So on one hand, they remove the skirt on the altmer costume, but give us 2 bosmer costumes that make as much sense as Raquel Welch in a leather Victoria Secret outfit in One Million Years BC :
I honestly wish for a costume revealing shapes but one that fits the universe too. I mean, even a "dock prostitute outfit" would be appealing as long as it has sense.
I don't like the Redguard outfits, but they fit the universe. Those bosmer costumes don't.
I wish I could understand their logic...
I actually think it fits the Bosmer, just not for climbing trees.
It is all leather, bones and beads it seems, so no breaking the Green Pact with these. The shapes are not overly complicated (the skirt looks like just a piece of leather rolled around the hips and kept in place by a simple belt), the top reminds me of some elements of Bosmeri medium armor and it looks pretty good for someone that lives in a tropical forest. The colors help, too, since they are not too bright.
Now, if we can ever dye these, I can see the problem, because with the skirt dyed blue and the top dyed whatever bright color they choose, the outfits will look too much like something a girl would wear in our world.
FLuFFyxMuFFiN wrote: »
I see what you did there
Im confused on how it would be a problem if we could dye it. Is it a problem because it will look too much like something that exists in the real world or another problem?
On the other hand I will buy the Altmer costume primarily because I bought the Nord one and I feel like I need to complete the collection.
I'm afraid I didn't do anything there, I was referencing the flavor text for the first costume. Unless that's what you think I did.
It is a problem because it would look like something from our world (jeans skirt plus top) and not like something from TES.
Speaking from personal, real life experience I think it would be possible to climb trees in that outfit.
The skirt is short and close fitting enough that it's unlikely to get in the way or get caught on anything (especially since it's made of leather) and it's a 'wrap around' style - the two sides cross over at the front, meaning (assuming they've not done something stupid like stitch it together where they meet) as you lift your leg up the two sides will slide over each other 'opening up' the skirt and giving a much greater range of movement than the close fit would otherwise imply.
I don't know if that makes any sense, especially to people with no experience trying to move around in a skirt, but basically what I'm getting at is I think you'd be able to get a full range of movement while wearing it. Including getting one leg right up to your chest with the other straight down, or out behind you or pretty much doing the splits. So climbing trees while wearing it would be totally feasible. And it may actually be more comfortable than trousers, especially in a hot, humid jungle.
Of course you'll be flashing your underwear to anyone underneath you, or in front if you lift your leg up. But I don't think that would bother the bosmer as much as some people. The other downside is it won't do much to protect you from scratches, insects etc. but again I doubt that's considered an issue.
FLuFFyxMuFFiN wrote: »
They could climb something other than a tree in that outfit is what I thought you meant. lol
I don't see an issue with dying it to look like a jean skirt and a top because people are free to dye their costumes whatever they want (if and when its added). Like I am free to have all bright pink heavy armor if I choose and nobody an tell me otherwise.
That lion mount looks epic though
You are free to dye your stuff in the way you want, and no one can tell you you CAN'T do that. That's not the point. The point is that what you want do dye your stuff as can look ugly/outlandish. People can't forbid you from doing that anyway, but they are free to dislike it. And a costume like the Bosmer one would be one of the easiest to make it look outlandish through dyes because of the shape of it.
Oh yes! And it looks like it is a permanent addition, too.
NateAssassin wrote: »I never even seen a single person with the Nord Hero costume, doubt that very many bought it.
You are free to dye your stuff in the way you want, and no one can tell you you CAN'T do that. That's not the point. The point is that what you want do dye your stuff as can look ugly/outlandish. People can't forbid you from doing that anyway, but they are free to dislike it. And a costume like the Bosmer one would be one of the easiest to make it look outlandish through dyes because of the shape of it.
Oh yes! And it looks like it is a permanent addition, too.
Thevampirenight wrote: »
I don't care, I want sexy outfits!
Finally something that looks good! and epic for the bosmer!
FLuFFyxMuFFiN wrote: »
Yes so even if you don't like it others will so if ZOS adds costume dyes then all the same dyes available for armor will be available for costumes. How would shape influence color? Are pink circles sexier than pink squares?
Well, I saw a few when they came out, but never again since then. There are collectors though, who might not wear it, but still buy it.
ParaNostram wrote: »
Personally I really liked the little bit of skin showing and that's a woman talking. Then, I know it wouldn't be practical in combat for obvious reasons but meh, I still liked it.
FLuFFyxMuFFiN wrote: »
They could climb something other than a tree in that outfit is what I thought you meant. lol
I don't see an issue with dying it to look like a jean skirt and a top because people are free to dye their costumes whatever they want (if and when its added). Like I am free to have all bright pink heavy armor if I choose and nobody an tell me otherwise.
I see a lot of pink armored people - I guess that is due to that the master angler dye is pink, so they wear it with pride.
FLuFFyxMuFFiN wrote: »
I am one of those people. Mainly with pets and mounts though.
What we wanted:
What we will get:
I don't think I'll be buying it.. No torn pieces of cape.. Leg and boots looks different.. I think it'll be a disappointment, just like the Nord hero armor..
My wife doesn't play ESO, but I asked her opinion on it, and she felt like the Costume was a cheap knock-off from Khajiit-Mart Less belts, different materials and so on.
I agree that it looks good (on these colors), and I'm probably buying both.
I don't know if my Bosmer will wear any of them, though. Not the kind of thing she would wear, she is not really fond of skirts. My Argonian would like these, though. At least until we get Argonian outfits.
I don't think you get it.
It is not about being sexy.
It is about what looks like it is from our world and what looks like it is from theirs.
The shape influences it because it is shaped like something from our world, and something very common and popular too. Something that a blue color would make more recognizable (jeans mini-skirt).
If it was a rugged skirt with asymmetrical edges, like the long skirts of the bosmer light armor, painting it blue wouldn't make it nearly as recognizable as the short skirt.
I have as well most of the mounts, but I like to change the mount accordingly to the landscape and culture I am in, and in the case of horses as well to match my armor color or have a nice contrast to it - I am basically using all of my mounts.
FLuFFyxMuFFiN wrote: »
So just because it looks like something from our world it shouldn't be in the game?
There's a lot of things from our world that are in Tamriel. A blue skirt with a pink top will still fit the game. Dyes fit the lore so why would making a blue skirt with a different colored top not fit?
Please quote me where I said it shouldn't be in the game. I believe all I said is that it is not my cup of tea. As I said, no one can tell you how to dye your stuff, but we other players are free to find it ugly/outlandish.
FLuFFyxMuFFiN wrote: »
I'm referring to being able to dye it. You said you could see the problem with it and last I checked people don't want something to be added if they see an issue with it.
Things are not all black and white.
No, having an issue with it doesn't mean not wanting it to be added. I never said that, and that's a major assumption. There are actually several levels of "liking/disliking", not only "must have" or "get this out of my face right now". There is tolerance. I actually want costume dyes to be added because there are other costumes I want to dye, even if I do not want to dye this one in particular. You will never find me telling ZOS to remove/not add dyes, even if I don't particularly like pink armor - quite the opposite, I was one of the people who kept yelling all over the forum for them to be added back on beta (did you know that the game didn't have dyes originally?), despite knowing people would run around wearing bright colors.
Also, I didn't say *I* had a problem with it, I said I could see the problem, as an answer to another player who complained that the outfits do not fit the universe. I was saying they do fit the universe in their default colors (so I didn't see why they thought it didn't), but I could see the problem (the problem the player had of them not fitting the universe) if it could be dyed to look like something that actually didn't fit the universe. I tolerate this kind of thing just like I tolerate bright pink armor or the Frost Mare.
What we wanted:
What we will get:
I don't think I'll be buying it.. No torn pieces of cape.. Leg and boots looks different.. I think it'll be a disappointment, just like the Nord hero armor..
WalkingLegacy wrote: »
Agreed. Better looking than the nord hero trash but still a bit off of epic from the concept.