Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

~ Grahtwood Trash ~ Newly formed AD Trials Guild

Hello everybody! (EP and DC included)

Making your way to this post means you are interested in raiding . Our guild consists of a close group of competitive players looking to add other established like-minded players ready for trials.

This is not to say, of course, we are all elitists who only socialize with players who have complete BiS gear and a flawless conqueror title. Some of our players have reached that point, but some are sill finalizing their builds in preparation of MoL in a few weeks. If you're maybe still trying for that divines Kena helm or just decided to finally farm scathing mage set or even a medium mephala helm we will be happy to farm them with you.

As it stands now we only have one dedicated tank. We would love to find one more player to add with such commitment to the profession as the one we have now, but we know how much tanking has fallen off the last few months so we're not holding our breaths.

We're hoping to get new additions over the next week so we have enough time to get to know everyone and how you'll fit with the guild.

We are aware of the of the multi-faction trial grouping in the next patch so if you are from EP or DC you are welcome as well.

If you are interested just leave your gamertag.
Edited by beamy93 on March 5, 2016 2:56AM
  • awilloughby
    Soul Shriven
    Hey im a vr 10 DK tank/DD. Would love to give your guild a try as im just getting back into the game after a few months off. GT is awilloughby87 if youre willing to give me a try
  • beamy93
    Hey, thanks for being the first to reply! Although we do appreciate the interest, our guild is specifically for endgame content and players ready to participate in that content.

    I hope you will find what you're looking for in 'The Wretched Legion'. Amazing community of mostly AD players with some very accommodating officers. Here's their link.

  • quake89
    Hey guys, I have a v16 healer and Sorc DPS looking to get kena head and farming other monster sets .. look forward to hearing from you guys GT is xQuake89x a message / Friend request might be needed as I believe my guild list is full look to sort that out in the next day or so
    PC -EU
  • beamy93
    Anyone still looking for a solid group to run MoL with in a few weeks are welcome in the Grahtwood Trash.

    114k on AA for the weekly. Running for top 100 leaderboard the next couple days.

    Edited by beamy93 on March 9, 2016 6:55AM
  • MidnightBlue
    Wish you guys were EP. I have an AD character, but I prefer to do stuff on my red.
  • AtraisMachina
    Might as well shoot me an inv blondie. Hellhouse disbanded and Im looking for a new trials guild now.My stampler Runs about 92 second on bloodspawn w/o spc, cp, or war horn. Lvling v9 sorc. Etensive pve experience including leader board trial runs. On vacation tell monday. Lmk if you need any more info
    Edited by AtraisMachina on March 18, 2016 2:44PM
  • beamy93
    Might as well shoot me an inv blondie. Hellhouse disbanded and Im looking for a new trials guild now.My stampler Runs about 92 second on bloodspawn w/o spc, cp, or war horn. Lvling v9 sorc. Etensive pve experience including leader board trial runs. On vacation tell monday. Lmk if you need any more info

    We already have one stamplar and are not looking for anymore at this time, thank you.

    Haha yea the reason i messaged you on line the other day was about this glad you found us. Inv sent.
  • AtraisMachina
    beamy93 wrote: »
    Might as well shoot me an inv blondie. Hellhouse disbanded and Im looking for a new trials guild now.My stampler Runs about 92 second on bloodspawn w/o spc, cp, or war horn. Lvling v9 sorc. Etensive pve experience including leader board trial runs. On vacation tell monday. Lmk if you need any more info

    We already have one stamplar and are not looking for anymore at this time, thank you.

    Haha yea the reason i messaged you on line the other day was about this glad you found us. Inv sent.

    Ok sorry little confused you dont need me but you sent me an inv? Want me to get my sorc up I take it or?
  • Oompuh
    I main Stam DK tank. I've tanked all dungeons, vdsa, and AA. I haven't tanked the others but am familiar with the mechanics and can learn quickly.

    In regards to Mol, I've been watching many streams and know the bosses well in regards to tanking.

    My GT is Oompuh.
    Xbox NA - Oompa
    Khajiit DK Tank
    Founder of Major Aegis
    Main Tank of Dissonant Crusade Uprising Savages
  • beamy93
    Oompuh wrote: »
    I main Stam DK tank. I've tanked all dungeons, vdsa, and AA. I haven't tanked the others but am familiar with the mechanics and can learn quickly.

    In regards to Mol, I've been watching many streams and know the bosses well in regards to tanking.

    My GT is Oompuh.

    Woot another tank! Yea we've all been watching the streams too lol. Can't wait to actually get in there after watching it for a month.

    Inv sent.
  • skatterbraynz
    VR 16 templar healer 300+ CP looking to join an end game guild.. I was in a guild running trials but there just weren't enough active members and I'm sick of PUGing to farm dungeons...

    gt skatterbraynz
  • AtraisMachina
    This guys good yoo^
  • RebornV3x
    I'm looking for a new trials guild if you have room and need a DPS Magika Sorc my GT is RebornV3x I'm EP I have 412 CP completed all trials VDSA etc....anyways if you need a more detailed rundown of my stats let me know.
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • beamy93
    Beat normal MoL last night. Practicing norm this week then heading into vet next.
  • AtraisMachina
    Nice man
  • wellendaoud
    Hey, Vet 16 Templar healer. Took a couple months off but recently got back into it. Looking to participate in endgame content.
  • USMCAggie0351
    I'm looking for a group to run the trials and other endgame content with. I have a vet 16 templar dedicated healer, a vet 16 NB and bringing up a currently vet 2 sorc. My GT is the same as my username on here.
  • Carterboy254
    Hey I'm looking for a great trials guild that I can join I have a v16 stam nb and a v16 magicka templer both do great dps. I'm also looking to get them better in any way possible if I could join I won't let the guild down my gt is OHMYITSSLIM
    Gt on Xbox One: OhMyItsSlim www.twitter.com/OhMyItsSlim www.twitch.tv/OhMyItsSlim

    Hello My fellow Gaming brothers && sisters I host gameplay of all kind of games such as ESo, Battlefront, Rainbow 6 siege, 2k, COD, and many more While streaming I offer gameplay hints and tips on anything your heart desire such as combos, money making tips, fast grinds etc. I will answer all questions and absolutely love all my viewers. All I ask is that you come watch me stream from time to time and tell your friends to come watch and follow my Twitch and twitter.

  • ScrabbleCrush
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, did you all disband? My SO (USMCAggie0351) and I were looking for a new trials guild but I see you didn't respond to his message in April. I'm a Vet 16 tank. What we're looking for is a group of mature players, both game-wise and personlity-wise, *but* with the non-elitist attitude you talked about in your original post. GT: ScrabbleCrush.
  • rbedsole
    Hi I'd like to join your guild need some help getting back into the swing of things after over 6 months of not being able to play after a storm messed up my xbox. GT is rbedsole
  • Tida2Yuna
    Would like to join.GT: tatum8aci
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