keeps
    AD has all the rest and were zerging down DC at Rayles when I just got on.

    Anyway TF is laggy.. but unfortunately the lag is more fun than this :(
    Edited by Docmandu on April 7, 2016 5:04PM
  • Abra
    zos pls delete this map- useless
  • Docmandu
    Abra wrote: »
    zos pls delete this map- useless

    You need to work on your trolling skills, cuz they big time!
  • Cogo
    Miss Iris is a freakin good Emp. Annoying!
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
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