High Elf vs Breton

So I just wanted to know what you guys think is better, obviously if you're on a Destro/Resto Sorc or Magicka NB etc. the High Elf is the better option but what about Dual Wield/Resto? How does the 3% cost reduction of a Breton hold up to the 9% Regen of a High Elf? Do shields take true damage or does your Spell Resistance Passive on Breton actually help in that aspect? Any input is welcome.
I intend to live forever. So far, so good.

GanVal Zimm - VR16 Stam DK
Accaro - VR16 Magicka Sorc
Agony - Magicka DK
Buuch - Stam Nightblade
  • Xeven
    The answer is always High Elf. Cost reduction has diminishing returns, and regen is boosted further by CP and buffs. Breton is inferior in every way. Shields do not benefit from resistances.

    Edited by Xeven on February 11, 2016 3:50PM
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Xeven wrote: »
    The answer is always High Elf. Cost reduction has diminishing returns, and regen is boosted further by CP and buffs. Breton is inferior in every way. Shields do not benefit from resistances.
    That's an ignorant statement. High Elves do have an advantage in terms of damage output, but only for elemental damage specifically. There are other magic damage types that they gain no benefit from over Bretons. They both have the same extra magicka but the spell resistance of Bretons allows them to reach the cap easier. Basically one has slightly more defense and one has slightly more damage. A skilled player probably wouldn't notice the difference.
  • Xeven
    That's an ignorant statement. High Elves do have an advantage in terms of damage output, but only for elemental damage specifically. There are other magic damage types that they gain no benefit from over Bretons. They both have the same extra magicka but the spell resistance of Bretons allows them to reach the cap easier. Basically one has slightly more defense and one has slightly more damage. A skilled player probably wouldn't notice the difference.

    You are mistaken, and ironically the ignorant one. It's just math. The difference between High Elf and Breton:

    High Elf:
    9% Regen
    4% Elemental Damage

    3% Cost Reduction
    Spell Resistance

    For pure magicka sorc/night blade, High Elf is superior in every way because:

    1) Regen is further boosted by CP and buffs
    2) Cost Reduction has diminishing returns
    3) Wards do not benefit from spell resistance
    4) High Elf does more damage

    Edited by Xeven on February 11, 2016 4:10PM
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Xeven wrote: »

    You are mistaken, and ironically the ignorant one. It's just math. The difference between High Elf and Breton:

    High Elf:
    9% Regen
    4% Elemental Damage

    3% Cost Reduction
    Spell Resistance

    For pure magicka sorc, High Elf is superior in every way.
    Just because you believe it to be true doesn't make it so. It's great that you're happy with your choice but at the end of the day that 4% isn't as big of a deal as you think. Velocious Curse, Crystal Fragments, Magicka Detonation, etc... those are NOT elemental damage and thus High Elves get ABSOLUTELY NO advantage compared to Bretons with them. The 9% regen is nice, but honestly not that important, because as a sorc we have plenty of ways to regain magicka. I purposely run with very little regen because max magicka and spell damage is way more important, and yes that reduction in cost is a lot more useful than you realize. So no they are not "superior in every way", but they do have their own specific advantages.

  • Xeven
    Just because you believe it to be true doesn't make it so. It's great that you're happy with your choice but at the end of the day that 4% isn't as big of a deal as you think. Velocious Curse, Crystal Fragments, Magicka Detonation, etc... those are NOT elemental damage and thus High Elves get ABSOLUTELY NO advantage compared to Bretons with them. The 9% regen is nice, but honestly not that important, because as a sorc we have plenty of ways to regain magicka. I purposely run with very little regen because max magicka and spell damage is way more important, and yes that reduction in cost is a lot more useful than you realize. So no they are not "superior in every way", but they do have their own specific advantages.

    It is a widely accepted fact in the community. I'm not going to sit here and argue with you because clearly you are butthurt that you chose the wrong race, and you bring no facts or math to the discussion.

    The math has already been done. 9% regen absolutley destroys 3% reduction, and spell resistance is almost worthless to classes that use wards as a primary defense.

    Can you make Breton work? Yes. Is it optimal? Absolutely not.

    Edited by Xeven on February 11, 2016 4:14PM
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Xeven wrote: »

    It is a widely accepted fact in the community. I'm not goung to sit here and argue with you because clearly you are butthurt that you chose the wrong race, and you bring no facts or math to the discussion.
    What are you talking about? All you have done is repeat the passives. We all know what the passives are. High Elves only excel over Bretons if you spec specifically for elemental damage. That is a fact. You yourself pointed out the passive 4% Elemental Damage, and I pointed out that not all magic is elemental and then listed several. Then you resorted to insults. I don't mind having a spirited debate, but your argument falls apart when you have to resort to petty name calling.

  • Xeven
    What are you talking about? All you have done is repeat the passives. We all know what the passives are. High Elves only excel over Bretons if you spec specifically for elemental damage. That is a fact. You yourself pointed out the passive 4% Elemental Damage, and I pointed out that not all magic is elemental and then listed several. Then you resorted to insults. I don't mind having a spirited debate, but your argument falls apart when you have to resort to petty name calling.

    9% regen absolutley destroys 3% reduction. I never called you a name, lol.

    Edited by Xeven on February 11, 2016 4:18PM
  • Brrrofski
    For a sorc, or Dk, high elf all day. Extra elemental damage plus sorc have shields so spell resist is useless.

    Temp or NB, I like breton. Especially if you're going vamp on magica NB. Spell resistance will help somewhat.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Xeven wrote: »

    9% regen absolutley destroys 3% reduction. I never called you a name, lol.
    Um, you said...

    "I'm not goung to sit here and argue with you because clearly you are butthurt that you chose the wrong race..."

    If you need that 9% I'm sure it helps a lot. I do just fine without it. The simple fact that I use food over drink should illustrate that point. 9% regen doesn't increase the amount of damage you do. I'm not even arguing with you about the passives, I'm arguing with you over your idiotic blanket statement that they are superior. I pointed out that it's very specific. At this point I can see you are just too emotionally involved in this to have an intelligent conversation.
    Edited by eventide03b14a_ESO on February 11, 2016 4:27PM
  • Brrrofski
    He is right about reduction becoming diminishing and regen growing.

    But I don't think it's a huge difference as soon as you have a few hundred CP, so it's not a deal breaker.

    Mainly comes down to spell resistance vs extra elemental damage.

    Sorcs don't need resistance and so elemental damage
    DKs do elemental damage

    So high elf is logical out of those two. I'd go dumner on a DK though to be honest. Resource isn't too much of an issue, extra fire damage is nice and you're in melee range a lot, so that extra stam is nice for CCs.

    Magica NB would only weave with fire resto staff
    Templar too, and vampire's bane.
    Guess both might use shooting star

    Rest is all magic damage. So a high elf elemental damage isn't a huge deal. The spell resist is pretty nice. Mt temp with Nirnhoned swords has like 27k which is pretty big. So I like breton for those two.
    Edited by Brrrofski on February 11, 2016 4:40PM
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    He is right about reduction becoming diminishing and regen growing.

    But I don't think it's a huge difference as soon as you have a few hundred CP, so it's not a deal breaker.

    Mainly comes down to spell resistance vs extra elemental damage.

    Sorcs don't need resistance and so elemental damage
    DKs do elemental damage

    So high elf is logical.

    Magica NB would only weave with fire resto staff
    Templar too, and vampire's bane.
    Guess both might use shooting star

    Rest is all magic damage. So a high elf elemental damage isn't a huge deal. The spell resist is pretty nice. Mt temp with Nirnhoned swords has like 27k which is pretty big. So I like breton for those two.

    That was my point all along. They both have different flavors and it comes down to preference. The differences at the end are so small that it's pretty negligible.
  • Xeven
    Mainly comes down to spell resistance vs extra elemental damage.

    Regen and elemental damage vs spell resistance.

    9% regen becomes much, much more when CP and major intellect are brought into the picture.

    Edited by Xeven on February 11, 2016 4:35PM
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    In terms of damage altmer is surperior. Even if you only have a single skill in your rotation that does elemental damage, you get a slight damage boost as altmer.

    Deciding weather regen or cost reduction are better isn't that easy. In general you can say, the more you relay on recovery, the better altmer becomes. So in pvp where people often run with 2.5k recovery or more, altmer is the better choice. However in group pve you usually don't care about your recovery at all. In trial situations my recovery only adds about 10 - 15% of my total magicka gain. So in that case breton cost reduction would be better for my sustain.
  • Xeven
    The differences at the end are so small that it's pretty negligible.

    False. High Elf regen and elemental damage are vastly superior. The differences are significant.

    Edited by Xeven on February 11, 2016 4:40PM
  • eliisra
    Xeven wrote: »

    9% regen absolutley destroys 3% reduction.

    That's true. But Bretons are hot...High Elves are not.

    That's a solid argument for going Breton over Altmer :smile:

    Especially since the difference between the actual passives aren't game changing. Both have a magicka bonuses and something that helps with sustain. You're stuck looking at that face for the rest of your ESO life, so pick the one not looking like a bag of trash(or never remove helmet) imo.
  • Xeven
    eliisra wrote: »
    That's true. But Bretons are hot...High Elves are not.

    Bretons are short and fat. High Elves are tall, elegant, and they have pointy ears.

    Edited by Xeven on February 11, 2016 5:49PM
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Xeven wrote: »

    False. High Elf regen and elemental damage are vastly superior. The differences are significant.

  • Morozov
    ok, so reading through all of this all I see is an argument over Breton vs High elf. Comparing apples to apples, in a PVP setting the High elf NUMERICALLY would be superior.


    assume first that the Breton and altmer have no race passives at all. Build them exactly the same way with exactly the same skills and exactly the same amount of CP and you are left with two identical sorcs....only one is called Breton and the other is called altmer

    now that we have got an equal frame to build off of, add the race passives. Considering what people have mentioned before and the affect CP has on those passives, the altmer comes out on top because it has additional regen and additional damage which are better than the resistance

    in a PVP setting those trump the resistance. Compare apples to apples and this whole thread could have been summed up into ...

    "Altmer: cause more damage and regen"
    PC - NA - AZ
    Vr 16: Morozov - DK
    Vr 1: Zephyr Grimm - Sorc
    Vr 5: Sad_Bunnie - Templar
    23: Repressed-Canadian-Rage - NB
    Voted "Most likely to squirrel off the crown" PC-NA
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Morozov wrote: »
    ok, so reading through all of this all I see is an argument over Breton vs High elf. Comparing apples to apples, in a PVP setting the High elf NUMERICALLY would be superior.


    assume first that the Breton and altmer have no race passives at all. Build them exactly the same way with exactly the same skills and exactly the same amount of CP and you are left with two identical sorcs....only one is called Breton and the other is called altmer

    now that we have got an equal frame to build off of, add the race passives. Considering what people have mentioned before and the affect CP has on those passives, the altmer comes out on top because it has additional regen and additional damage which are better than the resistance

    in a PVP setting those trump the resistance. Compare apples to apples and this whole thread could have been summed up into ...

    "Altmer: cause more damage and regen"

    Nobody is disputing that. I would seriously question anyone who can't make a Breton sorc work. The differences are just not astronomical.
  • Zimm
    Thanks for everyone's input, I've played both Altmer and Breton Sorc and really didn't feel any difference, I suppose really the Max Magicka stat is what makes them a hard hitter Magicka wise. I was thinking about rolling a Mag NB or Mag Templar sometime soon and didn't know which way to go. That being said if the Breton's cost reduction seems so gimp in players eyes do you guys think it needs a buff? The 9% regen is pretty nice for open world sustain.
    I intend to live forever. So far, so good.

    GanVal Zimm - VR16 Stam DK
    Accaro - VR16 Magicka Sorc
    Agony - Magicka DK
    Buuch - Stam Nightblade
  • PosternHouse
    No, the differences aren't extreme between the two races. But the High Elf is a mathematically superior choice for any magicka class compared to Breton. Many (most?) sorcs use Force Shock and its morphs as their primary instant casted damage source. High Elves gain 4% bonus damage on each elemental component. Furthermore, magicka regen is not subject to diminishing returns like cost reduction is, thus the magicka regen passive gets more powerful as one gains access to higher levels and more champion points. At best High Elves are dealing more damage and sustaining magicka better. At worst, e.g. on a magicka Nightblade or Sorc that doesn't use many elemental skills, the High Elves are sustaining better.

    Breton is a good choice for any magicka class. But High Elf will always be mathematically superior, even if only marginally.
    Edited by PosternHouse on February 11, 2016 5:52PM
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    No, the differences aren't extreme between the two races. But the High Elf is a mathematically superior choice for any magicka class compared to Breton. Many (most?) sorcs use Force Shock and its morphs as their primary instant casted damage source. High Elves gain 4% bonus damage on each elemental component. Furthermore, magicka regen is not subject to diminishing returns like cost reduction is, thus the magicka regen passive gets more powerful as one gains access to higher levels and more champion points. At best High Elves are dealing more damage and sustaining magicka better. At worst, e.g. on a magicka Nightblade or Sorc that doesn't use many elemental skills, the High Elves are sustaining better.

    Breton is a good choice for any magicka class. But High Elf will always be mathematically superior, even if only marginally.

    What a well thought out answer.
    Edited by eventide03b14a_ESO on February 11, 2016 5:54PM
  • NativeJoe
    Okay masters of numbers... put this all into perspective for the rest of us. @eventide03b14a_ESO, @Morozov , @Xeven ,
    @Morozov , @eliisra

    For a sorc that isn't afraid of pork, but loves to eat the Hork, and is all about the torque.

    I'm a breton and I crit on overload for 36.5k, how much damage am i missing out on?

    I'm High elf and die to a crystal frags in pvp, going from 12k hp down to negative 1.5k health, would being breton have saved me?

    I'm breton and assuming I wanted to take advantage of pure magic based damage, what would be my rotation?

    I'm High elf assuming I wanted to take advantage of pure elemental based damage , what would be my rotation?
    650cp+ Sorcerer 100+ days /played
    Broken'Stick North American Server
  • Xeven
    Lets do some math shall we?

    A Breton and a High Elf are both weaving Crushing Shock once per second at a base cost of 1500 magicka per cast. They both have a base magicka regen of 2000. They are both using potions. They both have 100 CP into Arcanist.

    The Breton saves 45 magicka per cast which is equal to 90 regen when casting as fast as possible, once per second.

    The Breton's effective regen is 2000(Base) * 1.25(Archanist) * 1.2(Major Intellect) +90(Cost Reduction Passive) = 3090

    The Altmer's effective regen is 2000(Base) * 1.25(Archanist) * (1.2(Major Intellect)+0.09(Regen Passive)) = 3225

    A difference of 135 regen in a best case scenario for the Breton. Give them both more cost reduction/regen passives, and the Breton falls further and further behind. (Continuous Attack, Magicka Controller, Magicka Aid, Seducer, Cost Reduction Rings, etc, etc, etc)

    Edited by Xeven on February 11, 2016 6:24PM
  • PosternHouse
    Well a High Elf would deal 4% more lightning damage than a Breton. So the High Elf would deal 37,960 damage on that same overload, which is a difference of 1,460 damage. While that isn't awfully significant, it adds up on longer parses.

    Also, regarding the theoretical death to Crystal Fragments, it depends on the amount of spell resistance either the High Elf or Breton had in the first place. But unless we're talking about impossible numbers, that same crystal fragment would have killed you.
  • MrGigglypants
    Xeven wrote: »

    You are mistaken, and ironically the ignorant one. It's just math. The difference between High Elf and Breton:

    High Elf:
    9% Regen
    4% Elemental Damage

    3% Cost Reduction
    Spell Resistance

    For pure magicka sorc/night blade, High Elf is superior in every way because:

    1) Regen is further boosted by CP and buffs
    2) Cost Reduction has diminishing returns
    3) Wards do not benefit from spell resistance
    4) High Elf does more damage

    As a magicka NB Regen is almost pointless because you can get you're costs so low and you dont benefit from the elemental damage at all..
  • PosternHouse
    More regen = more DPS spam, more heal spam, more shield spam, more cloak spam. The more the merrier I say.
  • NativeJoe
    Well a High Elf would deal 4% more lightning damage than a Breton. So the High Elf would deal 37,960 damage on that same overload, which is a difference of 1,460 damage. While that isn't awfully significant, it adds up on longer parses.

    Also, regarding the theoretical death to Crystal Fragments, it depends on the amount of spell resistance either the High Elf or Breton had in the first place. But unless we're talking about impossible numbers, that same crystal fragment would have killed you.

    okay. well... on a longer parse... pretty much the MAX difference we can establish a base line.

    A last boss in a dungeon on average at v16 is going to last around 2 minutes. u can cast overload once a second, but then every other second is a Global cool down. so averaging out the dps with other skills you may use over the duration (cuz u can't spam overload that long lol) let say the difference for every 2 seconds is about a 1,000 damage. so 500 damage a second difference between breton and high elf.

    So 4% high elf damage amounts to 500 extra dps per second. So if your breton and doing 15k dps. as a high elf you could do 15.5k dps.

    When u look at 4% is seems like a huge deal. but weaving light attacks, positioning yourself correctly, animation cancelling, and keeping ur buffs activated/bribing the templar to keep combat prayer on you are all going to amount to ALOT more dps then simply this racial. but if your already a pro and lining the healers pockets with gold... yes high elf will net you about 60,000k more damage on the average fight over 2 minutes then the breton counter part.
    650cp+ Sorcerer 100+ days /played
    Broken'Stick North American Server
  • NativeJoe
    Xeven wrote: »
    Lets do some math shall we?

    A Breton and a High Elf are both weaving Crushing Shock once per second at a base cost of 1500 magicka per cast. They both have a base magicka regen of 2000. They are both using potions. They both have 100 CP into Arcanist.

    The Breton saves 45 magicka per cast which is equal to 90 regen when casting as fast as possible, once per second.

    The Breton's effective regen is 2000(Base) * 1.25(Archanist) * 1.2(Major Intellect) +90(Cost Reduction Passive) = 3090

    The Altmer's effective regen is 2000(Base) * 1.25(Archanist) * (1.2(Major Intellect)+0.09(Regen Passive)) = 3225

    A difference of 135 regen in a best case scenario for the Breton. Give them both more cost reduction/regen passives, and the Breton falls further and further behind. (Continuous Attack, Magicka Controller, Magicka Aid, Seducer, Cost Reduction Rings, etc, etc, etc)

    yes... ur math is solid. but in what world are you running out of magick? between harness magicka, weaving attacks, popping potions, and the oh crap button of overload (which regens mana and doesn't use it) when are u like. crap guys, sorry out of mana. imma go over here and regen? lol
    650cp+ Sorcerer 100+ days /played
    Broken'Stick North American Server
  • phillyboy7897
    If u are gonna wear heavy armor on your dps magicka temp with all 3 of us go Breton

    Look at 6 mins into this video to see how Breton can tank magic users


    Otherwise High Elf looks better esp any class using dmg shields
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