Joy_Division wrote: »Apparently it's not enough that every other veteran dungeon is a cakewalk. All group instance content has to be easy enough for any 4 people in the game to just randomly group together and clear with no difficulty.
Just went in with a pug group...
Only reason we passed the first boss after ten minutes bashing on him is because my heals kept group alive...our dps sucked hard...
So bad, the first mobs group after the first boss, we kept wiping because dps was so bad, they could not even kill the flesh mob before going enraged and 130k hitting everyone....
This dungeon is mainly about having an awesome healer who can also dps and awesome damage dealers...
Otherwise there is no point even starting the dungeon...crap dps = impossible to complete.
If you go that way, vet DC or vet CoA or vet CoH are trials as well...
hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »
That fight is an AoE fight...if you are not pulling 20K + in an AoE fight I don't even know what to say...just spamming elemental Ring with 2+ mobs should yield 20k and if you are stam then it's even easier since you have steel tornado...
Edit: it can be a single target fight, but for that to happen you have to have some amazing DPS...
You don't need really good dps, its enough if you manage to kill one attro before he enrages. At the first boss, adds spawn based on boss health, so just don't damage the boss, when you are getting to many adds.CrowsDescend wrote: »
Damn.true though, needs good DPS for it to even seem like a clear in that place, and of course the heals make everything much better there...
Not only ICP, most vet dungeons take longer than trials.
Technically I believe good teams clear all current trials much faster than ICPI suppose in ESO terms the difference is simply the number of people?
CrowsDescend wrote: »
I love challenging content, even if I never manage to complete it myself, but when it's included in the daily pledge quest rotation, it's kinda.... meh, imo. Especially if you join PUGs each day to get your pledges done. Oh well!
Ibomez is NOT an AoE fight, if you're AoEing you may want to reconsider your strategy. I know 2 ways of doing this:
- Everyone single target boss, healer and tank included. When boss gets his shield, take the time to take out the first flesh atro (again, single target; there might be a second atro you can take down, depending how long you took to DPS the boss). After boss shield is down, NUKE HIM as hard as you can. Single target. Tank keeps taunt on boss and atros, everyone else ignore atros - you have 90 seconds to bring the boss down.
- If group DPS isn't high enough, tank and one DD stay on boss. Healer and other DD each take one side of the room and throw bombs on the zombies. If you're doing this right, there is never more than one atro with the boss, so the DD can single target the atro and get back to the boss. You can AoE the boss and the single atro, but in my experience this is slower than single targeting them.
CrowsDescend wrote: »
- Has a similar amount of 'clear' time to a raid/trial.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »You need stam dps for the prison really. Using the sorc and overload method you only get one shot at it. If you waste all the ulti you're screwed. 3 stam dps and 1 healer just spamming steel tornado and WB just owns the prison. Flipped for WGT you need magika dps. Stam players always struggle with the tower. Lol at hitting 20k dps with elemental ring. Bit far fetched. 15 at a push if you're lucky.
Taemethius wrote: »People still kill trash mobs? My guild usually just runs from boss to boss skipping almost all of the trash. It honestly saves a ton of time. A few vet dung are done in under 15 mins.
In ICP you can skip a lot of trash without dying. They will reset once you reach certain points. And as far as I know, not all pieces can drop from trash, so if you need one that only drops from bosses or are just doing it for the gold key, it makes sense to skip.
WTF? When IC released we usually went in with magicka DPS bc of their shields and higher ST-DPS (and magicka-NBs add great survivability for the group). We also did vICP yesterday with Magicka-DK-tank, 2 Magicka-DK-DPS and 1 templar-heal, the same with NB-tank, NB-DPS and Sorc-DPS. If you can only hit 20k AoE it's not bc of elemental ring. I usually hit between 40k...100k AoE-DPS yesterday on Magicka-DK. (elemental ring crits for ~12k...dunno how to reach only 15k...)
On the other hand, we also did vWGT with 2 stam-DPS, works aswell. Just simple l2p-problem, isn't it?
WTF? you are just suiciding and then run while resurrecting? why do you waste soulgems. The time it takes to resurrect you can easily kill those mobs. Especially in wgt and icp, you usually want those setitems...they also drop from mobs, not only bosses. So why do you want to skip them?
CrowsDescend wrote: »
- Has a similar amount of 'clear' time to a raid/trial.
Taemethius wrote: »People still kill trash mobs? My guild usually just runs from boss to boss skipping almost all of the trash. It honestly saves a ton of time. A few vet dung are done in under 15 mins.
Joy_Division wrote: »Apparently it's not enough that every other veteran dungeon is a cakewalk. All group instance content has to be easy enough for any 4 people in the game to just randomly group together and clear with no difficulty.
I cleared all raids together in about 22 minutes. Prison takes longer than all raids summed up. :')
riverdragon72 wrote: »never got past the booger throwing contest, and don't care if I ever step foot in there again.