I personally dont mind it.
Serjustwhy wrote: »
Hi again. Not trying be rude or anything. May I ask why? I am curious on this new change. I curreltly play in Scourge. I love Scourge. I have 297 cp. But I am curious because should I give azura star a chance and set as guest? I understand of no cp. But that kinda stop me. But should I just go in Azura and give it a chance? Will it work with lag to? Thank you and I mean no offence. Just curious player who wants enjoy pvp again instead of getting kicked out. But what should I do?
well i only have 168 CPs, which is why it is not that big of a deal for me. For my Mana DK, the only character I PvP with nowadays; I would lose 15% block cost reductions, I would have 10% less mana regain, 7% less cost reduction, and maybe 5-10% less spell damage. None of these are a game breaker for me.
I want to try it because I am tired of these endless sustain builds. i highly doubt CPs being banned will stop them from occuring, but it will not be as bad as if with CPs, and this no CP campaign will be the closest thing we will have to softcaps, which I wish would return.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »There will be free campaign switches offered with TG.
What about the one-alliance character per campaign?
Joy_Division wrote: »
Believe this has been removed even though not in patch notes.
On this PTS, I was able to home Haderus with all my corss-faction characters. During the IC PTS, I was unable to do this.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »Singular Alliance per Campaign is also removed in the TG update. You can now have multiple characters across all Alliances assigned to a single Campaign.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »Singular Alliance per Campaign is also removed in the TG update. You can now have multiple characters across all Alliances assigned to a single Campaign.
RadioheadSh0t wrote: »The top campaign is going No CP?
That makes no sense.
WalkingLegacy wrote: »
It makes a ton of sense. The Champion Point system aka Paragon System does NOT belong in a competitive online environment. It is an endless grind to keep people grinding and playing their PvE portion of the game.
Keep PvP competitive. Get rid of CPs out of all campaigns ....and the game.
PhatGrimReaper wrote: »
This sort of thinking is exactly the kind of thing that will drive away the more accomplished players. There has been no real PVP content introduced since launch. IC is sort of PVP, but in all reality, it has become a place for people to grind new toons, make gold and for others to gank those doing the former.
There is no progression for hardcore PVPers anymore. They even made it easier to attain the Assault and Support Skill Lines. With the exception of those chasing Grand Overlord ll, there really is no progression.
There is nothing wrong with working hard to gain an edge over the competition. Somehow we have arrived at a place in time when everyone gets instant gratification. We have started handing out participation awards.
We'll all be running around whacking each other with rubber chickens by the end of 2016.
Planetside handled it well enough so that if you swapped empires/factions you were locked out from taking a rival faction to that server. ESO should do that. If you join Trueflame as DC, you shouldn't be able to log out and swap over to AD/EP for X number of minutes.FatKidHatchets wrote: »
Why? So when one side is zerging you can swap characters and join in? That way the game becomes even more lopsided during zergs? Yay!
Some may see it that way, I certainly don't. I'd love to have everyone be on equal footing. I would appreciate cosmetic rewards instead of uncapped or long term character progression, but I'd go as far as to rather not have any of that if it only meant no progression either. Everyone having enough materials to craft what they need and endless potions would be my dream. So different can people be...
spenc_cathb16_ESO wrote: »
Why even have levels or progression at all then? They've already made CP ridiculously easy to catch up on and added a cap.
Let's just start all characters off at max level and all gear should be free?!
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »Singular Alliance per Campaign is also removed in the TG update. You can now have multiple characters across all Alliances assigned to a single Campaign.
Vertical progression may be a good thing for solo PvE content, and I have no problem with it as it's easy to cap it. The person I quoted made an incorrect statement about a group I am part of, so I corrected him. Leave it at that or actually discuss the issue if there is one. It's funny how you seem to think writing in caps will back up your point of view, if you want to discuss this, at least try to bring arguments.
spenc_cathb16_ESO wrote: »
It's about emphasis and tone, not contextual reinforcement. Welcome to the internet?
I'm not going to waste my time trying to reason with people that would rather have everything handed to them in an online MMO rather than work for it.
@PhatGrimReaper nailed it on the head when he said "We've started handing out participation rewards."
What's the point of an MMO if you don't have to work for anything? People that play 30 minutes a day shouldn't be on par with those more dedicated. Of course there should be caps and catch up mechanics, but we already have those in place so what exactly makes one feel so entitled that they shouldn't have to work for anything?
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »Singular Alliance per Campaign is also removed in the TG update. You can now have multiple characters across all Alliances assigned to a single Campaign.
Or what makes someone so entitled to think they should have an edge over the opposition just because they played more? People that play 30 minutes a day are not on par with me, I don't need to have an advantage within the game mechanics on top of that.
spenc_cathb16_ESO wrote: »
They've worked for it, it's not entitlement when you actually need to put in an effort. It's not game mechanics its basic progression every RPG game ever has had it. It's nice to have a sense of accomplishment and goals to strive towards. It's not a game of LAN TDM where the only thing you measure yourself on is a K/D ratio.
FatKidHatchets wrote: »
Why? So when one side is zerging you can swap characters and join in? That way the game becomes even more lopsided during zergs? Yay!
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »Singular Alliance per Campaign is also removed in the TG update. You can now have multiple characters across all Alliances assigned to a single Campaign.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »Singular Alliance per Campaign is also removed in the TG update. You can now have multiple characters across all Alliances assigned to a single Campaign.