Decayed_Inside wrote: »I think a lot of old school DK's on here just want to relive their former unkillable glory days. People in game know how strong the DK is so don't mess up ZOS. And i know Sypher DEFINITELY wants to go back to his 1vX unkillable rampages but it's called balance for a reason.
Therium104 wrote: »Decayed_Inside wrote: »I think a lot of old school DK's on here just want to relive their former unkillable glory days. People in game know how strong the DK is so don't mess up ZOS. And i know Sypher DEFINITELY wants to go back to his 1vX unkillable rampages but it's called balance for a reason.
Lol. Wth are you babbling about. Magic DK is in an extremely poor spot in the game and needs a buff. Yea, Stam DK is good in pvp but USES almost none of its class abilities. To state any form of DK can compete with Sorc and the overpowered ability Overload in pve is biased. Finally, NB are so OP in pvp the class has essentially broken balance.
No one is asking for God mode but it seems NB and Sorcs want to keep it by ridiculous posts of how things are fine..... The devs have no choice but to BUFF DK to have a balanced game.
Decayed_Inside wrote: »....
Therium104 wrote: »Decayed_Inside wrote: »I think a lot of old school DK's on here just want to relive their former unkillable glory days. People in game know how strong the DK is so don't mess up ZOS. And i know Sypher DEFINITELY wants to go back to his 1vX unkillable rampages but it's called balance for a reason.
Lol. Wth are you babbling about. Magic DK is in an extremely poor spot in the game and needs a buff. Yea, Stam DK is good in pvp but USES almost none of its class abilities. To state any form of DK can compete with Sorc and the overpowered ability Overload in pve is biased. Finally, NB are so OP in pvp the class has essentially broken balance.
No one is asking for God mode but it seems NB and Sorcs want to keep it by ridiculous posts of how things are fine..... The devs have no choice but to BUFF DK to have a balanced game.
phillyproduct wrote: »Lightninvash wrote: »phillyproduct wrote: »Well ...
This is over a month old at this point I believe. By now I can hit 32k+.
My build is different from the build Fear Turbo uses and does considerably more damage.
This can compete quite well with Magicka Sorcs / DKs
Yup, but the problem I'm running into is that I can't get the weapons I need to perfect that build.. There's no way I'll get VMA done on my Stam DK on console.. That's why I have to spam WB or Slashes with my DoTs right now, and that's not very effective :S
Heavy Weave Steel Tornado with Igneous Weapons up and heal yourself with vigor.
I clear vMA always without Maelstrom Weapons. They are not good for it.
No I didn't mean VMA is hard because I don't have the Daggers, I meant it's hard as a Stam DK in general. The DK leaderboards for VMA on PS4 are almost empty.. There's 10-12 players on it with scores of 219 or 200 or so.. I think most of these guys are Magicka DKs anyways.. I don't know how hard it is on PC - I've heard key binds make some stuff easier to pull of (like S&B bash cancel)..
This is a lie.
The number one dk. Aproblemor2 is the number one dk on the ps4 server he is in my guild and is a stam dk he has flawless conqueror and only plays stam dk.
He was beating it before the daggers and still uses 2h bow. A few of my guild mates have attempted it on stam dk it's hard but stam vma is hard period
Plz don't spread lies on the forums because you cant complete vma stam no one else can, that's not true
And FYI he was betting it under 300 cps have the screen shot to prove it
Either you don't know how to read, or maybe you're just slow. Please re-read my comment and try to understand it before calling me a liar..
Your guildmate completed VMA as a Stam DK? Great job. Now please point out where I said that Stam DKs cannot complete it at all? It's much easier for Magicka guys to get through, and apparently you think that's okay. Please tell me, is your main a Magicka Sorc?
Magicka builds get through it with relative ease. That is not what you call balance..
Here, let's go through my previous comment sentence by sentence so that it's easier for someone like you to understand:Please tell me how one guy getting through means filling a leaderboard? Or does your leaderboard only consist of one person?"No I didn't mean VMA is hard because I don't have the Daggers, I meant it's hard as a Stam DK in general. The DK leaderboards for VMA on PS4 are almost empty.. "Do you want me to put a screenshot of this? Are you telling me you don't see people with scores of 200 on the DK VMA leaderboard?"There's 10-12 players on it with scores of 219 or 200 or so.."Still holds true. Just because one guy, aka your friend, completed it as a Stam DK doesn't mean all others are Stam DKs too. Keywords in my sentence being "I think" and "most"."I think most of these guys are Magicka DKs anyways.. "
And again, please learn to read before calling someone a liar.
VMA was meant to be hard bud. Spamming wb will not help you through it as per your previous statement about using dots and Wb. gna need more than that to get through something like VMA. Just a suggestion not being snarky or anything
Yes, I understand it's meant to be hard. Please note that I am NOT asking for it to be nerfed in any way.
But my gripe is with two things:
1. Magicka builds get through VMA with relative ease, especially Sorcs, as compared to Stamina builds. All I'm asking for is balance.. And even as Magicka DKs, it's quite hard compared to other Magicka users (and this can be seen when someone looks at the leaderboards)
2. As a Stam DK, all I have for high DPS is WB, Rending Slashes, or Rapid Strikes (given that I use 2H, with DW or Bow). We have no class skills that can be called a high damage Stamina skill.. And yes, before someone points it out yet again, let me state that I use 4-5 DoTs in conjunction with these skills..
I don't spam WB on adds ofcourse - I know when I need to use what skill. Typically I use WB ONLY for single target boss fights, and Steel tornado for AoEs.. This is not only a VMA problem, it's an end-game PvE problem, including vICP or vWGT (as stated in my initial post). Without having very specific gear (Maelstrom Daggers), we cannot match the DPS of other classes, especially Magicka Sorcs..
However I do understand where you're coming from, but like I said, I'm not asking for VMA to be nerfed in any way, I'm just asking for a balance, and a major step towards it would be by buffing up some DK skills/passives (in addition with Stam sorcs, and templars in general). Otherwise, 90% of Tamriel will just reroll to a Magicka Sorc. I know I'm about to if they don't announce anything good in the upcoming patch notes..
One I'm a stam nb that I switch to magic from time to time and a stam sorc
Maelstrom is more forgiving as a magic player but stam can burst threw a lot of mechanics the only magic class that can burst threw some mechanics are sorcs I'm
I don't mean to offend you but you have like 4 post and it just sounds like you were crying or complaining about how bad stam dk is when it's not does it need a buff yes it's not as bad off as stam sorc or stamplar.
Every leaderboard on the ps4 has 300 200 scores except sorc I just checked as I posted this so I don't understand what your point is all that tells me is sorc is performing well or theirs a lot off talented players playing that class
Dks need a buff temp needs a buff and sorc needs a buff I think nb is perfect where it is
Edit~ thiers only 4 DKs with a 300 score all the rest are over 100k
Decayed_Inside wrote: »Flappy wings needs a nerf too. Needs to be two projectiles like the one handed shield skill. That or it needs the bolt escape treatment. Same with talons too OP for permanently pin someone to the ground needs a nerf or bolt escape treatment
Decayed_Inside wrote: »Flappy wings needs a nerf too. Needs to be two projectiles like the one handed shield skill. That or it needs the bolt escape treatment. Same with talons too OP for permanently pin someone to the ground needs a nerf or bolt escape treatment
Wings don't do anything if you don't attack?
Ghost-Shot wrote: »
Wifeaggro13 wrote: »Ghost-Shot wrote: »
They screwed the pooch at design this has been an issue since launch. This gaame is ridiculousall DPS and heals no room for legit tank or stam based burst
Decayed_Inside wrote: »Decayed_Inside wrote: »Flappy wings needs a nerf too. Needs to be two projectiles like the one handed shield skill. That or it needs the bolt escape treatment. Same with talons too OP for permanently pin someone to the ground needs a nerf or bolt escape treatment
Wings don't do anything if you don't attack?
So stand there and die? No thanks. It needs increased cost per use.
YoloWizard wrote: »Therium104 wrote: »Decayed_Inside wrote: »I think a lot of old school DK's on here just want to relive their former unkillable glory days. People in game know how strong the DK is so don't mess up ZOS. And i know Sypher DEFINITELY wants to go back to his 1vX unkillable rampages but it's called balance for a reason.
Lol. Wth are you babbling about. Magic DK is in an extremely poor spot in the game and needs a buff. Yea, Stam DK is good in pvp but USES almost none of its class abilities. To state any form of DK can compete with Sorc and the overpowered ability Overload in pve is biased. Finally, NB are so OP in pvp the class has essentially broken balance.
No one is asking for God mode but it seems NB and Sorcs want to keep it by ridiculous posts of how things are fine..... The devs have no choice but to BUFF DK to have a balanced game.
In case you are talking about PVE
DKs are top damage dealers for PVE atm along side with Sorcerers, DK wins on sustainable DPS and Sorc wins on burst DPS.
Templars however really needs attention on damage dealing aspect, they still can do good DPS but not comparable with end-tier DPS of DKs and Sorcs. NBs are fine in my opinion as they provide strong support to the team while dealing damage although there should be a way to avoid the mindless farming of AP to get proxi detonation as its considered one of the main abilities for magicka NBs.
When it comes to stamina I believe only DK will stand high and compete with magicka builds, NB is strong but I'm not sure thats the case for long fights.
Therium104 wrote: »Lol...... Wings needs a buff. No limit to reflected attacks or unlimited until timer ends.
Therium104 wrote: »YoloWizard wrote: »Therium104 wrote: »Decayed_Inside wrote: »I think a lot of old school DK's on here just want to relive their former unkillable glory days. People in game know how strong the DK is so don't mess up ZOS. And i know Sypher DEFINITELY wants to go back to his 1vX unkillable rampages but it's called balance for a reason.
Lol. Wth are you babbling about. Magic DK is in an extremely poor spot in the game and needs a buff. Yea, Stam DK is good in pvp but USES almost none of its class abilities. To state any form of DK can compete with Sorc and the overpowered ability Overload in pve is biased. Finally, NB are so OP in pvp the class has essentially broken balance.
No one is asking for God mode but it seems NB and Sorcs want to keep it by ridiculous posts of how things are fine..... The devs have no choice but to BUFF DK to have a balanced game.
In case you are talking about PVE
DKs are top damage dealers for PVE atm along side with Sorcerers, DK wins on sustainable DPS and Sorc wins on burst DPS.
Templars however really needs attention on damage dealing aspect, they still can do good DPS but not comparable with end-tier DPS of DKs and Sorcs. NBs are fine in my opinion as they provide strong support to the team while dealing damage although there should be a way to avoid the mindless farming of AP to get proxi detonation as its considered one of the main abilities for magicka NBs.
When it comes to stamina I believe only DK will stand high and compete with magicka builds, NB is strong but I'm not sure thats the case for long fights.
Your data only proves you have a rudimentary understanding of numbers. Use your brain. Magic DK needs buffs.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
Therium104 wrote: »YoloWizard wrote: »Therium104 wrote: »Decayed_Inside wrote: »I think a lot of old school DK's on here just want to relive their former unkillable glory days. People in game know how strong the DK is so don't mess up ZOS. And i know Sypher DEFINITELY wants to go back to his 1vX unkillable rampages but it's called balance for a reason.
Lol. Wth are you babbling about. Magic DK is in an extremely poor spot in the game and needs a buff. Yea, Stam DK is good in pvp but USES almost none of its class abilities. To state any form of DK can compete with Sorc and the overpowered ability Overload in pve is biased. Finally, NB are so OP in pvp the class has essentially broken balance.
No one is asking for God mode but it seems NB and Sorcs want to keep it by ridiculous posts of how things are fine..... The devs have no choice but to BUFF DK to have a balanced game.
In case you are talking about PVE
DKs are top damage dealers for PVE atm along side with Sorcerers, DK wins on sustainable DPS and Sorc wins on burst DPS.
Templars however really needs attention on damage dealing aspect, they still can do good DPS but not comparable with end-tier DPS of DKs and Sorcs. NBs are fine in my opinion as they provide strong support to the team while dealing damage although there should be a way to avoid the mindless farming of AP to get proxi detonation as its considered one of the main abilities for magicka NBs.
When it comes to stamina I believe only DK will stand high and compete with magicka builds, NB is strong but I'm not sure thats the case for long fights.
Your data only proves you have a rudimentary understanding of numbers. Use your brain. Magic DK needs buffs.
magic dks need one buff, a dragon blood overhaul as their heals are not as sufficient as the normal stam counterparts rally+vigor and that is all.
Therium104 wrote: »YoloWizard wrote: »Therium104 wrote: »Decayed_Inside wrote: »I think a lot of old school DK's on here just want to relive their former unkillable glory days. People in game know how strong the DK is so don't mess up ZOS. And i know Sypher DEFINITELY wants to go back to his 1vX unkillable rampages but it's called balance for a reason.
Lol. Wth are you babbling about. Magic DK is in an extremely poor spot in the game and needs a buff. Yea, Stam DK is good in pvp but USES almost none of its class abilities. To state any form of DK can compete with Sorc and the overpowered ability Overload in pve is biased. Finally, NB are so OP in pvp the class has essentially broken balance.
No one is asking for God mode but it seems NB and Sorcs want to keep it by ridiculous posts of how things are fine..... The devs have no choice but to BUFF DK to have a balanced game.
In case you are talking about PVE
DKs are top damage dealers for PVE atm along side with Sorcerers, DK wins on sustainable DPS and Sorc wins on burst DPS.
Templars however really needs attention on damage dealing aspect, they still can do good DPS but not comparable with end-tier DPS of DKs and Sorcs. NBs are fine in my opinion as they provide strong support to the team while dealing damage although there should be a way to avoid the mindless farming of AP to get proxi detonation as its considered one of the main abilities for magicka NBs.
When it comes to stamina I believe only DK will stand high and compete with magicka builds, NB is strong but I'm not sure thats the case for long fights.
Your data only proves you have a rudimentary understanding of numbers. Use your brain. Magic DK needs buffs.
magic dks need one buff, a dragon blood overhaul as their heals are not as sufficient as the normal stam counterparts rally+vigor and that is all.
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »Therium104 wrote: »YoloWizard wrote: »Therium104 wrote: »Decayed_Inside wrote: »I think a lot of old school DK's on here just want to relive their former unkillable glory days. People in game know how strong the DK is so don't mess up ZOS. And i know Sypher DEFINITELY wants to go back to his 1vX unkillable rampages but it's called balance for a reason.
Lol. Wth are you babbling about. Magic DK is in an extremely poor spot in the game and needs a buff. Yea, Stam DK is good in pvp but USES almost none of its class abilities. To state any form of DK can compete with Sorc and the overpowered ability Overload in pve is biased. Finally, NB are so OP in pvp the class has essentially broken balance.
No one is asking for God mode but it seems NB and Sorcs want to keep it by ridiculous posts of how things are fine..... The devs have no choice but to BUFF DK to have a balanced game.
In case you are talking about PVE
DKs are top damage dealers for PVE atm along side with Sorcerers, DK wins on sustainable DPS and Sorc wins on burst DPS.
Templars however really needs attention on damage dealing aspect, they still can do good DPS but not comparable with end-tier DPS of DKs and Sorcs. NBs are fine in my opinion as they provide strong support to the team while dealing damage although there should be a way to avoid the mindless farming of AP to get proxi detonation as its considered one of the main abilities for magicka NBs.
When it comes to stamina I believe only DK will stand high and compete with magicka builds, NB is strong but I'm not sure thats the case for long fights.
Your data only proves you have a rudimentary understanding of numbers. Use your brain. Magic DK needs buffs.
magic dks need one buff, a dragon blood overhaul as their heals are not as sufficient as the normal stam counterparts rally+vigor and that is all.
Yes dragons blood needs over haul but that's far from the only buff DKs need. One change is to molten armaments it's morphs and fire chains need something else for other than being a very very weak gap closer. Wing need to be changed back to either reflect unlimited projectiles or changed to reflect 4 projectiles but have no time limit. Ash cloud and it's morphs need a much bigger AoE than the puny 5 meters it has now if it's a AoE that's meant to slow down enemies than make it actually cover a area.
That's just the start of what needs changed please know that the changes Templars need are much bigger.
Decayed_Inside wrote: »Decayed_Inside wrote: »Flappy wings needs a nerf too. Needs to be two projectiles like the one handed shield skill. That or it needs the bolt escape treatment. Same with talons too OP for permanently pin someone to the ground needs a nerf or bolt escape treatment
Wings don't do anything if you don't attack?
So stand there and die? No thanks. It needs increased cost per use.
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
MaxwellCrystal wrote: »Jules already explained what DKs lack due to all the QQers out there. You guys/girls swear up and down that we're good because we have 2 good passives but refuse to look at our skills and compare them to PvE mobs where your group buffs come into play alongside many other variables.
Compare that damage to PvP and I'd love to have a big laugh with everyone else at you. Most of the times you make comparisons in PvP is against low leveled players who are new or high level players who are new to PvP and don't know how to utilize their abilities at all. Have a magicka dk fight a competent player and it's over.
Same goes to Stam DK if I'm not rocking the meta 1H shield ransack, reverb, and animation cancel bash into it then you'll get worked over unless you've got your own rotation down.
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
MaxwellCrystal wrote: »@Destruent
Not sure where you got that kind of analysis but alright let's go with that.
I'm talking about how people compare their values in PvE and extend that to PvE thinking that magicka DK can provide that much DPS in PvP.
From a magicka stand point DK has good DoT skills which work well with PvE as there's no race to finish (unless it's trials or maelstrom). If you're DPSing magicka DK you have 4 to 5 skills I say that because sea of flames is debate-able as mage light is clearly the better of the two since sea of flames is just a re skinned mage light.
Stam DK wise we have 2 good abilities and 1 decent ultimate while the other "yeah it's ok i guess" ultimate is only 10 seconds long and utterly useless in PvP if you get cc'd. QQers talk about our passives ( 2 good ones) and say "Yeah Stam DK #1 in PvP" and I look at them with a question mark all over my face.
KramUzibra wrote: »Can't wait!! Dragonknights will be back on top!
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO wrote: »Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »Therium104 wrote: »YoloWizard wrote: »Therium104 wrote: »Decayed_Inside wrote: »I think a lot of old school DK's on here just want to relive their former unkillable glory days. People in game know how strong the DK is so don't mess up ZOS. And i know Sypher DEFINITELY wants to go back to his 1vX unkillable rampages but it's called balance for a reason.
Lol. Wth are you babbling about. Magic DK is in an extremely poor spot in the game and needs a buff. Yea, Stam DK is good in pvp but USES almost none of its class abilities. To state any form of DK can compete with Sorc and the overpowered ability Overload in pve is biased. Finally, NB are so OP in pvp the class has essentially broken balance.
No one is asking for God mode but it seems NB and Sorcs want to keep it by ridiculous posts of how things are fine..... The devs have no choice but to BUFF DK to have a balanced game.
In case you are talking about PVE
DKs are top damage dealers for PVE atm along side with Sorcerers, DK wins on sustainable DPS and Sorc wins on burst DPS.
Templars however really needs attention on damage dealing aspect, they still can do good DPS but not comparable with end-tier DPS of DKs and Sorcs. NBs are fine in my opinion as they provide strong support to the team while dealing damage although there should be a way to avoid the mindless farming of AP to get proxi detonation as its considered one of the main abilities for magicka NBs.
When it comes to stamina I believe only DK will stand high and compete with magicka builds, NB is strong but I'm not sure thats the case for long fights.
Your data only proves you have a rudimentary understanding of numbers. Use your brain. Magic DK needs buffs.
magic dks need one buff, a dragon blood overhaul as their heals are not as sufficient as the normal stam counterparts rally+vigor and that is all.
Yes dragons blood needs over haul but that's far from the only buff DKs need. One change is to molten armaments it's morphs and fire chains need something else for other than being a very very weak gap closer. Wing need to be changed back to either reflect unlimited projectiles or changed to reflect 4 projectiles but have no time limit. Ash cloud and it's morphs need a much bigger AoE than the puny 5 meters it has now if it's a AoE that's meant to slow down enemies than make it actually cover a area.
That's just the start of what needs changed please know that the changes Templars need are much bigger.
lol, blocking unlimited projectiles is what made them godmode in the first place. They'd just stand against a giant zerg, spam talons and bat swarm and/or standard while keeping wings up all the time. Nothing could touch them.
Therium104 wrote: »YoloWizard wrote: »Therium104 wrote: »Decayed_Inside wrote: »I think a lot of old school DK's on here just want to relive their former unkillable glory days. People in game know how strong the DK is so don't mess up ZOS. And i know Sypher DEFINITELY wants to go back to his 1vX unkillable rampages but it's called balance for a reason.
Lol. Wth are you babbling about. Magic DK is in an extremely poor spot in the game and needs a buff. Yea, Stam DK is good in pvp but USES almost none of its class abilities. To state any form of DK can compete with Sorc and the overpowered ability Overload in pve is biased. Finally, NB are so OP in pvp the class has essentially broken balance.
No one is asking for God mode but it seems NB and Sorcs want to keep it by ridiculous posts of how things are fine..... The devs have no choice but to BUFF DK to have a balanced game.
In case you are talking about PVE
DKs are top damage dealers for PVE atm along side with Sorcerers, DK wins on sustainable DPS and Sorc wins on burst DPS.
Templars however really needs attention on damage dealing aspect, they still can do good DPS but not comparable with end-tier DPS of DKs and Sorcs. NBs are fine in my opinion as they provide strong support to the team while dealing damage although there should be a way to avoid the mindless farming of AP to get proxi detonation as its considered one of the main abilities for magicka NBs.
When it comes to stamina I believe only DK will stand high and compete with magicka builds, NB is strong but I'm not sure thats the case for long fights.
Your data only proves you have a rudimentary understanding of numbers. Use your brain. Magic DK needs buffs.
magic dks need one buff, a dragon blood overhaul as their heals are not as sufficient as the normal stam counterparts rally+vigor and that is all.
cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO wrote: »Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »Therium104 wrote: »YoloWizard wrote: »Therium104 wrote: »Decayed_Inside wrote: »I think a lot of old school DK's on here just want to relive their former unkillable glory days. People in game know how strong the DK is so don't mess up ZOS. And i know Sypher DEFINITELY wants to go back to his 1vX unkillable rampages but it's called balance for a reason.
Lol. Wth are you babbling about. Magic DK is in an extremely poor spot in the game and needs a buff. Yea, Stam DK is good in pvp but USES almost none of its class abilities. To state any form of DK can compete with Sorc and the overpowered ability Overload in pve is biased. Finally, NB are so OP in pvp the class has essentially broken balance.
No one is asking for God mode but it seems NB and Sorcs want to keep it by ridiculous posts of how things are fine..... The devs have no choice but to BUFF DK to have a balanced game.
In case you are talking about PVE
DKs are top damage dealers for PVE atm along side with Sorcerers, DK wins on sustainable DPS and Sorc wins on burst DPS.
Templars however really needs attention on damage dealing aspect, they still can do good DPS but not comparable with end-tier DPS of DKs and Sorcs. NBs are fine in my opinion as they provide strong support to the team while dealing damage although there should be a way to avoid the mindless farming of AP to get proxi detonation as its considered one of the main abilities for magicka NBs.
When it comes to stamina I believe only DK will stand high and compete with magicka builds, NB is strong but I'm not sure thats the case for long fights.
Your data only proves you have a rudimentary understanding of numbers. Use your brain. Magic DK needs buffs.
magic dks need one buff, a dragon blood overhaul as their heals are not as sufficient as the normal stam counterparts rally+vigor and that is all.
Yes dragons blood needs over haul but that's far from the only buff DKs need. One change is to molten armaments it's morphs and fire chains need something else for other than being a very very weak gap closer. Wing need to be changed back to either reflect unlimited projectiles or changed to reflect 4 projectiles but have no time limit. Ash cloud and it's morphs need a much bigger AoE than the puny 5 meters it has now if it's a AoE that's meant to slow down enemies than make it actually cover a area.
That's just the start of what needs changed please know that the changes Templars need are much bigger.
lol, blocking unlimited projectiles is what made them godmode in the first place. They'd just stand against a giant zerg, spam talons and bat swarm and/or standard while keeping wings up all the time. Nothing could touch them.
cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO wrote: »Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »Therium104 wrote: »YoloWizard wrote: »Therium104 wrote: »Decayed_Inside wrote: »I think a lot of old school DK's on here just want to relive their former unkillable glory days. People in game know how strong the DK is so don't mess up ZOS. And i know Sypher DEFINITELY wants to go back to his 1vX unkillable rampages but it's called balance for a reason.
Lol. Wth are you babbling about. Magic DK is in an extremely poor spot in the game and needs a buff. Yea, Stam DK is good in pvp but USES almost none of its class abilities. To state any form of DK can compete with Sorc and the overpowered ability Overload in pve is biased. Finally, NB are so OP in pvp the class has essentially broken balance.
No one is asking for God mode but it seems NB and Sorcs want to keep it by ridiculous posts of how things are fine..... The devs have no choice but to BUFF DK to have a balanced game.
In case you are talking about PVE
DKs are top damage dealers for PVE atm along side with Sorcerers, DK wins on sustainable DPS and Sorc wins on burst DPS.
Templars however really needs attention on damage dealing aspect, they still can do good DPS but not comparable with end-tier DPS of DKs and Sorcs. NBs are fine in my opinion as they provide strong support to the team while dealing damage although there should be a way to avoid the mindless farming of AP to get proxi detonation as its considered one of the main abilities for magicka NBs.
When it comes to stamina I believe only DK will stand high and compete with magicka builds, NB is strong but I'm not sure thats the case for long fights.
Your data only proves you have a rudimentary understanding of numbers. Use your brain. Magic DK needs buffs.
magic dks need one buff, a dragon blood overhaul as their heals are not as sufficient as the normal stam counterparts rally+vigor and that is all.
Yes dragons blood needs over haul but that's far from the only buff DKs need. One change is to molten armaments it's morphs and fire chains need something else for other than being a very very weak gap closer. Wing need to be changed back to either reflect unlimited projectiles or changed to reflect 4 projectiles but have no time limit. Ash cloud and it's morphs need a much bigger AoE than the puny 5 meters it has now if it's a AoE that's meant to slow down enemies than make it actually cover a area.
That's just the start of what needs changed please know that the changes Templars need are much bigger.
lol, blocking unlimited projectiles is what made them godmode in the first place. They'd just stand against a giant zerg, spam talons and bat swarm and/or standard while keeping wings up all the time. Nothing could touch them.