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Hesitating to buy the Nord Hero Costume? - Check this video!

  • tengri
    Everyone dishing out 20 bucks for one single costume really deserves what he gets.
  • Cernow
    Elloa wrote: »
    We need to face the truth. Cash shop are made so the players can support the game while purchasing for themselves something fancy or usefull. And as long as it's not P2W items or unfair trade, I don't mind it to be expensive. Better to have a costume overpriced than a DLC.

    This is true. I feel that the DLC has been pretty fairly priced for the most part and this trend looks to continue with the upcoming Thieves Guild. It does seems a bit strange that a single costume costs as much as all the content you get in a DLC, especially when you consider the disparity of development effort needed to create each. But if people buy it and it helps subsidise future DLC then I'm not going to complain.

    Personally I don't think these costumes are anything special anyway, particularly since you can't even dye them. So all those players spending their money to be unique and premium, actually aren't being unique at all because they can't even customise the costume with dye. Funny really. But if it makes people feel all warm and fuzzy to run around in some expensive pixels that look exactly the same as the next players expensive pixels, it's their choice.
  • Refuse2GrowUp
    Yes, the costume is cool looking. But it costs the same amount as the Thieves Guild DLC will. And you wonder why we don't get more content each DLC??!! It is because some players will pay as much for a costume as an entire DLC. Seems the business plan is to drag the shelf life of the game out just long enough to get rich from micro transactions, which are quick and easy to code, whereas the DLCs offer just enough to keep you 'happy' and playing to be able to buy more costumes and pets.
    PS4 NA Server

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    EP Loyalist
  • Faulgor
    I fully understand why the price is so high.
    The issue is simply that they give out too many crowns for subscribing. If they don't introduce "crown drains" to the store, nobody will buy new crowns or extend their subscription because they have more crowns from subscribing than there are worthwhile things to purchase. Which means they will produce for nothing.
    Apparently, right now, there are still too many crowns floating around, and they want to get them off the market before introducing a new batch of Crown Store items with the Thieves Guild DLC.

    That said, while I like the costume, I don't have a character I would use it with right now, especially with all the new styles coming up soon. I did have a Nord character, but I had to delete him for something else.

    Yeah. I'd first need to buy more character slots =(
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Islyn
    I literally HATE to say it: but I think that costume is HORRIBLE. So bad. Clipping everywhere, looks badly done - Bad.

    I WAS gonna buy the High Elf one when it came out but based on this, I think it'll make my characters look terrible.

    (Do check out the Nedic armor costume pack though, I quite like it!)
  • Gedalya
    Am I the only one excited about this costume? Yeah it's a little pricey but I'm looking forward to using it with my Nord/EP characters.
    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

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  • Elloa
    Xantaria wrote: »
    Do you work for Zenimax?
    I really hope ZOS is paying you well for posting this.......

    Yes of course! That's why I work in a shop the day and struggle to pay my rent. Because I've a super cool secret job at Zenimax.

    I make those videos because they are fun to make, get me some very needed views, and are useful for the community as they can preview the limited item before to take a decision.

    munkt0r wrote: »
    The hilarity of cosmetic DLC marketing strategy kills me.

    No offense to anyone that does buy some of this stuff, your money, spend it how you will. I just find it funny. I really do.
    As for the video its pretty cool as promotional material. Wish you didnt avoid shots from the back which show how awkward/chubby the belt makes most characters look.

    This was not done intently. I tried to show off the costume as well as possible while keeping the video a nice clip. Even getting it on my Khajiit so you would see what it looks like on a beast race. Next time I'll be more careful about that.
  • Robbmrp
    The armor looks pretty good but not 2000 Crown good. I just watched one of the Cinematic trailers to get a better idea of how it compares to the original and I'd say it's about 60% as good. IMO Costumes should never sell for the same cost as a DLC.

    ZOS needs to rethink the costume sales for sure. Would they rather sell 5000 at 2k(10,000,000 Crowns) Crowns or 50,000 at 750(37,500,000) Crowns..... At lower prices for costumes, they would have a much better return on their investment as more people will spend 750 crowns without a second thought where as 2000 takes a lot of consideration.
    NA Server - Kildair
  • Khaos_Bane
    I am not a fan of the outfit. Not sure why some of you need to give Elloa a hard time for posting the video.
    Edited by Khaos_Bane on January 29, 2016 3:21PM
  • UrQuan
    Khaos_Bane wrote: »
    Not sure why some of you need to give Elloa a hard time for posting the video.
    Yeah, no kidding. It's not like she's saying "everyone go out and buy the costume because it's awesome". She's showing you what the costume looks like in a whole bunch of different scenarios (without any commentary about what she does/doesn't like about it) so that people who are on the fence about whether to buy it can get a better idea of what it really looks like in-game. All she's doing is giving you a much better preview than you get with the Crown Store's built-in preview option. I'd be willing to bet that this video convinced some people who were on the fence that they should buy the costume, and that it convinced some other people who were on the fence that they shouldn't buy the costume.
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
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    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
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    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    Khaos_Bane wrote: »
    I am not a fan of the outfit. Not sure why some of you need to give Elloa a hard time for posting the video.

    I think people are just annoyed with some aspects of the costume like clipping issues or ZoS pricing policy (costumes the same price as DLCs? wtf?) and it spills over to comments about the video. Its not fair but thats how it is when people get emotional.

    Edited by khele23eb17_ESO on January 29, 2016 5:26PM
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • Jayne_Doe
    I agree with previous posts about the reasonable price of costumes so far. I had pretty much assumed this one was going to be 2,000 Crowns, based on the 1,000 Crown costumes that have already hit the store. I was HOPING for 1,500, since it's limited, but figured it would be 2,000. And...queue all the threads about the price.

    Yes, this is the same price as the TG DLC, but this and all the other limited items, and really any of the store vanity items, are designed to make them money. They cannot charge 5,000 or more for game content DLC, as few would buy it. They want people to purchase the gameplay DLCs and want them to feel like it's a worthwhile investment.

    All the vanity items are designed for one purpose - to generate revenue. They are fluff items - totally unnecessary for gameplay and you don't need any of them. So, don't buy them and save your Crowns for game DLC, and get over it. This pricing model isn't going to change, and it really gets old seeing those same price complaint threads over and over again.

    Sorry, back on topic as to the video. Nicely done! I still don't like the way it looks on female characters, though, and the only male character I have is a Dunmer of modest stature.
  • Eiagra
    Nice video, but I'm also giving this costume a pass. You'd think big armor would look good on a big orcish male character (what I generally play) but it somehow just ends up looking clunky without looking proportionate. Of course, there is that whole "Buy now, or never see it again" thing that crown store exclusives end up doing -- much to the detriment of people who hop in a year later -- but I think I can resist the temptation this round.
          In verity.
  • Elloa
    Thank you for your support and compliments guys! I really appreciate! <3
  • Lysette
    BreacaT wrote: »
    I think it's perfectly priced.

    Hopefully, that will help make it a little bit more unique in the world, and so it should be. I think there should be more premium items like this.

    After purchasing a new pet/outfit or whatever, the last thing I really want to see is every other player sporting the same pet/outfit. IRL not everybody likes the same things or can afford the same things, so why should this be any different, and then there are those haters who just hate for the sake of it or because their 'pockets aren't so deep'.

    Ultimately, it doesn't suit my templar character, but I might get it for a future alt using the ESO plus crowns I've accumulated.

    Oh, and nice video.

    It is basically like with the brocade robe as well. It is slightly higher priced and so I do not see it that often, what makes it kind of unique to me. To support this even more, just 1 of my characters is wearing it - if every of my characters would wear it, it would devalue it - at least I feel that way. So a higher price is supporting this effect of uniqueness.

    That said, I do not think that this hero armor is that much different from standard nord armor, so to me it would not have this effect and so I won't buy it - to me it looks just like a standard armor, nothing special with it. If ZOS wants to sell their costumes, they should put a bit more effort into it, a higher price does not make it a "better" costume - at least I feel that way.
  • WalkingLegacy
    Thanks for showing me what not to waste my 10k crowns on.

  • Artjuh90
    Elloa wrote: »
    Cazzy wrote: »
    I love your videos, Elloa. I just can't justify the price.

    It's something cosmetic, useless, but quite cool and rare. The occasion for Zenimax to make some money. I'm fine with that.

    I'm suscriber, I almost never purchase crowns. But I save them for special stuff so I can make videos about it. I think it's okay to charge a lot for those costume. Beside, Blizzard would charge the same prise if not more. Tera Online would be cheaper, but you could only keep the costume for one month.
    We need to face the truth. Cash shop are made so the players can support the game while purchasing for themselves something fancy or usefull. And as long as it's not P2W items or unfair trade, I don't mind it to be expensive. Better to have a costume overpriced than a DLC.

    you just use it to broadcast it on your youtube page and get money that way. such hypocrit
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Artjuh90 wrote: »
    you just use it to broadcast it on your youtube page and get money that way. such hypocrit

    What do you know about that ? Many youtubers don't make any money out of it.
    And even if they do, that's no reason for them to not have and express an opinion on the cash shop items and business model.

    At least Elloa doesn't act like many wannabe game/combat designers on YouTube, always criticizing ZOS for anything and everything.

    It's not enough to play the know-it-all badass to "prove" that you're independant from Zenimax. Many people like this game without being paid to say so, mind you.


    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on January 30, 2016 1:32PM
  • JD2013
    So, someone who wants to show off the costume in a video to show people what it looks like, and who enjoys the game must work for Zenimax?

    Gj, community.
    Sweetrolls for all!

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    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • Elloa
    Artjuh90 wrote: »
    you just use it to broadcast it on your youtube page and get money that way. such hypocrit

    Such Hypocrit? hahahahaha To be hypocrit, you need to lie or hide some truth, which I don't. I'm quoting myself.
    I make those videos because they are fun to make, get me some very needed views, and are useful for the community as they can preview the limited item before to take a decision.
    I've no shame to admit that I hope poeple come to my channel, watch my videos and enjoy them. And IF I could do that, and earn enough money to support my family, that would be the dream! But that's not at all the case. You think that I profit from my videos? That it take me like 10 min of work, hop done, uploaded, hourrah I earn 100€ Hahahah! That would be Sweeeeeeeet if it was the case.

    This is amazing how people can be negative sometimes!

  • Artjuh90
    Elloa wrote: »
    Artjuh90 wrote: »
    you just use it to broadcast it on your youtube page and get money that way. such hypocrit

    Such Hypocrit? hahahahaha To be hypocrit, you need to lie or hide some truth, which I don't. I'm quoting myself.
    I make those videos because they are fun to make, get me some very needed views, and are useful for the community as they can preview the limited item before to take a decision.
    I've no shame to admit that I hope poeple come to my channel, watch my videos and enjoy them. And IF I could do that, and earn enough money to support my family, that would be the dream! But that's not at all the case. You think that I profit from my videos? That it take me like 10 min of work, hop done, uploaded, hourrah I earn 100€ Hahahah! That would be Sweeeeeeeet if it was the case.

    This is amazing how people can be negative sometimes!

    so you make money of something they over price and say price is right. ye sure i'm the one that is wrong /sarcasm
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Artjuh90 wrote: »
    so you make money of something they over price and say price is right. ye sure i'm the one that is wrong /sarcasm

    Yes you're wrong, actually.
    First, because they're no such thing as "overpriced". Either you're willing to buy at the price, or you are not. This isn't about the price, but about your position about it.
    Second, because making money out of something doesn't prevent you to criticize it, positively or negatively.
    If we followed your reasoning, every single magazine or newspaper is hypocritical because it actually makes money out of the things or events they write about.


  • Lettigall
    Helmet have "beard window." It doesn't look epic on non bearded characters and it costs too much!
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • Gyudan
    This costume looks amazing, I'll gladly pay 20$ for it.


  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Turelus wrote: »
    Elloa wrote: »
    Cazzy wrote: »
    I love your videos, Elloa. I just can't justify the price.

    It's something cosmetic, useless, but quite cool and rare. The occasion for Zenimax to make some money. I'm fine with that.

    I'm suscriber, I almost never purchase crowns. But I save them for special stuff so I can make videos about it. I think it's okay to charge a lot for those costume. Beside, Blizzard would charge the same prise if not more. Tera Online would be cheaper, but you could only keep the costume for one month.
    We need to face the truth. Cash shop are made so the players can support the game while purchasing for themselves something fancy or usefull. And as long as it's not P2W items or unfair trade, I don't mind it to be expensive. Better to have a costume overpriced than a DLC.

    As someone who is playing SWTOR right now I can support these costumes and prices on ESO. At least we know what we're getting for the money spent rather than RNG boxes where you might if you're lucky get something good.

    As Elloa said, end of the day they need to make money for the game to survive and even with the complaints received every time a new item is released (we literally get threads with every new item) people buy them. The only way ZOS will ever change their price scheme is if something bombs out fully and doesn't sell.

    I dont think its fair to say that something could be far worse so people should just accept something that is still rather unacceptable. Yes the item is a limited time offer and a very special item. And the LTO attached to it will certainly guarantee that it remains special. But that doesnt change the fact the pricing is questionable. Its going to be the same price as the DLC we're getting next month.

    Fact is the whole store seems to be a mess of different prices that are all over the place and dont really seem to have any logical thought put into them.

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  • Rosveen
    Insulting Elloa is just rude. She's a wonderfully positive person and doesn't deserve this, so knock it off. If you don't like the costume, take it out on ZOS, not on your fellow players.
  • Cathexis
    I'm not a nord I'm an orc. Personally I love the costume - now I'll know when I've killed a nord.
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  • UrQuan
    Artjuh90 wrote: »
    Elloa wrote: »
    Artjuh90 wrote: »
    you just use it to broadcast it on your youtube page and get money that way. such hypocrit

    Such Hypocrit? hahahahaha To be hypocrit, you need to lie or hide some truth, which I don't. I'm quoting myself.
    I make those videos because they are fun to make, get me some very needed views, and are useful for the community as they can preview the limited item before to take a decision.
    I've no shame to admit that I hope poeple come to my channel, watch my videos and enjoy them. And IF I could do that, and earn enough money to support my family, that would be the dream! But that's not at all the case. You think that I profit from my videos? That it take me like 10 min of work, hop done, uploaded, hourrah I earn 100€ Hahahah! That would be Sweeeeeeeet if it was the case.

    This is amazing how people can be negative sometimes!

    so you make money of something they over price and say price is right. ye sure i'm the one that is wrong /sarcasm
    Literally everyone who reads through this thread can see that you're wrong. And that you're an ***.
    Edited by UrQuan on January 30, 2016 10:32PM
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • JamieAubrey
    Only reason I am not buying it as I am AD from the heart
  • Speely
    I am in full support of ZOS bringing in money via cosmetics. It's the best approach to avoid a pay-to-win outcome. But HOLY HELL the options SUCK. I would pay lots of money in a cosmetic shop that was plentiful and diverse, but buying a whole costume that everyone else is going to be wearing? Nope. They need to do a proper cosmetic shop and let players mix and match rather than just slap on a costume and call it a day. FFS lots of worse MMORPGs already do this. Appearance options in ESO suck (and I love the game.)

    This Nord Hero abomination is barf-worthy. How bout letting players customize rather than charging money to paste on a skin?
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