So since it was a while since I first posted my build and a lot of people back then liked it I thought it was time to update it a bit since I have changed a few things and gotten more CP(Capped now). So first of, this is a Stamina Based DK Tank build with focus on keeping block up as much as possible and still being able to help out with CC, debuffs and small heals. I play as a Dunmer but that is not for Min-Max in mind, I play Dunmer cause I like them. An Imperial would work a lot better for this build and get it to its full potential. Now this will be what I am currently running but there are things I want to change with it and I will talk about that later. But first to show of what you are here for:

And here are the skills, note that the chains are now called Unrelenting Grip, this thing just isn't updated, but it makes it look good.

So the biggest thing about this build is keeping your stamina up to be able to not only block but keep using your stamina abilities for taunt, debuff and heals. You have multiple ways of doing this. First of its the obvious, the Shards of a Templar, using one of those is gives you 25% Stamina back, which with my stats is 7624 Stamina. Second, you have your Earthen Heart abilities, using Igneous Shield gives you 5% Stamina back or in this case 1524. With the other Earthen Heart passive using any Ultimate also gives you back resources, a 250 ultimate like Warhorn gives you 50% of all 3 resources back, 15249 stamina in this case. Last 3 things are Synergies in general, heavy attacks and of course potions, with the undaunted passive Undaunted Command you get 4% of all resources back, 1219 stamina. A heavy attack with this set up gives you 1238 stamina.
Now as you can see we got a lot of ways to get back stamina, and learning how to manage that is really important for any tank. I know I said this builds focus is to keep block up as much as you can but you can't be to set in your way that you forget to put in heavy attacks and a few light weaves when the opportunity arises. Blocking is only a means to an end and not the end itself. If we take less damage as a tank it will leave the healer more time to help dealing damage, and in my opinion a healer helping doing damage is far more helpful than a tank trying to do it and taking more damage themselves making the healer focus more on keeping you alive.
Now I said I was gonna talk about what I want to change with my build, and its all gear related. As you can see I have 3 pieces of Agility, not really that necessary since I won't be doing that much damage anyway, and it was either that or 3 pieces of Endurance and the stamina regen seemed the lesser option. BUT, what I would want to change it to is 2 Endurance 2 Agility and a Master Sword. Now I know that the Master Sword is only v14 and therefor have less weapon damage but as I have said, dealing a lot of damage is not high on my priority list. Getting more self heals and more Max HP however is pretty high up there, cause again as said if I can be more self sustaining then the healer can focus more on doing damage and he will do a lot more than me.
The next thing I would change when I get it is to flip all my Hist bark for the new Set Lunar Bastion. I tested its 5 pieces on the PTS and I'm loving it, if you work your synergies right you can keep it up through out any fight. And giving out 2.5k Damage shield every 2 seconds is pretty nice in my opinion. And when I get that, the last thing I would do would be to change all my Stamina glyphs to tri-glyphs. It would not change my Hp or Stamina that much as long as I redistribute my Attributes right, but it would however up my max magicka quite a lot. Only reason I am not doing that yet is cause its expensive as hell and I wouldn't want to do it on a set I am hoping to replace.
Now I hope that helped a bit. I know I didn't talk about my choices of skills that much but I would rather just link you to the original page and then if you have any questions feel free to ask them here. I know that this set up is not for everyone cause player style is different for everyone but it works for me, nothing I have not been able to tank with this so far. All HM's in Trials, with exception of vMoL of course, and done all Veteran Dungeons with ease. But again, take this as a starting point and make your own mind up, and test what works for you.